Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1758 is to the strong, the white emperor!

"Who is that person?" The sword is unparalleled.

He is also very curious, and the door is in which super powerful hand.

You must know that the peak is no sadness, and it is also a unparalleled god, and has white fruit trees, there is a certain capital, but there is no difference between the strength.

In the end, it is difficult to let the never want to see it.

"The sword is unparalleled, you stay in the Holy League for so long, there must be a certain understanding of many of the large energy in the chaotic world?" Asked the Yuan Dynasty.

"Well." The sword never nodded.

"What about the big emperor?" Yuan Dynasty was.

The sword is unparalleled.

He understands this unreasonable, like the blood bones, and you can immediately recognize it.

However, he knows is just some of the gods including some emperors, and it is just a simple understanding.

As for the Emperor ... The sword is unparalleled to the Emperor.

"It is difficult to refurbish the seventh step cultural method, in the hands of an emperor?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Yes, and that, it is not a general emperor." Yuan Temple is said, "The sword is unparalleled, you also know that the Holy League is the absolute overlord of the ancient chaotic world, and in the highest level of the Holy League, it is those The super power of the emperor, but how many emperors have a total of the Shengba? "

The sword is unparalleled.

"Thirteen!" The main road of the Yuan Dynasty.

The sword is unparalleled.

He is not thinking that this number is much, but ... too little.

It is insistent that the Shengshi has gathered throughout the top ten holy land, including the power of the Outdoor Chaos World, many exclusive strong people, can say that the high-level strength of the vast chaotic world is concentrated in the Shengling, but even the same, only thirteen The emperor.

What is rare this.

"This thirteen emperors, there are the top ten holy land, such as the purple moon of this purple moon, glazed great emperor, the Emperor Emperor of the Emperor Holy Land ... In addition to the top ten holy land, there are three The great emperor, although these three great deeds did not occupy a holy place, but they had a single individual's power, so it is enough to make a holy earth wave. "

"There is one person in these three emperors, he is a white emperor."

"This white emperor, there is still a title, that is the Sorrowmin ... Strong!"

"What?" The sword was shocked.

Is the SAR to strong?

This is called, which is not low.

The Yuan Dynasty was done, continued: "Whether it is God's Jun, or God, there is also a gap before each other, the same thing is the same."

"In the thirteen emperors in the Shengshi, this white emperor is the first person in which his strength has already been recognized."

"As soon as many years ago, the Baili was created in the early years, and the white emperor had elapsed his hand, and it was in front of the many strong people, and he kill another great emperor with a thunder."

"Killing the Emperor?" The sword was unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, you have to know that the great level is all the most powerful existence of the ancient chaotic world. After the ancient times, the first era collapsed, the ancient chaotic world never appeared more stronger than the emperor, and these Every of the Emperor is enough to destroy the earth, with incredible strength, its life is very good. "

"Under normal circumstances, the same emperor, even if the enemy, the life of the other person should be inseparable, like the twelve great emperors of the Shengshi, even the strongest, want to kill the weakest, difficult Big, almost impossible, but only this white emperor, but it has the strength of killing the Emperor, and it is still easy to kill! "

"You said, this white emperor, is there any qualification to be called the Shenglion?" Yuan Temple smiled and watched.

"Of course I have qualifications." The sword has no double Zheng.

It is possible to kill the emperor, which has fully illuminated the strength of this white emperor.

"Yuan Temple, since you mentioned this white emperor, couldn't

"You guessed, reverse the fistation of the seventh step, the whole vast chaotic world should only have this white emperor, because he is ancient chaotic world, the only rebellion to the level of energy!" Yuan Temple Tao.

"What?" The sword is unparalleled to stand up, and it also reveals the color of the horror. "This white emperor is reversible?"

"Yes." Yuan Temple is nodded. "Since the second era, it has also appeared in the present, but the nine-nine nine is dead in reverse repair, and it has been eligible to retrore the sixth step. There is only two people since all, one is no sadness, and the second is the white emperor. "

"Of course, now you are a third person, and you have surpassed no sadness, if it is further, maybe it is enough to think with the white emperor."

"It is also because the white emperor is reversed, so his strength will be against the sky, it is terrible."

The sword is unparalleled with hands, and the heart also shocks.

Indeed, reverse repairs will be against the sky.

He is now just the sixth step, the ultimate God's third stage, he has a lawsuit against the general emperor.

And if he further, he reaches the seventh step of the reverse repair, entering the level of the energy, then his war has reached the emperor, it should be very easy. If it is a lot of encouraging the heavens, it is also comparable to the general emperor. Gloss, that, with the advantage of retro, the emperor who has killed the same level should be very easy.

The white emperor, obviously reached that step.

"The sword is unparalleled, how much this white emperor is, don't need me to say, from the five words of the Shenglean to the strong, you should experience it, and this white emperor is still a very old super existence His ancient degree is far from your imagination, and even rumors say he is the strong person left behind, and such an old big energy has not had any loved ones, including the existence of disciples, unrestrained. "

"Although he hangs an alliance in the Holy League, he can never take care of the main thing in the Shengling, don't say that there is no sadness, it is a lot of emperors in the Shengfa, including those who stand at the top. The strong, it is difficult to see him, and it is said that the other twelve emperors of the Shengling is only two of them, and they have his messages. "

"That is to say, even if the emperor wants to find him, it is difficult." The main hall said.

After listening to these, the color of the sword has become unusually lighter.

He wants to get the practice of refurbished seventh steps, inevitably find this white emperor, you can find him, it is really not easy!


PS: Today is 5 more!

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