Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1731 Sword Wushuang Want

After knowing the intention of the sword, these strong men in the hated island becomes a quirky.

"I hate the island, I don't know? I don't know if I am old, what is going on?" The main point of the next hated island is cold, and the old people have seen the cloud.

Although he is an island owner, some trivial things in the hated island are handed over to this cloud, and he doesn't know.

"Island owner, it does have this thing, but I have been investigated before, the woman is just a common maid of the star, and she killed me a few disciples from Hate Island, so I am Take her and have been negotiated with the Stars. "Direct from the clouds.

He received the news before, and the star will have a strong person to come over, but he didn't think of it. The star is coming, it is actually the sword.

"The woman is the maid of my hand, and it is my favorite maid." The sword is unparalleled.

Hearing this, many strong people who hated the island, including that the clouds are large.

A common maid of the stars, they can't care, but if it is a sword unparalleled maid? Still the favorite maid ... The matter can be big.

"The sword is unparalleled." The main station of Herd Island will come to the island: "Admiral, I will never know the woman with admiral, otherwise, I will pick us two courage, and I will not pick up our two courage. Dare to be hard. "

"Yeah, when we first slammed the woman, she only said that she is a maid of the stars, but she did not pass the relationship with adults."

This matter, they are indeed unaware.

"Nothing." The sword is unparalleled, but it is struggling to bring her. "

"Not going it out." The old is the same as the cloud.

"Yes." Going away from the cloud.

"The sword is unparalleled, this thing ..." What happened to the island owner.

"Wait for her, let's talk again." The sword is unparalleled.

See this, it is not good to say that the owner of the hated island is just waiting quietly.

In the haired island, there is a palace, this palace is a law enforcement of Haicing Island.

However, if you have made mistakes in Hate Island, or a disciple or strong in the whole, you will be delivered to this law enforcement hall.

The inner layer of the law enforcement hall, in the room.

There is a ban on a ban on the center of this secret room, and a hot a beautiful woman is sitting in a dish.

This beautiful woman is a sword unparalleled maid, autumn month.

At this moment, the face of this autumn is a little pale, and the breath is quite weak. It is a bit miserable.

Before this ban, a seat, a seat, a young man wearing a luxurious robe, such as crown jade, is sitting there, looking at the autumn month in the ban, but With a trace of taste.

"Hey, I didn't expect the waste in my hand, there is a good sister, not only is handsome, talent is still not weak, but unfortunately, you are still alive, if you are strength, maybe I can really revenge for your brother. "

The autumn is cold, staring at this young man, and it is also a hint of hard.

Like a little, she can kill the people in front of him, revenge for her brother.

"Why, is it very uncomfortable?" This young man is smile, "It is useless again, because you will not have a chance."

"Although you are a star of the star, it is just an ordinary maid, the status is too low, and the star will not care about your life. I will send a news from the island to the stars, and give them Under the steps, even if you have killed you, you will not say more about it. "

"So ... you are dead, and will kill you personally, you will watch my heart with the knife, but you don't have any hitting."

The sound of the young man is constantly sounding in this secret room.

You can hear this, but the autumn month of the ban is cold and cold, and it is disdainful.

Don't look at her is now being smashed by Hate Island, but she knows that the hated island will never dare to kill her.

The reason is nothing, because her son is a sword!

There is this identity, and the star will not be ignored to her.

"Why, I am now in this situation. Do you think that you can live a life?" The young man ridiculed the Queen Moon.

But at this time ... The door of the secret room suddenly opened, and then in some disciples, the red robe old people came in from the clouds.

"Old away from the cloud, how come you?"

The young man immediately got up, showing smile, and just is completely two gestures.

And the young man in front of it, but the cloud is not angry, and a fierce hand.


The crisp slap sounded, and the young man immediately spurted a blood, and the body was also smashed.

"Mixed kid!"

I have a low sentence, but I am too lazy to look at the young man again, but I've went straight to the ban.

The original anger moment is unfair, revealing the mild smile from the clouds, "Miss Qiuyue, let me go."

"Where to go?" Qiuyue opened.

"Go to the main hall, the sword is unparalleled to wait for you." Leaves the cloud.

"Mon?" The Qiu Moon figure immediately shocked, "Gong him, actually personally come?"

Soon from the clouds, it will be disabled, and they will go to the temple in Qiuyue. At the same time, he also looked at the young man hiding in the corner of the wall, "Tao, you follow, this matter You start, now you have made a big disaster, don't think that it is okay to be a slap. "

"I, I ..." The young man didn't say anything, and I was taken up by two from Hat island, together with the big temple.

On the hall, the sword is unparalleled with the Herd Island, sitting on the top, looking at the autumn moon and the water in the autumn.


In the first time of Qiuyue, there is no double rouse, but the mood is quite complicated.

She did not ask for help from the sword. It was because she didn't want to bother to the sword. After all, she was just a humble maid, and it was just a blind man, which can be said to be a small thing, there is a star It can be easily solved when it comes.

In the autumn month, I didn't expect that the sword was arrived.

"Well?" The sword didn't look at the autumn moon. "He didn't see the injury in the autumn, but saw the breath of the Qiuyue.

The breath, Hedge has reached the realist level.

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