Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1750 Narrow

The sword is unparalleled, just stopped, and immediately "wow", a big mouth is full of blood.

He before, forced to show the second printing of Kyushu Yin, too large, the body is damaged, and then encounter the coldness of the ancient dragon, the five organs, and the body is hit.

And just, I was hosted by a star man. Although this throwing was in order to save him, let him get away from the battlefield, the power that can be contained is too amazing. In the process, his injury is again intensified.

It is now quite miserable now.

The sword is unparalleled, and the pain comes from the body, look around.

After seeing the surrounding environment, his eyes are fierce.

"Here ... is the Vatican Overseas?" The sword is unparalleled.

Task, he has lost the triangular islands that have disappeared before, although it is not the inner sea of ​​the Vatican Sea, but in the outside sea, it is relatively deep. If you are a sword, yourself, from the triangular island to the Vatican overseas, At least one or two years.

But now, just throw!

For a moment, he will directly put him from the battlefield and throw it overseas!

What strength is this?

What is the means?

"A star."

The sword is unparalleled deeply remembers this name.

He knows that this time you can escape, relying on this one-star predecessors.

Otherwise, he has been swallowed by the ancient dragon.

"I don't know, what is the identity of this predecessor, looks like him, seems to be related to Qixing Xuanzong, and the person who is handed over with him ... Perhaps the host of seven-star Xuanzong." Sword is unmainted, " No matter what to say, this person loves, my sword is unrequited. "

A star is saved him, and even gave him a chance.

The palm of his exhibition has been deeply printed in the sword unparalleled mind. The palm is unparalleled to the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, and it can be suddenly ... far away, the three streams are galloping.

"Well?" The sword had no double brow, and when he saw the three people, he was a cold man.

The three people, there are two swords and unparalleled things.

Thousands of gods, cold spring real gods, the strong people of these two Lingxiao Temple, I could have collided with him in the eighth chamber.

The sword is unparalleled, but the shoulders of these two strong people are stepped on.

Now, in this Vatican overseas, both parties have encountered again.

"It's really a narrow." The sword is not a double eyeliner.

The three people also stopped, and the swords were unparalleled in the void, and the Qiqi Shenjun, the true gods of the cold spring was a shock.

"The sword is unparalleled!" The thousands of gods were holding hands.

"It's he !!" "The God of Hanquan is showing the color of the fear.

At the beginning of the eighth nest, the sword is unparalleled, but the Qianli Shen Jun will then suppress the Fengquan real God, so that the Lingxiaobao Temple has paid a lot of money.

The thousands of gods have no pairs of swords. It is full of anger, and the cold spring is true.

The same is true God, and the cold spring is really a strong force in the real god list, but in front of the sword, it still does not start the courage of the throat.

"I just took the streamer from the Vatican in the sea, is it what he is ingencued?" The Qianli Shenjun muttered.

"Thousands of gods, we hurry up." Huangquan real god took a sight.

Thousands of gods nodded slightly, he didn't have a pair with swords, and he still had a big loss. If there is no reason, he naturally does not intend to fight with the sword.

It can be taken when he is going to leave.

"Wait." The eagle, who has never opened next to him, booked him two.

"Thousands of gods, cold spring real God, you did not find this sword unparalleled breath, it seems very weak?" Ying Yunzhen God.

"The breath is weak?" Thousands of gods and cold spring were also carefully seen in the sword.

At this point, the two eyes are all condensed.

Indeed, the sword at this moment is unparalleled, and the atmosphere is weak, but also weak to the extreme.

They even feel that there is something that the sword is unparalleled is likely to be annihilated at any time.

"What happened?" Thousands of gods frowned, "He just came out from the Vatican Sea, it was difficult to meet the crisis in the Van Diva, which was seriously injured?"

"It is very likely." Ying Yunzhen nodded: "When he just came out from the Vatican Sea, it can not rely on himself, but a state of being a state of yourself, it seems to be thrown by life. Out of the general, I can't affirm what I have encountered in the demon of the Vatican. It will definitely fall sharply.

"Thousands of gods, this for letting us, but there is a chance of chance."

I heard this, the nun of the gods also became cold.

The sword is unparalleled with the Lingxiao Temple, and there is a hatred, and the enemy is very deep!

The sword has a lot of losses, and even the jokes of the Holy League, even more than a joke, such a hatred, the Lingxiao Temple is of course not willing to pick up, just because the sword is unparalleled, it is very strong, and The star is a backing, and it is not easy to kill him.

But now ... here is in the sixth nest, and there is no one can come to rescue, and the sword is unparalleled.

This opportunity is indeed a tribute.

"Such a good opportunity, not to be missed." The thousands of gods have both hands and shines, "Hanquan, Ying Yun, you will return to the distance first, don't let the sword are unparalleled to find the opportunity to put you two people Living."

"Yes." The trendy of the cold spring and the eagle cloud.

With the lessons of the last cold spring, this time they have to work, their two real gods naturally retreat far away.

When these two big gods retired, the Qianli Shenjun was slowly moved to the sword.

"The sword is unparalleled.

"It turned out to be the Qianjun of the Lingxiao Temple. You have last time I haven't seen it for a long time." The sword has no double smile, but it is a cloud of light, "how, last time The injury is so fast? "

"Hey!" Qianli Shenjun couldn't help but he.

The last time he went to be injured by the sword, and the sword was unparalleled, which was a shame.

"Last time, the old man does not check it. Since it is seen again today, the old man is going to give the venue back." The thousands of gods are magnificent, the palm is turned, and the red red stick appears in his hand, strong horizontal The breath is also spread on the body of Qianli Shenjun.

"Do you want to do it?" The sword didn't smile, and he waved in his hands.

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