Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1761 Xiong Xin Leopard!

Ten days later, Tengral Buy Biobao was held as scheduled.

As in the past, this bidding meeting attracted many powerful power in the mainland of the sea, and as the overlord of the sea, the Lingxiao Temple also came to the arrival of the strong, and the strong, in the Lingxiao Temple The mainland is not low.

"Blood empty God, did not expect this bidding, it will be you personally."

"Haha, blood empty brother, not seen for many years, don't be innocent."

"I have ever seen the empty God."

Vientiane Floor, the Bao Bao will live, and it is a gray robbery.

The elderly from the gray robe is the true God of the Lingxiao Temple. He is not only a good old man with the Lingxiao Temple, and his strength is also quite amazing. The Temple of the Temple came to participate in the strongman of the Biobai, just he was headed.

In the contextual compliment, this blood empty real God and the strong people of Lingxiao have come to an independent room.

Sitting in this independent room, they can clearly see everything that happen to the outside, and can also see the following Exhibition Baodai.

"The bidding of Vientiane Tower, the treasures of the auction have always been extraordinary, but I don't know what treasures for this auction."

"Unfortunately, Vientiane's Bioba will always be very strict, even if I don't know the message of specific treasures in advance."

The true god of the two Lingxiao Temple is coming, but the blood empty God is a cold, "I don't have any treasure for the Vientiane Tower, as long as I look at the Temple of I am, that is our of."

When I heard this, a few of the surroundings of the Lingxiao Temple laughed.

Indeed, with the overbearing of the Lingxiao Temple, they have seen a treasure on this bidding will, then they have not been able to do it.

Soon, the bidding will start, the first treasure has begun to bid.

The first treasure is a chaotic god soldier of the true god. Although it is a defensive battle armor, the Lingxiao Temple is not glanced, but it is from the power of other forces, and it is better for this treasure.

Time passed, one piece of treasures start bidding.

The Ling Xiaobao Hall is silent, until the twenty-first treasure takes it.

"Wanzhang Baiyang Dan, is more rare things." The blood empty is so sneak, and the spin is open, and it is open, and it is said: "A thousand Dual Crystals."

The voice of the empty true God is spread from the independent room of his independence, but it has saved the entire bidding in a time.

Wanzhang Baoyang Dan, quite precious, there is a lot of help to the top chaos, its value does not say a thousand Dualistics, if it is a person who needs, even two thousand DVD, no more, If the ordinary people report this thousand videos, there is certainly a bid on a bid.

But now, it is the Lingxiao Temple.

On the bidding venue, many strong people from all parties forces were not hooked at the independent room in the empty real God, and they were slowly shaking their heads, obviously gave up the bidding.

"One Thousand Dualistics First!"

"One thousand Dualistics Second!"

The Vientiane Tower, who presided over the bid, said in the sky.

But just when he is ready to read the third time ...

"One Thousand One Hundred Diverts!" A thick voice suddenly sounded.

"Well?" The strong people in the bidding will look at the source of the sound.

They see this sound is also sent in a separate room.

"In this independent room, it should be a Thunder Palace."

"Thunder Palace? Thunder Palace, dare to bid with Lingxiao Temple?"

"Who knows, maybe someone in the thunder is urgently needed to be in Baoyang Dan?"

Some strong people talk to each other.

Although the Thunder Palace is a big force in the world, this bidding will be comparable to the Thunder Palace, even more stronger than it, and these Zongmen are also interested in the Baiyang Dan. The Ling Xiaobao Hall is called the price, and these forces will naturally give up.

However, Thunder Palace will move, in the people who want to come, it should be that someone in the thunder is urgently needed to have a hundred Baiyang Dan.

In the independent room where everyone in the Lingxiao Temple, the blood empty look looked at the direction of the Thunder Palace. One full of Baoyang Dan, since they need, give them. "

Blood empty God has no angry, no longer continues to bid for competing for that hundreds of Baiyang Dan.

In this way, Wanbai Baiyang Dan fell into the hand of Thunder Palace with a thousand cary prices.

The bidding will continue.

Soon, there is a treasure, attracting the attention of the Lingxiao Temple.

"Two thousand five hundred crystals." The empty God is also open directly.

The parties at the Jingbao will give up the bidding of the bidding, but at this time, it is still the independent room where the Thunder Palace is located, and the thick voice will be released, "2,600 Dow! "

This is a slightly narrow.

The strong power of the Bioba will be amazed.

Before that 10,000 Baoyang Dan, the Thunder Palace may be true, so we have a risk auction of the crime.

But now, the second treasure of the Lingxiao Temple, this thunder is still fighting?

It is always so clever, the two treasures of the Lingxiao Temple, the thunder is just needed?

"Two thousand eight hundred cars." The empty real God opened again, but this time his voice was faintly low.

"Three thousand Dual Crystals." Thunder Palace is independent room, and the thick voice continues to ring.

The eyes of the true God are finally getting cold.

"Thunder Palace ... is a bit mean." The blood empty mood is murmured, but he has never opened a bid.

As for the strong people in the surrounding other Lingxiao Temple, the face is also a bit cold.

The bidding will continue.

This bidding will not be a Vientiane Tower, and the treasure value taken is very amazing, there are some treasures, they are seen by Lingxiao Temple.

However, whenever the blood empty God of the Lingxiao Temple, the Thunder Palace will immediately open with it, and regardless of the high price of the blood air, the thunder is only higher than the price of the blood air.

The bidding will have already conducted half. During the period, the treasure of the Lingxiao Temple, and the treasures of the bidding have a total of twelve, but the twelve treasures will eventually not fall into the hands of the Lingxiao Temple, but Get it by the Thunder Palace.

In addition, the Thunder Palace has only got this twelve treasures.

In other words, only the Lingxiao Temple seems to be bidding, as for the treasure of the powerful, the trend is not to pay attention to the treasure.

What is this doing?

The Banghui will be very horrified, and some even exclaimed: "Thunder Palace, this is a bear !!!"

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