Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1751 is endless

call out! call out!

Two bright golden lights stayed next to swords and unparalleled, and Her Kong is a Hongyin Jinjian. The two sorts of Hong Yinjun is exhausted with endless cold, as if they will take out.

"I want to fight with me, I have to prepare for death in advance." The sword is unparalleled.

And I saw the two sorts of Hong Kong Sword, but the corner of the thousandth of the gods was twitching.

At the beginning of the eighth chambers, the sword is unparalleled, it is suppressed by the Hong Yin Jinjian, but now, it is a hand ...

"This sword is unparalleled, don't I be injured?" The Nika Shenjun also hesitated, and he suddenly became a fierce, "No, if he is not injured, he will never talk to me, and I will definitely drive the two hands directly. The sword will kill me! "

"He didn't do it directly, and took out the two sorts of gold swords. He was in the bluff, scared me?"

After the Qianli God wants to understand, he suddenly emerged.

He was almost a little frightened by the sword.

"Kid, death!"

The thousands of gods sent a roar, and the red red sticks in his hands were in his hands.

There was a numerous red waves in the void, and these red waves were rolled out, and they were condensed in an instant to form a huge, and there were dozens of crude red sticks.

The red stick shadow is vast, and the sword is directly in the sword.

"Worse!" The sword is not double-colored.

The Qianyu guess is right, he is indeed in a bluff, the purpose is just to let the former are difficult.

As for the real hand ... he is too serious, and a strength is afraid that it can't play a Chengdu, and the power is almost exhausted.

In such a state, even if the top chaotic, it can make a threat to him, let alone this Qianli God.

Seeing the red stick, the shadow is rushing, the sword is unparalleled, and it is exhausted to drive a Hong Kong Golden Sword.

This Hong Kong King Jian also broke out the good power, and the lightning shockped with the stick.


A loud noise, Hong Yu Jinjian broke out with faster speed, and the sword was unbengered, and the three blood was also spurted. The this is a weak breath. At this moment, it is even more woap. Extreme.

"Haha, sword is unparalleled, you are really in the bluff!"

Thousands of gods, I saw this, it is laughter, and I have also swayed.

"Damn!" The sword didn't have a double tightly.

He just in the demon of the demon, he has encountered the four killing tricks in Huangquan Palace, even with the bloody god of the emperor, and later encountered the ancient dragon's attack, so it's hard to escape, but he did not expect him. Now I have encountered the power of the Lingxiao Temple!

This Qianli Shenjun, but it is an ordinary god. If it is a full day, the sword is unparalleled can easily kill him, but now ... Tiger is Pingyang was deceived!

"The murder of Huangquan Palace, including the ancient dragon, I can't kill me, how can I die in the hands of a Lingxiao Temple in the district." The sword is unparalleled, and the pain in the body is once again drained.

"The sword is unparalleled, you don't be stubborn, this Qianli Shenjun is gave to me, you quickly escape!" A thick voice suddenly sounded in the sword, and the skin on the sword didn't be crazy.

"Dai Wang?" The sword is unparalleled, "This Qi Shen Jun is a gods, can you pay alone?"

"My current strength, although I am not the opponent of the Qianli Shen, but I barely tangled him for a while, I can escape how far, I can escape, so I, you, you can rest assured, Wanfei The strong vitality is far from your imagination, there is a god of the district, but you can't kill me! "

The voice falls, the sword has a dense numbers in the sword, and the huge body of Kings is also again above this void.

! ! !

Numerous Touch is like a stream, and the lightning is like the thousands of gods, and the goddess is blocked.

"What is this?" The Qianli Shenjun exposed the color of the horror, but it was an anger.

"Give the old man!"


A big rang, the red stick shadow moment suddenly burst hundreds of tentacles, as well as some of the power of the King of the King, the king also sent a sprout, but there is more next moment. The tentacle crazy hit out.

"King, please!" The sword was unparalleled deeply, and he looked at the king.

"Ling Xiaobao Hall, this account today, my sword is unparalleled!"

"If you don't pull your Lingxiao Temple, I'm going to write in the name of the sword!"

"Give me waiting !!!"

The cold voice echoed in the world, and the sword was unparalleled, and his residual power had rumored his residual power, rapidly fled.

Seeing the sword is unparalleled, the Qianli Shenjun includes the cold spring behind him, and the eagle is really chasing, but it is blocked by the king.

"Submission, where the worm, since you are looking for death, the old man is all you!"

Thousands of gods kill, the red long sticks in the hand also greatly improved, and a road stick shadow was crazy.

After the king passed through the transformation, the ability to smash the ability, and it is a good month. It can also make a threat to the general energy, but after the Van Dynasty, the king is also injured, and now the strength has never returned to the peak. And alone with this Qianli Shenjun, of course, also fall into absolute lower air.

But it is huge, and the vitality is more powerful. After hard work and the thousandth of the gods are entangled, they will start to escape.

Thousands of gods also chased for a long time, but in the end, let the king escape.

The sixth nest, dark void, thousands of gods, Huang Quan real God, Ying Yun really gathered together, the three faces are quite ugly.

"Thousands of chances of chances, they have missed it !!" "Qianli Shenjun is holding his hands, and it is not sweet.

"It's strange to the beast. If it is not it blocks it, the sword is unparalleled will be undoubted." The cold spring is so cold.

"Just that the beast is very terrible." The eagle is really low.

It is very terrible.

And this is terrible not only to kill, the most important thing is the terrorist vitality and recovery.

The thousands of gods are pressed, giving the worm beasts to hurt, and they can't kill the beast, and finally I only glanced at him to escape.

"That a worm, just a strong vitality, but nothing, the key ... is the sword is unparalleled !!!" "Thousands of gods smashed the eyes.

"This time, we will shoot him when he is seriously injured. If he kills him, he will stop, but he is not dead, then I am in the Taoist Hall, after the end of life !!"

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