It is still in the dark voids of the Vatican Sea, the crazy escaping sword is finally paused on a dark ground.

"You can't continue to escape." The sword is unparalleled around. "Here is the relationship between the Vatican Sea, it is very difficult to see the star demon, but if I continue to flee in front, I will hit it."

Star Devils ... The star magic of the sixth nest, which except for the very few four-pointed fellows in those crisis, almost constant of the swords.

However, it is also in the sword without a double full day, and there is no double for the current sword, a bloody triangle star is enough.

He now does not dare to move more in the sixth nest, and quickly restore its own state is the key.

"The injury is too heavy, the strength falls into the bottom of the valley, I want to recover at all in a short period of time, and this sixth nest is not a place to restore strength." The sword is unmainted, but the thunder is to give a giving The main news of Yuan Dynasty.

"The sword is unparalleled, the palace owner has arrived in the sixth nest, I will tell him your location, how long will he reach you, and the Demonstaus is also from the Vatican Temple." Yuan Temple Quick communication.

"The palace master is coming?" The sword was unparalleled.

According to his knowledge, the Lord of Star, but it has been closed, and this closed door seems to be very important, so even if the sword is unparalleled, the star has never came out.

but now……

"The palace owner has already passed, and after you have been assassinated in the Vatican Sea, he immediately rushed." The main road of Yuan Dynasty.

"Is this?" The sword is unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, you are waiting for a while." Yuan Temple.

"Well." The sword nodded without a double point, and then he sat down this plate.

One turned back, there was a piece of medicinal herbs in his hand. These medicinal herbs were quite precious. Even god will also pay attention, but the sword is unparalleled to eat these medicinal herbs, and they swallow more than ten pieces. .

Subsequently, he heard this side and waited.

However, how long, a dark red figure is unparalleled in the sword.

This dark red figure is a king, he is connected to the sword without having a two, each other can induce each other.

After arriving, the King immediately drilled into the sword unparalleled body.

"Kings, you are fine?" The sword did not ask.

"I have been injured, I take a period of time to fix, but there is no serious problem." Kings said.

Wen said, the sword is not easy to take.

Time passed, the sword is unparalleled in this quiet waiting for ten days, and the star of the Star Palace is here.

Seeing Xingchen Palace owner and the longevity of the temple, the sword has always been a heart, it is finally put down.

"The sword is unparalleled, your injury ..." The Lord of Xingchen Palace slightly, he can induce the sword and unparalleled breath has been weak.

"The injury is very heavy, but the life is still saved." The sword smiled.

"What happened to the Vatican in the past?" What about the Lei Dynasty? "

"These will go back and talk again." The sword has no double.

"Well." The Lord of Xingchen Palace nodded slightly, and then the three people immediately returned to the star.

The sword is unparalleled, but in the ten days of waiting for the Lord of the Star Palace, the Lord of the Demon of the Dementer of the Temple, Swallowing the Medicine is also barely recovering some of the power, simple plus can still be done.

There is a star master to escort, and the road to go back is a long distance, and the three people go back to the star.


The star is old nest, a palace.

The main end of the Star Palace is at the top of the palace, and the sword is unparalleled, the Yuan Temple, the three people of the Demonstall is also sitting at their respective positions. As for the Lord of Nie Yun, but still staying in the fifth nest, I have never come out .

At this moment, it is a silence. The four strong people present at the scene look at a corpse lying in the center of the hall, and the completion is unusual.

The body is natural, naturally it is.

"Lei Dynasty, I kill myself." The sword is unparalleled and low, and it is a sad grief.

I heard the three people, but I didn't blame the sword.

"The soul control means, this seat also knows that once the soul is controlled, there is no more opportunity to break away in the future, it is equivalent to being dead, you will kill him, but also give him a real free, change this seat, Stem. "The main road of Xingchen Palace.

The main hall is headed by the monette and the monette.

Lei Dynasty, is the strong in the stars, before the sword is unparalleled, is the first person in the star of the star, and it is very good.

Thunder is dead, they are saddened, but if they do them, they will definitely be unparalleled with the swords.

"It's a good burial, and he said when he broke out when he was in the sixth nest, and he was accidentally fallen." The main road of Xingchen Palace.

"Yes." Yuan Temple nodded, waving the corpse of the Ray in Qiankun.

After the crowd converged the sad mood, the Star Herong Lord looked over the sword.

"The sword is unparalleled, and you have encountered you in the Vatican Divan," said the main road of Xingchen Palace.

"Well." The sword nodded without a double point.

He has not concealed his encounter in the Vatican Divan, and said it should be said.

From the beginning, I came to the triangular islands where the Lei Dynasty was located, and I met the first gravity trick, that is, the ugly woman's assassination, and his judgment said.

When he heard the first hearing of Huangquan Palace, the main three of Xingchen Palace can still stay calm.

It can be learned to know the third trick of Huangquan Palace, but the Yuan Dynasty is still sitting in the Demonstall.

"The five major strengths and strong gods, join hands to lay the nine killing?" Yuan Demen, the main emphasized owner.

I have kill, they also know, and I will join hands by the five gods, under normal circumstances, the emperor is less, almost no birth.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is forcibly destroyed the nine killing, but also killed the other person.

This strength ... even if it is the top god, you can't do it?

"I will fight the nine killing, and I will encounter the Lei Dynasty. I have encountered one person. This person is the fourth killing trick for Huangquan Palace." The sword is unparalleled to continue to narrate, "he Wearing a blood robe, using a bloody trident, it is already God's emperor! "


This is, even if it is the star of the Star Palace, it also exposed the color.

"Use the emperor of the sericulture?"

"It's blood bleak!!!"

The Star Palace mainly took the case, and he revealed his endless murder.

As for the main Temple of Yuan Temple, it is a flaming, but more, it is an angry! !

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