On the bidding will participate in the bidding, but the Leareng Palace is ignored, as long as the Lingxiao Temple opens, immediately participate in the bid.

This shows that it is to find the suffocation of Ling Xiaobao!

"Thunder Palace, crazy?"

"Crazy, I am sure."

"Thunder Palace is afraid because these years have improved a lot, so some are proud of it?"

"Hey, I think, Thunder Palace is looking for death, so clearly, the challenge of Zhang Ji, if I am the empty God, wait for the bidding, it will immediately take this thunder."

A voice of a whispering voice sounded, and the strong people from all overcompresses from all parties are interested in waiting to see the good play.

Of course, some people are secretly narrowed, and they are faintly observed that there is no surface on the surface.

The number of strong people arrived together, and their faces are a bit unrest, only the name of the blood empty God is showing bloodthirsty smile, "It seems that I haven't shot for many years, the outside world is no longer I know the terrible of my Lingxiao Temple, even some kinds of small people, I also dare to come to provoke. "

"Hey, there is a Thunder Palace in the district. Don't say that the energy is, even if it is the strong in the god list, this kind of zone, I am in an interruption, waiting for the bidding will end, I, etc. I immediately shot immediately, first gave the Thunder Palace to participate in the bidding will be killed. "A Chaos of the Lingxiao Temple.

"No, this time, there is no simplicity you think." The blood air is really smile, "What is the thunderous Palace He Deliang, and dare to provoke my Lingxiao Temple? Their palace owner, Not awkward, and now he dares to do this, then it must be relied, do you like me, or don't act rashly. "

"So, the Nattar adults are in this about, I will give him a message, please come over, there is a red star personally, no matter what is behind the Thunder Palace, it can take it."

When you hear this, several of the Lingxiao Temple in the scene will look back.

They also have absolute confidence in the Napp Star.

At this moment, the few real gods in the Thunder Palace are there in the independent room gained. One is pale with a face, and the figure is a bit trembling.

"Adult, we are guilty now, but the Lingxiao Temple?" Thunder Palace whispered.

In front of the main owner of the Lei Yue Palace, a young man in a bloody robe, which is naturally a sword.

I saw a cup of tea with a cup of tea. When I was drinking, I heard the words of Thunder Palace, the sword didn't smile, "How, the Thunder Palace seems to be very afraid?"

"Of course, it is afraid." Thunder Palace is said: "That Ling Xiaobao, one of the top great forces of the chaotic world, single powerful people have more than ten times, just send one, it is enough to thunder. The palace is covered, and on this sea, this Lingxiao Temple is the day, I also stayed in it, I have been afraid of it. "

The bitterness of the Thunder Palace is a bitter.

Ling Xiaobao Hall, for the Thunder Palace, it is a big thing, if it is not forced to force the sword, he will not dare to provoke the former.

But now, he has no way. After all, the lives of them are in the sword, and they are not struggling by them.

The sword is unparalleled to do what they do, they only have to follow the old man.

"Rest assured, Lingxiao Temple does not imagine the terrible thing, and the power of the Lingxiao Temple really kills the door, I have to fight against the door, as for you, I will say that I can't forced it, I don't have to accompany it. Sin, there is nothing to do. "The sword was unparalleled.

Thunder Palace is even more bitter.

You must know that the Lingxiao Temple can't be overbearing. This time the thunder is so bad, even if there is something, it is not a simple accompanying crime.

"Don't worry, according to I have told me before, all the treasures in Lingxiao Temple, you have given me back." The sword will continue to drink tea.

Thunder Palace was drifted with his throat. Although it was full of people, he had to act in accordance with the sword unparalleled.

However, the sure of the Lingxiao Temple seems to have also realizes the general, the remaining half of the treasures, never openly bidding, the Lei Ming Palace is naturally unable to compete.

Soon, this largest bidding in this seas is over.

Strong people from all parties to Zongmen have come out from the Vientiane building, but they have just got out of Vientiane Tower. They have made a scene in front of the void.

Before the passage of the Vientiane, there was a foot-on-10 body shadow. This tenth figure, every breath is very strong, the weakest is eternal, and the chaos is more, then The blood empty God is also in the crowd, just at this moment, it is no longer headed.

True head, is a white eyebrow standing in front of a snake head crutches, tall and stun standing quietly.

This white eyebrows did not exude anything, and in that dozen, the dozen is the most uncomfortable, but this is the case, but the many strong people present are shocked.

"It's an old star!"

"The Red Star God of the Ling Xiaobao Hall, the big energy!"

"The big energy arrived in person, the thunder palace, it is worse!"

"Sure enough, the Lingxiao Temple is not to be guilty, a big energy personally shot, it can easily get the thunder."

Vientiane, countless strong people stay there, did not leave immediately, and there was no match.

However, all those who participated in this bidding will know that the Thunder Palace is actively provoking the Lingxiao Temple, and the style of the Lingxiao Temple will be tolerated? Before, I was in the bidding treasure, and the pain of the Vientiane Tower, the Ling Xiao Bao Temple did not do it directly, but now ... look at this scene, only wait for the strong people in the thunder, will be directly destroyed by the Lingxiao Temple killed.

In the expectation of many strong people and under the eyes, the few real gods in the Thunder Palace slowly came out from the Vientiane Tower, and the head of the head is the Lord of the Thunder.

When I walked out of Vientiane Tower, I saw the dozens of gods in front of him, as well as the forefront of the Red Star God, the Lord of the Thunder Palace suddenly did it, strongly pressed the inner fear, Fang Caicou said: "Thunder Palace Lei, see Crossing the Star God and the Lingxiao Temple. "

"Lei Tao, in the eyes of your thunder, now there is me the Treasure Hall?" The blood empty life is overlooking.

"This ..." Thunder Palace mainly wants to say anything.

The red star is a sudden open, and Li Mang flashed.

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