Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1768 Thunder defeats!


I caught cold, and the power of the pounds suddenly broke out on the sword.

At the same time, the sword is unparalleled, and it will skyrise with the amazing speed! Baizhang! ! lofty!

The huge dark golden gods have skyrocket, coupled with Shen Li swept, hard-to-eat the cyan lotus lotus, and there is a big hole.

The sword is unparalleled, and the rumored, this cyan lotus is completely crashed.


The four gods integrated into the big array showed the color of the horror.

They drove this trick to the big array, even if it is generally, it is difficult to break away, but the sword is unparalleled, it is so simple?

"Don't be entangled with him, directly with the strongest trick!" Qingxun god looked low.

"Okay." The other three will look back.

The four gods have a strong cyan ray, and the pound of the power is constantly incorporated into the big array.

"The power of life, the reincarnation is not ... Wan Directo!"


Endlessness, it has become a vibrant, and these vines come together at the amazing speed. Under this converging, a huge cyan ancient tree is condensed, this ancient god seems to be self-empty era. Has a general, it extends all the way to the sky above the sky.

And when this cyan ancient tree is completely formed, the thick trunk ... is!

A green wood, directly in the sword, no double attack.

Seeing this green wood, everyone in the scene has exposed the color of the horror.

Even the sword is unparalleled, and this green wood is in his opinion, it is already the full blow than God of God.

"This is your last thing?"

The sword is unparalleled, his huge body, the body of the ancient god, has shrunk only ten feet, but his ten borders are clapping the sword in the hands.

The faint cold and self-swordsselves are burst into the eyes, and the power of endless reincarnation is suddenly swept.

"Round back sword, second style!"

The murder flashed, the blood peak sword suddenly waved, and he was driving endless reincarnation.

Round back swordsman ... is the sword where there is no double in the closed custom, through the first star of the palm of his mind, it is printed.

This sword, the sword has no double one.

The first style is displayed, and the guards of the Lingxiao are directly defeated.

And now, he shows the second style.


A sword light that drives endless reincarnation is straight to stand on the green wood, and the horror power will completely explode.

For a time, it is dim.

The pounds swept in all directions, and people around them have encountered their throat.



The subtle sound, but the eyes of the eyes of the Qing army, and then in the eyes of his four people, they fully drive the green wood from the big array, they were cracking from the middle. Subsequently, a sword came from the green wood, and the green wood was thoroughly smashed.

The sword is slightly earthquake, but it is coming to the direction of his four people.

The Qingdian gods, the lifetime of the life of the life, in front of them, in front of them, have formed a heavy defense resort in front of them, so it's hard to get the sword light, but at this time, two Jin Guang suddenly lit, and the two golden light did not know when he had already appeared behind him.

"not good!"

The four people of the Qing ax have changed.

This golden light, they certainly know, Herone is the two silend of the sword.

They only shouted the swords of the sword unparalleled, but the two sorts of Hong Yinjun suddenly attacked from them, and the four people did not respond.

laugh! laugh!

The golden flow of light, instantly, in the case of two of them, so that the remaining two are the escape of the Huang.

This covers the entire Old Evan Mu Dynasty, which is completely collapsed.

"Oh, I thought you were able to bring some fun to me. Now it seems to be." The sword is unparalleled smile, the two golden light blinks have appeared next to him.

In his distance, the young army and the strong man who are like ancient cause are full of eyes, and they are dead and staring at the sword.

Never thought that the four gods of the self-cultivation of the four gods formed to form the vanity of the millennium, they will be defeated by the sword, and they are also killed by the sword.

You know, with this big array, they are confident with the general emperor.

And the sword is unparalleled, just just a true God?

Even the ancient green wood is collapsed, and the four gods of them are also completely defeated, then next ...

"I have given the blood empty God to bring you through, let you have all the people waiting, and now ..." The sword killed in a bismuth.


His body is moving. Step by step, it has already appeared in the surrounding people. This group of people gathered in the strong people from the Lingxiao Temple. Among them, many of them are the true God of Lingxiao. There are also many contestants.

But this moment, the sword is unparalleled without a whit.


The sword is ruthless, and the sword is horizontal, and the thirteen Lingxiao Temple is the true God of the Lingxiao Temple. The golden rays of the road suddenly swept, and it was easy to shuttle in the crowd.

Hong Yinjin sword is strong, it is not these true gods, and the idea can be resistant, and its speed is too fast, or it is enough.

laugh! laugh! laugh! laugh! laugh! laugh! ~~~

The sound of the dense Ma Ma is connected, and this void is paid in a moment for the human hell.

"Do not!!!"

"Quick escape!"

"Forgive, forgive!!!"

The strong people of the Lingxiao Temple have screamed.

At this point, the young ax in the distant void is still a strong man who is like ancient beast.


The strong man was a burst of explosion, and his body shape was unparalleled without sword.

"Don't impulsive!" Qingxun gods want to stop, but the strong man is already scarlet, it is completely crazy.

When I came to see this, the sword is unparalleled.

"Killing more real gods, which is better than to kill a big energy." The sword has no double grin, and the murder is shocked. On the occasion of the strong man, it is crazy in the crowd. The two golden lights, the direction of change change, and they greeted the past.


Significant man waving a big knife and fierce the knife against the two golden light.


A loud noise, single one, Hongyu Jinjian contains strong power to spit this strong man's shock, the second hand, Hong Yinjun is immediately keeping up, and it is easy to wear this strong man. Head skull.

Since then, the four gods in Lingxiao have been killed by swords!


PS: Today is 5 more!

Recommend the old book "Wuji Cang" "The reborn, I will be the beast" is very hot, you can go see.

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