"I remember that I didn't have a sadness, he knew who was in the seventh step of the practice of the practice, but unfortunately the person is too super, too old, no sadness, the opportunity to connect," Sword is unparalleled, " This is a strong force, inevitably an earth-shatter, and the palace owner should know, I will ask if I have been right after the departure. "

Thinking of this, the sword is unparalleled, and the mood is completely fixed.

Subsequently, we will continue to participate in the cerebetium.

"This palm, has a unique method of use the method, including the use of reincarnation, although it is handled, but it can also be used to swords." The sword has no double eyes.

Whether he has a horrible means, he will never forget that he is a sword.

Swords is his fundamental.

Like the shocking palm imitation drilling, it is just to drive him through the sword.

Only a certain study of the palm of the brain is only, he can slowly create its own swordsmanship.

The sword is unparalleled to relax, and the king is still constantly repairing his ancient stars.

The star of the ancient god, the repair is too difficult, especially the six-star contracted.

Even if there is a 10,000-foot-life month, the time spent is very long.

There is also a preparation for this sword.

Time is in a hurry ...

A sword, the sword has been closed for a long time for seven thousand years.

In the secret room, the sword is unparalleled, it can be placed in his eyebrows. It has already been vertical, but now, the sixth dark golden ancient god star is slowly starting Get up, this condensation continues to have a lot of hardfys in most months, and finally completely condense.

"Finally done."

The voice of the King king loudly in the sword, and the sound took a trace of exhaustion.

"King, thank you." The sword has no double-sensitive.

He is a grate from the heart.

At the same time, he is also fortunate that he has the foreigner of the side of the battle.

From the Zhawang parasites in him, I didn't know how much help, even if he has nowhere to have the power of energy, even in the big energy, you can help him. Less busy, whether it is fierce fighting in the Vatican in the Van Dynasty, and later blocks the power of the Lingxiao Temple for him, Kings helped to be very busy.

On the star of the ancient god of the ancient gods, there is also a repair of the injuries in the body, but also the power of one person.

If there is no king, the sword is unparalleled, and how many times is dead. The injury on him includes the star of the ancient gods, and it will be repaired in such a short period of time.

"There is no need to polite, if you really want to thank me, then break through the big energy, the retroactory of the energy of the energy, I think excited."

The sword is unparalleled and a smile.

"This closed door, my injury, strength has been completely restored, and I have achieved breakthrough, reaching the third stage of the ultimate God, reaching the seventh floor of the Taoist Taoist Taoist Taoist Taoist Taoist Taoist Taoist, etc. In the sword, it also made a lot of progress, and the harvest is huge. "

"The only somewhat regrettable, it is estimated that the feelings of time and space are still in the top of the sixth floor of the Taoizhi." The sword was unimaced.

Time and spaceway, with Hong Yin Jinjian, all have close contact.

Once the breakthrough, the overall power of his overall power is great.

But unfortunately, this breakthrough is not that you want to achieve.

On the realm of the wheel, he is also lucky. He got a charming and a championship. He was ambush in his mind, and it was able to break through, but in time space He can't encounter any opportunity.

"The harvest is already very huge, I was also content, it will be cleared." The sword is unhappy smile.

On this day, the sword of the 788-year-old sword was closed in the room, and finally passed.

At the beginning, the Vatican Sea was also known as the highest level of the star, and they did not preach, so the sword was unparalleled, and the customs did not cause too much movement.

In the cave house consisting of special sparse, the sword is unparalleled with the Yuan Dynasty, and there are beautiful wine, food in front of it.

"The sword is unparalleled, congratulations, not only the injury is restored, but the strength is also increased." Yuan Temple laughed.

At the first eye of the sword, the first eye of the sword is seen, the Yuan Dynasty is very different before the sword is unparalleled.

Once inquired, I learned that the sword was unparalleled in the retreat, and a major breakthrough was made.

"Before the shutdown, you will be able to step down the nine killing of the five gods. Now, your strength is definitely stronger, what is the level?" Yuan Temple couldn't help but ask.

"The gods should be invincible, and they can meet the general battle." The sword laughed.

"God is invincible?" Yuan Temple is the right eye.

He learned that the sword is unparalleled, and since he dares to say this, it must have absolutely grasp.

"Too good, I finally existed more than a sufficient shock of the chaotic world." Yuan Dynasty was surprised.

In the world of chaotic world, in fact, the energy of the energy is already a party.

However, for the top great power such as the star, only the battle of God is enough to shock the Quartet, as for God ... I can't qualify.

In the case of the star, there was only a god emperor of the Star Palace, and because the stars secretary relationship, the deterrence of the Star Palace was very amazing.

However, the star of the Star Palace does not say that the star of the Stars will also be the two major energy people of Nie Yun Temple. It is only a god, which is similar to the great power like the Lingxiao Temple. The gods did not have much cleaning at all.

But now the sword is unparalleled, a god is invincible, even enough to fight against the top of the emperor, it is enough to shock the Quartet.

This is too big to say to the star.

"The main hall, I am coming to you, there is something to ask." The sword is unparalleled.

"Talk to see." The main hall smiled.

"You also know that I have reached the ultimate God, and then further the impact of the big energy, but I have to break through the energy, first, I must get the practice of refurbished seventh step, this method, you know who you know That? "The sword was unparalleled.

Although the Yuan Dynasty is not a strong person, the identity is very special, the star has a lot of things, including many things in the Shengza, are managing, the eye is not a low emperor, should know the seventh step of the reverse repair Who is right in Method.

"Reversal of the seventh step cultural method?" The main point of the Yuan Dynasty is slightly smashed, after the moment, Shu Xu nodded, "I didn't know who's hand, but you want to get practicing method from him. The difficulty is very difficult. "

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