Even the emperor wants to find the white emperor is not easy, let alone the sword is unparalleled.

Further, even if he found the white emperor against the sky, this is no cause, and the latter will give him a manner whiten to him?

After all, the sword is unparalleled, once it is retrograde, the seventh step method, there is a big chance to become a retroactive in the level of energy, and even the hopes of hope to reach the sea with Bai Emperor, this white emperor is a little private, never It may be handed over to the sword, and the sword is unparalleled to threaten his status.

"Look, this reverses the seventh step cultural method, can only look at the future." The sword is unimaced.

However, because there is a truth of the front car, the sword is unparalleled to this results.

"Lord of Yuan Temple, there is a thing, is about the magic of the country." The sword is unparalleled.

"Magic Heart of the country? What is the relationship with you?" Yuan Dian said.

"Yes, when I didn't have a sadness, I gave it to me. When I gave it to me, I promised him. If there is a strength in the future, I killed this magic owner." Sword is unparalleled , "Since there is a promise, unless there is no strength, there is no way, otherwise I can get lost?"

The sword is unparalleled, but he pays attention to the promise.

In the case of no sad hall, he will always comply with him.

Before it is the strength, but now it is different ...

"It turns out." Yuan Demotor, said: "This magic is the dominant, ruled many of the gods, and the famous gang in the chaotic world is not small, and he is also a member of the St. League, as for strength, He is a top of the top god, with your current strength, if one one is one, it is possible to kill him, but this magic country background is not small. "

"Background?" The sword was unblorated.

The strength of the devil's owner, he has learned before he.

But the background of the devil's owner, he doesn't know, now I ask the Yuan Temple, just want to know some of the background of the Magic Palace.

"The sword is unparalleled, I just told you that in addition to the top ten holy land, there are three great emperors, let the white emperor do not say, the other two emperors have a purple virtue, this purple deficiency The Emperor was in the thirteen emperors, and the top five were taken into the top five, and the devil's heart owner relationship with this purple virtue is unusual. It is said that when the emperor of the purple virtue is in the real stage, he owes the humanity of the devil. Later, after he became the great emperor, the devil's dominion has been attached to the emperor of the purple. "

"If you want to kill the devil, you must have to have a purple virtue." Yuan Demen.

When you hear this, the sword is unparalleled.

He went to know that the devil's heart owner had a certain background, but he did not expect the background to be so deep.

With an emperor, there is such a vision, and even the emperor of purple is still owed by others. If he is in danger, the emperor of the purple definitely will definitely be saved.

Moreover, if he helped his true God, killing the devil's owner, and the purple virtue of the Emperor will come out, and he will kill him.

"It seems that I can't regenerate myself without sadness." The sword was unparalleled.

He promised to regenerate without sadness, that is also in its own strength, but it will be able to shoot itself.

But now, it is not enough to be enough.

"At least, I have to wait until I have enough capital. When I face the emperor of the purple, I can truly shot the devil's owner." The sword is unimaced.

"The sword is unparalleled, you want to kill the magic owner is impossible, I believe that you will not be stupid." Yuan Dynasty mainly swordlessly looked at one eye, continued: "You now have complete recovery Come over, what is going on next? "

"Next ..." The sword is unfolded. "I want to pay debt!"

"Discussion?" Yuan Temple, "Ling Xiaobao Hall?"

"Yes." The sword has no double heart. "This Lingxiao Temple has a big resentment and never resolved, and before the Van Fan overseas, it is a little bit to die, this debt, I am I remember clearly, of course, I have to think about it. "

"This is the case, but the strength of the Lingxiao Temple is uniform. Do you have to grasp it?" Yuan Temple worried.

"Reassured, since I dare to pay debts, I must have certain grasps." The sword is unparalleled smile, "Yuan Temple, you know more about the Lingxiao Temple, you tell me, this Ling Xiaobao The strong people have, including which of them have to talk to me, so my heart can have a bottom. "

The strong people of the Lingxiao Temple, the sword is unparalleled, but it is not comprehensive.

"Yes." Yuan Demner, even if it is said: "With the information collected in our star, there is a total of eleven in the Lingxiao Temple, which is nine of the gods, there are two, it is God. emperor."

I heard this, the sword is not a double eye.

It is also a top potential of the vital chaotic world, and it is no wonder that Ling Yibao Temple will do this.

It turns out that this is the overbearing, it is indeed absolute strength.

The ancient chaotic world is sufficient to call it a big power of a party, and there is a foot eleven in the Lingxiao Temple!

You know, the same star is only one of the top great forces, but only only three of the energy, even if there is a strong war of swords, it is only four, compared with the Lingxiao Temple, It is indeed a lot of difference.

If it is not because of the relationship between the Star Palace, the strength of the Lingxiao Temple is afraid that the star can be crushed.

"The nine gods in the Lingxiao Temple, the strength is strong, among which is the top of God's monarch, there are three people, as for the two gods, respectively, Tianling God and the sky, these two gods It is the oldest existence of the Lingxiao Temple, and it is also the two pioneers of the Lingxiao Temple. In these two people, Tianling God is stronger! "

"This Tianshan is very famous, and it is much better than my husband owner. And his strength has already reached the topmost of God, and the palace owner has to stroner, in the world of chaotic world, It is also a super power of Herch. "The main road of Yuan Dynasty.

And the sword is unparalleled but frowned.

Now, he can resist the power of the emperor, even if it is once again encountered the emperor like the level of blood bones, you can not be afraid, but if it is the top of the top, then there is no absolute Grasp it.

Fortunately, the monette is said: "After the Tianshan God is very arrogant, after reaching the topmost end of God, he has been trying to be able to fight towards the emperor, but to break through the great light to practice, he will definitely, he It is necessary to find a chance, so it's a long time. This Tianling God has always swayed in the second nest, and will return once every hundreds of thousands of years. "

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