"That arrow ..."

The sword is unparalleled, staring at the black long arrow in the hands of the emperor. He can feel a huge sense of crisis from that black arrow.

Obviously, this long arrow is unusual.

"Ling Xiao Bao Temple" dominate the chaotic world for so many years, the heritage is deep, not single with many strong people, but also have a lot of top cards, this long arrow, I want to be one of the Lingxiao Temple. "Sword is unparalleled Sonar.

The whole Lingxiao Temple, but the argument, only the Tianshi, which has been in the second nest, is eligible for him to avoid it.

In addition to the strong, some of the topic means of the Lingxiao Temple can not be underestimated.

Because of this, the sword has not been directly killed to the old nest of the Lingxiao Temple before, but I chose this Ling Zhu.

"The sword is unparalleled, the long arrow is not the same, you have to pay attention to it." The voice of the King also suddenly sounded in the sword.

"Well." The sword has no double heart.

And in front of him, after the day, after the emperor took out the long arrow, the corner of his mouth was a smirk, and then he returned again, and a big bow had appeared in his hands.

The big bow, the breath is also very amazing, but there is still a gap between the chaotic gods.

It is followed by countless number of strong people around, this Tianzhi God is a bow and arrow.

With the bow string, the black long arrow is in the moment of the sword, the sword is unparalleled, only feels that he has been completely locked by a strange force.

No matter where he fled to the end of the earth, this power will catch him and kill him.

"It can make this seat to consume a slap god, and the sword is unparalleled. You are also worthy of arrogance." The cold voice was sent in the mouth of the sky, the bow string was constantly opened, the shares locked the sword unparalleled strange strength Strong.


A low drink, that has already tangled to the extreme bow string, suddenly loose.

A black destroyed beam suddenly broke out, and the black long arrow was directly crash while shooting.

Although the long arrow collapsed, it is a more powerful power.

"Disposable consumables?" The sword was unparalleled.

The long arrow can be ryperated, and it is actually directly collapsed. This is uniform to condense all the power in this arrow, and if you want an arrow to kill him.

"It's a horrible power."

Many formerly surrounded by the surroundings, felt this power, and the faces have changed.

This power is too strong.

The power that is far more than the Tianzhu God and the sword is unparalleled.

This is a must kill!


The sword is unparalleled, and the spirit is bursting, and the power of the body is in the madness.

"The ancient gods, the eight pole hills!"


The golden horses of the eight football holes are coming.

The eight golden hills appeared in front of the sword, and formed a full eight defenders.

This is the strongest defense of the ancient god, and with the unparalleled strength of the sword, these eight golden 's defensive ability is also increased.

However, with this eight hills, perhaps the fullness of the emperor's fullness of the Emperor, but it is necessary to have some difference between the gods who want to kill the killing.

!!! ~~~

The dark arrow carries unsatisfactory breath, from a golden hill.

The blink of an eye, eight elegant golden hills are all thoroughly broken.

The dark arrow continued to shoot to the sword.

"The king!" The sword was unparalleled.

"Give it to me." The low sink of Kings said in the sword where the sword was unhealthy. He saw a lot of muscles crazy and creep, and then a big substance suddenly appeared.

"Wang Yue Secrets, Wan Bix!"

The dense numbers have a number of tentacles, and a group is condensed at an amazing speed, and the lactary is formed in an intermediate stone.

This giant extends slowly, and the first time is in touch with the blast of the arrow.

When the two contact ... ~~~ That scene is a stunning speed to crash, countless tentacles are crushed by the power of the god arrow.

In the end, the whole giant hand is in direct cave, but with the hindrance to the giant hand, the power of the god arrow will once again explode.


The god arrow finally was willing to pay in the sword in the sword, so that the sword was unparalphed, and the shot came out, and the sound of the sound was paused.

On the void, the sword was unparalleled, and he touched his chest, where there is a clear white point.

"It's really a horrible kill." The sword is unmainted.

In the successive hole, I wore an eight-pole hill, and I wore a championship formed by Chen Wang Shi's secret. In the end, she bombarded him. As a result, he still had some shocks.

The powerful power of the slaughter is afraid enough to be a hit to the top of the end.

"Don't you die?"

The Tianshi God is a full face.

The god arrow, that is one of the top cards owned by the Lingxiao Temple. The whole Lingxiao Temple has only three trumpet arrows, just he has used one.

And this slaughtered arrow was personally showed by his emperor. Even if the emperor is in mind, it is enough to kill, but the sword is unison, and his breath is still angry, it is obviously not heavy.

"The emperor of the sky, is it your last brand?"

The cold voice sounded, the sword is unparalleled, and it is good to look at Tianyi God. "This arrow is good, but unfortunately can't kill me, and you have a chaotic gods hierarchy, I can't kill you. However, if I want to kill you, you can't stop me. "

It's a shrinkage of the emperor.

This is his most worried.

He has a chaotic Shenbao's hierarchy, which is not afraid of swords, and other people in the Lingxiao Temple can not?

If the sword is unparalleled, he can't stop.

"The sword is unparalleled, what do you want to do?" Tian Yan Shen's emperor angry.

"What do you do?" The sword was unparalleled and cold. "I said, I am coming to find your Ling Xiao Baolian debt, only the blood of many strong people in the Taoist Temple can cast anger in my heart, today Ling Xiao The battle of the government, although killing the three gods of the Lingxiao Temple, many real gods, the world, but this is not enough, far from enough! "

"Come to the day, I will stay with you to play."

"Haha ~~~"

The cold laughter, echoing in this world, making the scenes in the scene showed a horror.

After laughter, the sword is unparalleled, but it is turned out and is obviously going to leave.

And watching the sword is far away, the emperor is gloomy to the extreme, but there is no way.

He is very clear, just lighted him, leaving the sword is unparalleled.

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