Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1753 Closed

, is the famous power of the chaotic world!

Also, the Shengba believes that blood bone god is only a quirk of character. It is not willing to be constrained by the Shengshi. But now they know that this bloody emperor is actually the people in Huangquan Palace! !

In the Huangquan Palace, in order to deal with the sword, there is no double, but not only used the five gods to join hands to arrange the nine to kill, but also arranged blood bones and God, personally shot, and it is enough.

"As for later ..."

The sword is unparalleled, and the experience is briefly said. Of course, some of themselves, he is just a saying.

When he heard the sword is unparalleled with the blood of the blood, when you strive to create a living, you can't help but admire the temple.

At the end, the ancient dragon appeared, swallowing the blood of the blood, killing the four gods, and then attracted two top to strong people in the Vatican Temple, the main hall, the main hall, and even the star palace The Lord stunned.

"Legend, is it true?" Xingchen Palace is murmured.

"Legend?" The sword is unparalleled.

"As a long time ago, the ancient chaotic world has a rumor, saying that the ancient times, the first era collapsed, and countless strong people were falling in the war, but there was also a part of the strong, they did not die in the battle, but fell into the battle Permanent sleep, its sleep, some in the first era battlefield, more but in the ancient battlefield. "

"These sleepers have a tonal means, and even the great emperor is jealous. It is said that it is a slenderness of a strong person." Xingchen Palace is solemn. " Tao.

"Borderless Purgatory?" The Lord of the Demon of Drugs drove his throat.

The second nest, there is no power of the emperor to go, then there is no difference with death, this is nothing, he just heard.

As for the sword, there is no parallel, but it can be kept calm.

After all, he was in the eighth nest **, and he has encountered a strong in sleep.

He is very clear, the euchao chaotic world is far from the simple surface.

"The sword is unparalleled, according to what you said, look like the Vatican, there should be two strong people to sleep, just because you collide with Huangquan Palace, just wake up these two strong people, so There is a big war. "The main road of Star Palace.

"One of the two strong people, saying that I am a Zongmen called Qixing Xizong, so he saved me a life, and sent me a Vatican sea." The sword has no double.

"Seven Stars Xuanzong?" The Lord of the Temple of the Temple, he never heard of this.

"This seven-star Xuanzong, this seat is to know." The Lord of Xingchen Palace is open: "This seven-star Xuanzong is a strong sense of the ancient times, just with the ancient times collapsed, this paramity naturally disappeared in history The long river is. "

"As for him, you are related to Qixing Xuanzong, it is also normal, because you cultivate the stars secret, in fact, it is from Qixing Xuanzong, this seat is just luck, just got the passage of this secret."

"What?" "The Lord of the Temple, but the triumph is also.

Stars secrets are terrible, terrible.

The star is because there is a stars secretation, it will make the parties forces.

And in normal cases, even if the power of the emperor is unable to create, the Lord of the Demonstration has long been done whether this secret is created by the Lord of the Star Palace, just the Lord of the Star Palace I have never said.

Now, the Star Palace owner is actively recognized.

"Things are like this."

Listening to the sword, there is no parallel, the Yuan Temple, the Lord of the Temple, including the Star Palace Lord.

They are very clear that the sword is unparalleled.

At the same time, the Huangquan Palace is also more jealous.

"The sword is unparalleled, you can escape in the dead, except for your own strength, there are some lucky components, so it will be more careful in the future." Star Herone.

"Understand." The sword has no double heart.

Eat a long, a long, with this dead escape, sword is unparalleled to Huangquan Palace, and the world is more awkward, and in the future, it is more careful.

After all, the same experience, he is absolutely do not want to try the second time.

"Okay, you are too serious, or you will take it well." The main road of Xingchen Palace.

"Well." The sword is not a hyperbidden point.

He was seriously injured, it could not recover in a short time, so he has decided that the next time, staying in the stars, a pulp is injured.

Sword, the sword is sitting there in the secret room that is banned.

"The sword is unparalleled, you have survived from the murder of Huangquan Palace, but also made the Huangquan Palace suffered heavy losses. If this news is passed, it is absolutely enough to cause a vibration of the vital chaotic world, your name will be more "The voice of the king sounded in the sword.

"Good luck." The sword didn't smile, but there was no smile.

He is very clear that this time can survive, and the luck does account for a large part of the reason.

For the means of Huangquan Palace, it is even if the sword is unparalleled.

Huangquan Palace does not show up, and it is indeed an extraordinary, and he directly got into the desperate situation.

If it is not lucky, I have encountered the strong people in the Van Gogh, he is definitely dead.

"Huangquan Palace will also have to encounter the chase of the Qianli Shenjun of the Lingxiao Temple afterwards, then it is a shame!" The sword is unparalleled with hands, and the murder is swaying.

Huangquan Palace is carefully designed to kill him, and the means is unparalleled. Even if he is killed by the other party, it is not awkward.

Can I Lingxiao Temple?

When he was seriously injured, he kill him, this is a more anger.

If the king is not blocked, he will die in the hands of the Qianli Shenjun, that is the real wrote, is dead.

"Ling Xiaobao !!!"

The sword is unparalleled.

"Don't worry first, wait for my strength to recover, I will play with them again!"

However, the sword is unparalleled, and this time is too heavy, I want to completely restore strength, it is never a good thing.

And if only the injury in the body is still better, the key is that this sword is unparalleled to die, and the cost of paying is not small, especially the ancient god, six-star full of land!

His ancient god repair is, but completely falls into the bottom of the valley, it is not easy to re-condense.

"Come slowly, just in the clutching treatment, I can restore the strength, I can also absorb all the magic cores you get before, and I will impact the ultimate God. The third stage!"

"In addition, there is a palm of the senior in my mind, that is also a big machine !!"


PS: Today is five more.

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