"Oh?" The sword is not a double look.

If the Tianshan, the emperor has been in the second nest, then he does not need a scruple.

"That is the emperor?" The sword was unparalleled.

"The emperor of Tian Yan is always staying in the town of Lingxiao, rarely goes to those nests or dangerously, and his strength is compared with Tian Ling, that is far away, Tianling Shen Emperor Station At the top end of God, this is the emperor, it is barely in the emperor. "

"Medium? How is the blood of the blood bones?" The sword was unparalleled.

"With the blood of the blood bones, it should be part of the difference, but this Tianyu God has two chaotic gods, especially the chaotic god treasure that has a defensive armor, so I can't look small." Yuan The main road of the temple.

"Two chaotic gods? There is even a chaotic treasure of defense warfare?" The sword was unparalleled, and the treasure of the emperor was too much.

Task, the blood-mychi is only only a bloody trident, the chaotic god.

"In addition to these highest power, the Lingxiao Temple is the top power of the ancient chaotic world, and some of the topic means, it is not to be underestimated, if you collide with the Lingxiao Temple, Beware. "The main road of Yuan Temple.

"Understand." The sword has no double smile, but the bottom has already had a bottom.

This is a single , although there are two chaotic god treasures, but it is not possible to truly avoid him.

As for those gods, he is even more

What he needs is to be some of the topic means of the Lingxiao Temple.

"The sword is unparalleled, I have to remind you that the Ling Xiao Bao Temple is much stronger than my star, although because of the owner's reasons, this Lingxiao Temple does not dare to truly set off the battle with my star, but if it is my star The pulse took the initiative to provoke them anxious, then it is different, so if you want to revenge Lingxiao Temple, you can only shoot one person, I can't help you at the same time. "

"Of course, if you need it, if you are threatened, if you have threatened the threat, I will let the palace master people." The main voice of the Yuan Dynasty is solemn. "You are in the future, and it is very good for my star. If you really encounter life and death crisis, My star is really a big war with the Lingxiao Temple, and I will definitely save you.

"Well, I know." The sword is unparalleled. "

From the Ling Xiao Bao Temple and the sword, there is no double competition to come to the present. The star has never gone to the front of the Lingxiao Temple. Some is just a sword unparalleled one person collided with the Lingxiao Hall. This is not a star. I hope to help the sword is unparalleled, but the situation in the stars is too subtle.

It is not necessary to shut your head, the star is unwilling to come, after all, there will be a lot of Lingxiao Temple to tear the face, and there is too much thing that is involved.

After the Lingxiao Temple has a sufficient understanding, the sword is unparalleled immediately.


One of the top ten holy places, glazed farmland!

The glass of the glass, which belongs to the Shengdi, which belongs to the top ten holy land, and its inner foot is eight giant continents.

And in this eight mainland, Lingxiao Temple occupies two.

The two continents are the Lingxiao Temple, and the most rooted Lingxiao continent.

The other is the sea.

The original overlord of this sea is actually not the Lingxiao Temple, but a party is enough to compare the west of the stars, just this part of the great forces have encountered some changes, and the most powerful gods in it are When you sway in the third nest, you accidentally fell.

Without the midnual of God, this is naturally impossible to become the overlord of the China, and the mainland of the sea has also lifted many competitions in the first time, and after the big forces are completely destroyed, far in the Lingxia The Lingxiao Temple came in, and in the absolute strength of the world, the parties of the sea mainland, and this Ling Xiaobao also became the overlord of the sea.

The Lingxiao Temple also left a very strong force on the changing continent, which was used to shock the Quartet, and this power concentrated in the most central Lingxiao in the mainland of the sea.

Since the sword is coming to debt, it must come to the territory occupied by the Lingxiao Temple.

There is a latter unparalleled in the Lingxia Continental and the sea.

The continent of the sea, a giant city suspended in the void, the bustling, this city is famous for the city.

In this sea, it can be imagined with the importance of the sea. This is the prosperous level, its prosperous level, in the entire sea mainland, it is estimated that only that Lingxiao can be comparable to it.

In a fine restaurant in the sea, the sword is unparalleled, and the long sword is sitting there, and the hand is holding a letter that is just arrived.

"Vientiane Floor bidding will?" The sword has no double eyebrows, "it is a bit mean."

Vientiane, the ancient chaotic world absolute first chamber of commerce, has endless treasures.

The Vientiane Tower will hold a bidding meeting every other day in every continent in the top ten cultivation.

This bidding will be very large, and many of this continent, including many exclusive and strong people will participate.

The sword hasn't doubled to this sea, but the result is just the Vientiane Tower, the Great Wanxiang Building in the sea, this bidding will hold a place, just ten days later, in this Haicheng Vientiane Building.

"I have to pay debt, I have to start from the strong people of the Lingxiao Temple, but these strong people are scattered in all areas of the changing continent, they are not easy to find out, but this is like building the Biobao, which is so Big, even if the Lingxiao Temple will inevitably send some powerful people to participate, but it is just gave me opportunities. "

"As for how to act ..."

The sword is unparalleled, and it is suddenly a buzz in the restaurant.

The sword is unparalleled, it is going to be open, but it is to see the distant void, there is nearly a shadow, and the breath is very strong. It has reached the level of chaotic true God, which is the first or one The top chaotic God.

The turmoil outside the restaurant is due to the arrival of these people.

At the same time, the sword is unparalleled through some subtle conversations, knowing the origin of the figure.

"Thunder Palace, the world is extremely strong, but there is no big energy to take the town, and the top chaotic real God in these people is the palace of the Thunder Palace." The sword didn't be a finger. The table, but the mouth is slowly revealing a smile.

When I saw the La Mong Palace, his heart has its own plan.

The only sword is unparalleled, and the chaotic true gods in the Thunder Palace have been close to the past.


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