Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1733 Fish hooked hooked

The Vatican Sea, that is, it is the ban on God.

Even in the large energy, the general gods don't dare to easily come in, and it is said that the deepest deeper of the Vatican Sea, even God can kill.

"How can I be in the sixth nest in the sixth nest, I don't know if the Vatican Sea is not known. How can he go to the Vatican Sea?" The sword didn't have a double frown.

"If it is normal, the Lei Dynasty is certainly impossible to break into the Vatican Sea, but the kennel is being chased, helplessness is in the main road."

"Is it chased?" The sword has no double-finish change, "Who?"

"Years old, a strong strength, and unparalleled gods." The Demonstall of the Hall: "At hundreds of thousands of years ago, this old man was in front of my star, At that time, I was taking hands with the main two of Nie Yun Temple, and I died in my two hands. "

"After that battle, this old guy has a slap induction, no longer appears, did not expect it to appear now, it is in the sixth nest, and just encounters the Lei Dynasty, if the non-thunder is desperately With the blood of the dragon, he is afraid that there is no chance to escape to the Vatican Sea. "

There is no double eyeliner.

This old man is never heard of him, but now Lei Dynasty is under his persecution, escaping into the Vatican Sea, this is likely.

After all, there are also some powerful gods. I will go to the sixth nest to spread, that year old is only one of them, and it is exactly with stars.

"The Vatican Sea, the dangerous abnormality, with the strength of the Lei Dynasty, there is almost no possibility of being able to returne, but fortunately, the time and space of the Vatican Sea is not yet. The outside world is completely isolated, he can also help, my star is also coming to save him. "The main road of Yuan Temple.

The sword is unparalleled and sigh.

It is also good to kill it directly by the old man, although it is caught in the Vatican Sea, but at least there is a line of life.

"Lei Dynasty is a strong power of my star, I have passed Herch work for my star, since there is a line of life, my star will save the death, but unfortunately, the owner has been closed, ready for these years. What, can not come out, Nie Yun Temple is now in the depths of the fifth nest, and it will not come out in a short time, so you can only come out. "The main road of Yuan Dynasty.

"Give it to us." The main point of the palace.

"Lei Chao has a lot of care for me. Now he is difficult, I will have to go all out to save him." The sword is unparalleled.

"Go, remember to be careful." Yuan Temple said.

The sword is unparalleled with the monuments of the monuments, and then the two will start immediately.

The two did not have any delays. After entering the sixth nest, they also greeked them all the way, with the shortest time, came to the Vatican Sea.

"Is this a Vatican Sea?" The sword was unparalleled to look at the mysterious sea that was completely covered in front of the black fog.

Although I have never entered the sea area, I looked at the outside world. The sword rose a heart palpitations.

"Let's go, let us go in."

The sword is unparalleled, and when it is in this sea area even if it is in the same way.

When the range of the sea area, the sword is unbentered immediately induced a strong column erosion force to pass, which erosion is from the black fog that is filled in the air.

"This erosion force, so strong!" The sword was unparalleled to show up.

He can feel the strong horizontal of this erosion force. Under this erosion force, the general chaotic real god is afraid that it will not die for it.

Although it is the top chaotic true God, it is estimated that it is not supported too long.

Although the Lei Dynasty is a strong list, it is more than 20, but it is always staying in this Vatican. It is estimated to die.

"The sword is unparalleled, you are just true God, can you resist this erosion force?" The Lord of the Demonstall asked.

"Within a thousand years, there will be no problem, but if it is a long time, it is hard to say." The sword has no double.

"That will hurry." The Lord of the Temple said.

The two immediately pamped up, while the sword was unparalleled, the sword was also coming out.

"Lei Dynasty, I have arrived at the Vatican Sea with the Lord of the Demonsta, how are you?" Swordless.

"The sword is unparalleled, sorry, I can't catch back when you take over the temple, and now you have to save me here." Lei took a smell.

"Don't say this, I ask you how now? In which direction, how long can you support?" The sword was unparalleled.

"I was chased by the old marriage, helplessly fled into the Vatican Sea, but the old man was also chasing it. I can only flee, this crazy escapes, I don't know what I am now Where is it, I only know, my place is a very vast triangular islands. "Lei Dao.

"Huge triangle island?" The sword has no double eyes, look at the loneliness of the temple, "I can know the existence of the triangular islands?"

"I don't know." The Lord of the Temple, "The Vatican Sea, the unusual, and there are few people in the entire Shengfa, and the topography here is also very strange. It is estimated that no one knows the triangular islands. where."

"Trouble." The sword is unbolded.

This is the most troublesome.

He and the Lord of the Ideore Temple know that Lei Dynasty is trapped in the Vatician sea, and also knows that it is within a triangular island, but full of Vatican Sea, who knows where the triangle island is unclear.

They don't have anything you can induce each other. I want to find the Lei Dynasty, I can only stand altitude.

"This Vatican environment is strange, although Lei Dynasty does not say much, I estimate that he doesn't have to support him, we must find him in the shortest time, so ... I am a temple, we will take action?" Sword Musical proposal? " Tao.

"Separate?" The opposite of the Demonstone, but still nodded. "Indeed, two people are separated, finding his chance, there is a lot of money, but the danger will be bigger, the sword is unparalleled, you must Be careful."

"You are also." The sword was unparalphed.

Then the two were scattered directly in the Vatican Divan, although they were separated, but they had been communicating with each other.

At the same time, in the sword unparalleled and the longevity Temple, the sea of ​​the Vatican Sea, in the inner sea of ​​the Vatican Sea, the figure of the blood and robes revealed a pair of strange gray eyes.

"Hey, fish ... hook!"


PS: Today is 5 more!

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