Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1769 God arrives!


Qing ax God saw that strong man was easily killing by swords, although there was endless grief, but more but more helpless.

Even the four gods jointly showed that the ancient green wood was broken by the sword, and now there is no power to block the sword without any power.

The sword is unparalleled in that, even if the big energy is easy to kill, the things of the Lingxiao Temple is even more dirt, just a moment of merits, it has been slaughtered.


A angry burst sounded sound, and he fried in this day.

That color is pale, and the inner grief of the eyes heard this explosion, and immediately looked up, it was also a bright spot.

"It's coming, finally here!" Qingxing gods clasp his hands and wedd.

After that burst sound, the three exuded the figures of the throne, and they had already appeared in the Lingxiao.

These three people, one of the goldpasss, this golden robe man breathed the sky, and he was awarded anyone in the court. He is one of the two main articles of the Lingxiao Temple ... Tianzhu Emperor.

In the two people behind the emperor, it is the other two of the Lingxiao Temple standing at the top of the top.

The sword is unparalleled, I have you have to get the exact news. In addition to the two gods in the Lingxiao Temple, there are three top gods.

Now, the Tianzhu Emperor of the Lingxiao Temple, plus three top gods, all at all.

But when they arrived, Lingxiao has already blooded into the river, all over the body bones, as soon as the Rosa!

The strong people in the Lingxiao Temple in the whole Lingxiao, the highest level of four gods, killed three in the sword, unparalleled on the spot, only the Qing ax God is alive.

The rest of the gods, the boundaries are also killed by swords, and there is more than 70%, as long as the small part escapes.

Seeing this scene, the three people who have arrived, seeing the corpse of the corpse, especially the body of the three energy, is shocked.

Ling Xiaofu is the second old nest of Lingxiao Temple. The existence of a continent in the town is unusual to the importance of the Lingxiao Temple.

When I learned that the sword was unparalleled in the sea mainland, and after the killing of the Red Star God, the Ling Xiao Bao Temple was no more attention, the Tianzhu Diji is discovered in the old nest of the Lingxiao Temple. The sword is unparalleled. But they didn't expect that they didn't wait for them, and the sword didn't have a double, and the Lingxiao was going.

And just a moment of Kung Fu, it will completely defeat the power contained in Lingxiao in the power, and slaughter.

The Tianyu God immediately rushed over through the spatial wormh, but at the speed, it was already slow.

Lingxia Province has encountered an unprecedented hit.

Those fascinating Gods are also over, the Ling Xiaobao Hall is huge, the loss of some real gods, the world is nothing, only the precipitation of the time is completely recovered, but the energy can be different.

The sword is unparalleled in this battle, but the three energy people are killed, plus the previous Red Star God, is the foot of the foot!

You know, the entire Lingxiao Temple can only have a total of eleven. Any one is enough to shock the four-party super existence. But this suddenly has been swords without a double kill more than one-third!

When I have eaten so big due to the creation of the Lingxiao Temple?

"The emperor of the sky, you can really be slow enough." The sword has no double sword, and the three strong people who come proudly.

Even if the emperor God is, he does not have a fear of fear.

"The sword is unparalleled, I swear to peel off your bones, throwing into the ninth floor of my Lingxiao Temple, tortured thousands of years, let you seek life, you can't die !!!" Ice cold to the extreme voice from the sky I sent it in the emperor of God. This Tianmili has burst into unprecedented murder.

"Haha, stripping bone? If you have a few?" The sword has a context.

Many of the many great people in the Lingxiao Temple, but the Tianling God, which was in the second nest in the second nest, as for others, including the emperor of the eyes, but there is no order. The sword is unparalleled.

"Kid, death!"

That day, the God of the God did not waste, and he had no endless killing.

As the Tianmili is moving, the ancient hammer that contains a faint glaucoma appears in his hand.

This cyan sledgehammer exudes a thick power, and there is no double eyeliner that appears.

"The rumor has two chaotic gods, which is the war armor wearing on him, and the second, thinking is this big hammer." The sword is unimaced, but it is not afraid.

" The sword is unparalleled.

"Dalei Yuan secret, breaking the stars!"

The Tianshi God sent an anger, the ancient shanner in his hand, at this moment, it was actually inexhaustible.

A burst of glaucoma flooded the world, this glaze formed a great shadow, this vain is full of thunder, it is like a lord, and he is holding a big hammer with his hands. Endless thunder is gathered in that, then, the big hammer is shouting.

Booming ~~~ Tianshal.

There have been many cultural practitioners who have already refunded to the far away, see this cyan hammer, no shock, sluggish.

"This is the power of God !!!"

"God Emperor, the real God!"

"Too strong, this power is too strong."

Countless people spend.

Although it is the Qingdao God of the Lingxiao Temple, and the other two standing at the top of the gods, which is also secretly marked at the moment.

God's Jun and God, it seems like a step, it is far away.

Like the Qingdan gods, I will join hands with the three gods that have fallen into the elderly, I can barely fight with the general emperor, but this is the kind of great breakthrough, the strength is The lowest end of the emperor.

And Tian Yizhen, one of the founders of the Lingxiao Temple, has a lot of strong secrets, itself is extremely extraordinary in God, plus two chaotic gods in hand, strong power, God is absolutely a strong.

Such a super existence personally shot, so that the three people in the Qing army will increase.

"The sword is unparalleled, and it is only a true god. Although the reversal is anti-day, but it does not mean that he is invincible. He has swept a lot of gods in the real gods. It is already the limit, but I have encountered God ... No What is the card, you will die! "

"Yes, this sword is unparalleled, dead!"

"The emperor of the sky personally shot, he will not have any struggle again!"

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