Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1767 Hua Flowering

"You must die? If you rely on you?" The sword didn't smile, but it flashed a touch.

At this moment, although there is a four-digit energy in front of him, but the four big energy people are the first Qingdian gods, which is eligible for him. As for the other three, only the general gods. Such a lineup, it is still not paired by the sword.

"Kill you, I am waiting for four people."

After the eyes of the Qing, the gods were angry, and they had the first to take out.

At the same time, a double-edged giant ax appeared in his hand, under the concession, the eyes of the Qingdao hit the giant ax while holding up.

Rumble ~~~~ A giant ax appears in the sky.

This ax is like an openness, and the mighty fierce.

On the occasion of being separated, the whole world is completely calm.

Some people in the scene stared at this ax, and there was an endless shock.

And the sword is still still with a smile, and looked at the huge ax in front of him, and the long sword waved out.

I didn't show a strong sword, just a single waving sword, driving the power of reincarnation, the most important thing is ... The ultimate power of the sword is unparalleled.


A loud noise, the huge gorgeous, the mighty ax, but a fierce shock, the ax is directly collapsed.

Among the trees of the gods, a cold sword is still ruthless, and it is straight to the Qingdao Shenjun.

The eyes of the green ax have changed, and even the giant ax is placed on the chest.


It's a loud noise, the shape of the Qing's gods suddenly broke out, and they were still rolled out in the explosion and spit, and the half-rang is only able to stop the body.

After stopping, the Qing's goddess is shameful, "Wow" spurted a big blood, and the face immediately became pale.

This scene, gave the Lingxiao Temple to see everyone, and all shocked.

Qing ax God, in many Lingxiao Temple, the strongest power, the top of God's top.

Even before, I learned that the sword was unparalleled, showing amazing strength, the high-level strong people in Lingxiaobao also believe that the Qing's gods can suppress swords and unparalleled, and they can also have a positive side with swords. contend.

The two people really committed ... a photo, the eyes of the eyes are seriously injured! !

"It's too strong, his power is too strong!" Qing ax God is amazed.

He did not know that the sword did not double one to the third stage of the ultimate real God, and the strength and physical phase changed, and there was no level of God.

That is to say, simply in strength, he is never weak than a god.

Before in the city of the sea, he can kill the Red Star God, and the most important thing is the strength of the power.

God emperor and God, a step, the gap in power, is a day, one place! "

"This sword is unparalleled, the strength is too terrible, even if it is a real emperor, but it is absolutely less than how much, one-on-one, I wait for him to have his opponent, fast, use that trick!" Qing ax God Press your own blood and emit a roar.

The three gods left in the Lingxiao Temple also reacted, and immediately took a special handprint with the sky.

"Big Array, from!"

Booming ~~~

Large shake.

The entire Lingxiao is like a whole alone.

! ! !

On the ground, a crack appeared in the air, from the crack, there was a ruthenium that extends.

These cypy vines are very surprising, and the extension of the extension is also amazing. Just instantly cover the whole land of Lingxiao, the rich glare shines, and there is also a pound of vitality. Let the whole world have become vital.

"Array?" The sword is unparalleled to look at the scene. At the same time, there is no endless murder, and the mouth is now a good news. "

The sword is unparalleled and there is no worries.

It is to know that at the beginning of the Vatican Sea, the five gods teamed up to show the nine killing, the result was not able to let him, but he was defeated by him, even on the spot.

Now, the strength of the sword is much stronger than that time.

On the earth's land covered, the four gods of the Lingxiao Temple are standing there. It is still headed by Qingxing, and the four people are also covered by cyan vines. It is like thoroughly integrated this big. In general, the only exposed is the four eyes.

This four pairs of eyes are staring at the sword at the moment, and there is an endless murder.

"The sword is unparalleled, I admit that your strength is really strong, but unfortunately, you are too arrogant!" The cold voice was sent from the mouth of the Qingxun.

"If you stay in the sea mainland, even if you kill my Lingxiao Temple, the strength of the Lingxiao has the strength of the Lingxiao, but you will be able to send the door to the door. In this Ling Xiaoyu, with a big array, it is a true God, and I can fight against it, and you ... will die! "


The Qing's God is a flash.


~~~ Since the earth, there is no vine, but there is a thick cyan vine to swept directly.

This vine is so fast, when there is no double in the sword, the vines change immediately.

A beautiful huge cyan lotus is blooming, this cyan lotus has an incredible life breath, and a bloom is filled with the entire Lingxiao.

"Well?" The sword didn't have a little bit, looked at this cyan lotus under his feet, and he did not feel the aggressiveness of this cyan lotus.

At this time, the young ax God was once again emitted.



Heaven and earth vibration.

The original vital Lingxiao, which was replaced by a endless dead.

At the foot of the earth, the endless vine is immediately withered, and there is also a huge cyan lotus, but this cyan lotus is fierce, naturally, naturally, the sword is unparalleled. Flower buds.

The flowers are very faded, and even the lapse of the lapse.

"My vitality, is also the speed of the speed?" The sword has no double-fashioned changes.

He also finally understood the strangeness of this big array, this big array has the ability to live and die.

"If you can't completely crush this lotus, I am afraid that I have to be alive, I have to be alive, I will die here." The sword was unmainted.

Although there is a king in his body, he has a recovery of him, but the recovery of Kings is obviously less than the passage of his own vibrant.

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