Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1764 is a big event.


Victory, and even the whole of the sea, all of the Dangou City, all in the middle of the dead.

sluggish! Shock!

Everyone has shocked.

Just that the star of the star, the amazing power of the show, the presence of all the cultivators in the scene, the awe, and, the Jun Jun was directly killed by the sword without double. This contrary is really too big. Many people have not reacted.

As a powerful star, I have been so strong, I have to kill it ... What strength is this?

"This, this ... how is it?"

The people of the Lingxiao Temple are also completely stunned, and the blood empty real god is wide.

"You can't hit." The sword was unpaired, but then he saw the blood of the empty God. "The Red Star God is dead, and then you are you."

When the voice fell, he saw the golden light of the sword without twice.

These two golden lights seem to have two golden sun, which exudes magic. After an appearance, they immediately exploded with horror speed.

The two sorts of Hongyin Jinjian, under the monolithic manipulation of swords, directly into the power of the Lingxiao Temple.

laugh! laugh! laugh! laugh!

A shape immediately wore a ruthless hole, and the true gods of these Lingxiao Temple have changed.


"Quick escape!"

Even the big energy is directly killed by a palm, these true gods don't have any idea that wants to resist, and they can escape directly.

However, their escape speed is fast, but it is still too much to compare with Hong Yujinjian.

It is a day, one place.

Two golden shots shuttle, catch up with a madly escaping Lingxiao Temple, and kill it easily.

Just instantly kung fu, it is estimated that it is not enough to breathe before and after, and the true God of the Essence of the Lingxiao Temple.

And even if the blood air is true, the sword is also deliberately left him, he can live.

"Do you know why do I leave you?" The sword didn't pay back Hongyu Jinjian, like the idle steps like the blood of the blood.

"Devil, Devil!" Blood empty God is very horrible to look at the sword unparalleled, he cultivates it, this is the first time he is so frightened.

No way, it is really that this person is too strong.

Strive to make him desperate.

The sword is unparalleled in front of the blood air, and the mouth is stopped. "I will stay in the mouth, I hope you go back to bring the words to the Ling Xiao Bao Temple, just kill me around the eighth nest, and In the Vatican overseas, I seriously hurt the two accounts to me, I remember clear, and now, it's time to come back. "

"Red Star God, just just start!"

"Next, the killing will continue, let them all have a clean neck, waiting for me to slaughter."

The cold voice is issued from the sword. The sword is unparalleled, but not only this blood empty is heard, and many of the many cultivars around them are clear, they are not clear, and they are not unique.

"Go back." The sword is unparalleled to the blood empty trick.

The blood empty real gods drove his throat, strong in the heart, stiffness turning around, and immediately left, and the half rang was completely disappeared in the sight of everyone.

See this, the sword is unparalleled and smiled, then the figure is moving, and it also disappears in the world.

Until the sword is unparalleled, this is a short sunny city, and it has once again burst out.

The whole city, countless cultivators are boiling.

You know, they witnessed a big fortune, and still being directly spiked by a palm!

Dachers, I want to see the previous side on weekdays, let alone being killed.

In addition, there is a positive collision of the sword and the Lingxiao Temple. This collision is in their eyes, it is afraid that it is much more incentive than the collision of the eighth nest.

"It's going to have a big event!"

Everyone understand this.

Don't say that the sword is unparalleled with the front collision of the Lingxiao Temple. Single sword is unparalleled with the real gods.

And this news, naturally spread out in the first time.

For a time, the whole vital chaotic world is vibrating.

On the Torni Island, it was blown up.

Numerous strong people are shocked and incredible for this news.

That is the big energy, and the red star god is not weak in the gods. The result is that there is no double one palm of the sword. What is the strength of the sword?

God's top? Close to God? Or is it comparable to God?

But he is only a true God.

While shocking, the strong people of all parties are also looking forward to the next thing.

The sword is unseen from one person to the sea mainland. When everyone's face kills the red star gods, there are many real gods, which is not only to play the face of the Tree Hall, this is already directly to open the door, the Ling Xiaobao temple will inevitably There is a response.

And the sword is unparalleled, and the Red Star God, just the beginning, the next momentum will have a more intense, and maybe there will be other big energy to fall.

Everyone is looking forward to it.

Non-people know, while this news is completely spread, this absolute protagonist sword is unparalleled, but it has been alone.

Ling Xiaofu, is the Base of the Lingxiao Temple in this sea mainland. Although it is impossible to compare with Lingxiao Temple in the real old nest in Ling Xiao, it is definitely unmanned to provocative taboos. At least the power of this Lingxiao, is enough to shock the power of the sea.

The sword is unparalleled now, it has come to the void outside the Lingxiao.

"Want to pay debts, want to break out the Lingxiao Temple, let them pay a heavy price, and must kill their high-rise power, and the high-rise power of the Lingxiao Temple, mainly concentrated in two places, One is the old nest on the Lingxiai continent, and the other is this Ling Yufu. "The sword is unhappy smile.

Want to revenge a blow to a force, what is the pain that is directly to the other party's big camp to kill a lot of power?

Two big camps in the Lingxiao Temple, the old nest on the Lingxia Continent is the most important place, the power is too thick, with the strength of the sword and unparalleled now, but not to attack it, but just in the sea mainland, this Ling Xiaoyu, The sword is unparalleled but there is a great bottom.

"I let the blood empty spirit take the news back, saying that the star of the Star Jun is just the beginning, they will definitely think that I will continue to stay in the chance of chance to kill them more power, but I don't know, I will directly attack them directly. Base camp. "The sword was unblocked.

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