"Breakthrough?" The sword didn't pick it up.

Before the autumn month, it was to break through the true God, and now it broke through.

In fact, fortunately, I have already broken the true god. If I hate island, if the autumn is just the level of the world, it is really a maid, and I have already killed it.

"There is a medicinal medicine here, you swallow first, then sit down." The sword is unparalleled, and a Dan is handed over.

This Dan medicine is extraordinary, but it is the treatment of gods.

After picking up the Dan medicine in the autumn month, I immediately swallowed, and then I went to the side, and I immediately gave her position immediately.

"The Lord of Haicing Island, I am a woman, how many disciples have been killed, how many disciples?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Looking forward to the cloud." The Lord of Herd Island saw the cloud.

"Island owner, I have six disciples, I am dead in this lady, but die is just a general disciple, and it is just the world."

"Dry six people." The sword didn't have a double look, and he went out a Qiankun ring. "It is not a strict, this is a lot of treasures in this Qiankun, and it is sinned to the hated island."

"You dare to make you pay for you." The main one is afraid that the Qiankun Ring did not dare to accept.

"Call you to accept it, you will accept it." The sword is unparalleled.

"Yes." The Lord of Haicing Island respectfully headed the head, and he also stiled the Qiankun.

However, don't wait for them ...

"My sword is unparalleled, I have always been a code, my woman killed the people who hated the island, the sustained sin of the sin, now I have already lost the crime, next, should tell me this maid and you The hatred between the disciples of Haicing Island. "The sword became indifferent.

The hearts of the hated island in the scene are a sudden.

They will know that swords are unparalleled, and they will actively give them a loss of sin. Sure enough.

This is not, the sword is unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, this picture is here, even though he took him away."

There are no hesitants who are in the surrounding island.

At this point, I will drop out the disciples directly, which is indeed, but this world doesn't matter if it is absolute.

There is no pair of swords, don't say just take the disciple of a world, even if you kill one or two real gods, they will never say more.

"You don't have to take it directly. It is just a battle between the men. I am not a Lingxiao Temple." The sword is unparalleled, "this, since they have two hatred, then Let them die in each of you. "

"Life and death war?" The strong people of Haicao is a glimpse.

"Life and death, will be life and death, as for those who are dead, look at their respective strength, although the autumn is my maid, but if he died in the hands of the island, I have no words, turn around. Just leave. "The sword is unparalleled.

"I understand, then I will do it in accordance with adults." Like the main laughing is nodded.

But below, the squatting, but it is very shocked, and it shouts: "No, no, the island owner, can't let me die with her!"

"I am contest, and she can break through the true God, unfair, this battle is unfair!"

The drinting is desperate, but everyone is universe, and it is full of mercy to his eyes.


Yes, this battle, it is indeed unfair, but what is it?

In this world, what is absolutely fair, everything is talked by strength.

What's more, the sword is unparalleled enough, giving him a chance, if it is replaced with others, I have killed him in a slap in the palm of the palm.

Life and death, so soon.

This battle, ending is unfavorable to the hated island, so the seniors of Hazy Island have never accepted, and there is no more disciples to see.

The last result is naturally no suspense.

The injury in the autumn is already a lot under the Dan medicine that the sword is unparalleled. The strength can play a 70%, and that the water is just an ordinary three heavens, naturally being killed easily.

After things completely solve ...

"The sword is unparalleled, I have already prepared a banquet. Can adults drink a cup?" The Lord of Haicing Island is still very respectful.

"Water Banquet?" The sword was unbrick.

In the face of many strong people from Hate Island, he killed the disciple of hated island. Many strong people who hated it were not only angry, but they were very polite to him, and even gave him ready. The banquet is obviously planning to burn him.

"Strength." The sword was unparalleled.

He is very clear, all this is because of his strength.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is not intended to refuse, and it is suddenly ...

"The sword is unparalleled, immediately rush back, there is an accident!" The urgent message of the Yuan Dynasty came.

The sword is unparalleled.

"The island owner's kindness, it is, but I still have something to stay."

The sword is unparalleled, and then there is no excessive entanglement with the strong people of Haicing Island, with the autumn moon to leave.

There is no nonsense along the way, all the way gallop, very fast swords and no doubles return to the stars.

After returning the autumn month, the sword is unparalleled, and immediately came to the Dongfu of the Yuan Temple. He saw the main hall, and the Lord of the Demonsta was also there.

"Yuan Temple, the Lord of the Temple, what happened?" The sword was unparalleled.

He saw the message from Yuan Dynasty to see that the stars will inevitably have a big event.

"The sword is unparalleled, this is the information in this, you first take a look." The main hall is the unparalleled unparalleled.

After the sword is unparalleled, it is simple to browse, but the eyes are fierce.

This is a message as a rescue message.

From the news, it is that it has been swaying in the sixth nest ... Lei Dynasty!

Lei Dynasty, when he personally attacked the sword and did not have a double, and when the sword was not weak, it also gave a lot of people in the sword.

And now ... Lei Dynasty is saved!

"Lei Dynasty him, caught in the Vatican Sea?" The sword was shocked.

For the eight big nest, he has certain understanding, everything is a particular danger to pay attention to where you need to pay attention, he knows.

In the middle of the villagers, the seventh nest, he all learned.

As for the sixth nest, he also knows a lot.

The sixth nest, even if it is a very false possibility of the true god list, there are several very dangerous places, and it is almost killed, almost killing, almost a powerful person, There is a great risk.

In these parts, the biggest name is the most famous, that is, the Vatican Sea.

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