Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1765 Ling Xiaofu

Ling Xiaofu is also a giant city.

At this point, a vicissitudes of life came to Lingxiao.

"Ansuals, you listen, after you will enter the Ling Xiaofu, you must be careful, even if you have a speech dispute, you can bear it, there is a little, that is, it is not possible to violate the Ling Xiaofu The rules, otherwise no one has saved you. "The old people are in the old man.

"Master, our five spirits are also a large-scale zone in the world. You are the old age. Even if it is the Lingxiao Treasure Hall, you will give you some faces, we will not be careful about this," The disciple, the girl who can't help it.

"Stupid, our five spirits can be compared with the Lingxiao Temple, and the Lingxiao Temple will send a large energy, and it is enough to cover my five spirits." The vicissitudes of the old man said: " The government is the big camp of the Lingxiao Temple in the sea mainland. He is absolutely authority here, that is, the sky! "

"They are under this rule, who dares to violate?"

"Don't say that the husband is just a long old man, even if our principal or the old age person, once in violation of the rules of the Lingxiao Temple, Lingxiao Temple is afraid to do it without hesitation. Kill. "

"This is a strong horizontal woman," the red robe girl was shocked, and he couldn't help but hear: "When we can catch this Ling Xiaobao?"

"Catch the Ling Xiao Temple?"

The vicissitudes of life stunned, and immediately shook his head. The government is just part of the power of the Lingxiao Temple. It can take a long time to sit in the town of the sea, but no one dares to provoke. What kind of power is this? "

"To catch such a super forion ... Oh, wait for the five spirits, when did a big energy, then there is this idea, so that it is too far away."

On the other hand, the two came to the front of the Hall of Lingxia.

There, there are a lot of cultivators from all corners of the sea, and enter the Lingxiao House in the row.

"A lot of people." The red robe girl looked at this long dragon in front of him.

"The first rules of Lingxiao are prohibited from flying. If you want to enter the government, you must take an old man in front of the house, to show the respect of the Lingxiao Temple, the rules of the Lingxiao Temple No one dare to violate it. "The old people said.

"Amazing." The red robe girl is amazed.

Others, from the rear, a bloody friend shadow colleague, and directly spread directly from the vicissitudes of the old, the red robe girl.

"Well?" The red robe girl is showing a strange color, "Master, don't you say that Lingxiao is prohibited? But this person ..."

"Strange, even the strong people of Lingxiao, although they can enter the Quezi House without queuing, but they will go to the door, they will generally stop, this person ..." The old people of the vicissitudes also frowned.

More than two of them, there are many cultivators who are queuing in the house in front of the house, and they have also seen the arrival of this blood robe.

This blood robes are ignored, and they directly flipped to the forehead. In the end, it was blocked by a giant big array that was covered by Lingxiao.

"Array Method?" The sword was unparalleled.

Any forceproof gates have their own guards, and We can also have a strong strong horizontal.

This Lingxiao is equivalent to the second old nest of the Lingxiao Temple, and there is also a guard in a big array.


The sword is unparalleled with the long sword behind him, and it is scales.

"He pulls out!"

"Put the sword in front of the Ling Xiaohou? What do he want to do?"

"Who is this person?"

Many practitioners in front of the house are unparalleled in the prince.

They don't know what the sword doesn't want to do.

Until the sword was unparalleled, the sword was suddenly swept in all directions, and these cultivators present in the scene.

And the sword is unhappy, but it is already a sword.


A huge sword is light, with the power of destroying the earth, the mighty direct Dynasty, the guards of the Ming Dynasty.

"The sword is big!"

"He actually attacking the big array?"

"He is crazy?"

Many practitioners present were horrified.

"Master, don't you say, is there any people who have dare to provoke Lingxiao?" The red robe girl asked her teacher.

"Who knows, this person is afraid of being crazy, there is a real god in the district, and dare to attack the Guildan of Lingxiao. This is to die." The vicissitudes of life Shen Sheng.

But his voice is just just.

boom! ! !

The huge roar sounds through the sky, the horrible power is like sweeping around us.

This power is strong, making many cultivators in the scene, and the color of the throne is revealed.

The giant guard of Lingxiao is crazy shot.


"The Guild of Ling Xiaoyu, actually shaken?"

"A true god only shows a sword, turned out to move the Guildan of Lingxiao?"

These practitioners present in the field are not a confidence.

But this moment, there is no double eyeliner, but the sword that is strong in the body, but once again reached a new level.

The power of his body is also ventilated without reservation.

The blood peak sword is trembled in his hand, and a pound of reincarnation is swept.

"Renovation of swordsmanship, first style!"


The sword is again cut out. This sword is not before, but it is more dazzling.

The sword light appears, the glare of the light, making many cultivars, including those who really can't help but close their eyes.

The sword is swaying above the big array. It was originally crazy, and the big array of swaying, but the fierce gangs were dramatically roared, and the big array was split, and then it was completely crashing.

"Big Array, broken?"

Everyone is full of eyes, and it is incredible to look at this scene.

Ling Xiaofu has so many years in the sea mainland, deterring all parties, that is, a giant homage-level super existence, which is equipped with a big array, and the power is also a strong amazing. It is said that it is a general energy. If you can't force this big battle, you can be defeated by a true god, but the two swords directly defeat! !

The big array collapsed, and the Ling Xiaoyu did not cover up, and the whole exposure was in front of the sword.

Seeing this scene, the sword is not a double corner, it is a slightly bloodthirsty smile, the ice-cold voice rang from his mouth, echoing.

"Ling Xiaobao, I am coming ... debt!"

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