Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1773 is surprised!

The continent of the sea, the past has endless authority, so that all parties will be afraid of a million Lingxiao, at this moment, it is already a ruin.

A large number of corpse bones, all over.

And in the upper side of the Lingxiao, the Tianyi Emperor is waiting there, but it is a silence.

In the surrounding fake, many way of watching, constantly encouraging the throat, and they don't dare to send a word.

More people are still in a shock at this moment.

Today, the battle of swords, the strength of the sword, completely shocked them.

Alone, defeating the guard of the Lingxiao, killing the Lingxiao House, killing the three gods of the Lingxiao Temple, with many real gods, the gods, finally and arrived, the result is The slightly ventilated wind, under the Tianshi Shenmili's mission, still arrogant, and finally raised.

What is an earth-shattering means?


The Qingdian God came to the side of the Tianyi God, and the shape trembled: "Let's do this, look at this sword is not parallel."

"Otherwise? I have already used the god of gods, I haven't killed the killed and even seriously injured him. Even if you wait for the three people to join hands together, is there a handle to keep him uncomfortable?" Tao.

When I heard this, the top of the top of the two top gods next to them could not be silent.

Yeah, I don't look at the sword. I have to do it. What can they do?

You know, the emperor of Tianzhu is already in person, and it is used to use the god arrow, but it can not kill the sword is unparalleled. Although there is also a stronger base card in the Lingxiao Temple, those who have a lot of the base card can only be Its old nest is displayed, and there is no one.

And even if you use the base card that can take, I am afraid that I can't grasp this sword.

"Today, I will lose the strength of the Temple of Lingxiao, and the sword is unparalleled will continue to be rampant in the sea, even directly to the Lingxiao continent." Tian Yu Shen Emperor Holding hands, there is also a strong martyrdom, "Go, go back, my Lingxiao Temple must come to a Wanquan to kill this child, even if you can't kill, you can't let him continue in my Lingxiao Temple. The site is rampant. "

Soon, the emperor of Tianzhi took the residual monk, returning to the old nest of the Lingxiao mainland.

It is a lot of cultivators that have been obvious to see the battle of Lingxiao.

They all know that after this battle, Lingxiao has been abolished. In the future, the Lingxiao Temple may once again dispatch the power, but it is not the present.

Now the top priority of the Lingxiao Temple is the sword. ! !

"The sea mainland, there is a day!"


When the sword killed the Lingxiao, the power of the people in the chaotic world learned the news.

And after a long time, the results of this battle came.

The three gods of the Lingxiao Temple die, the sword is unparalleled with the sky, the god of the god, does not fall in the wind, and finally go ...

Suddenly, the Holy League is sensational, the world is shocked!

Countless people feel incredible.

"How is this possible? This sword is unparalleled, but it is just true God, although it is reversible, but the reverse repair is not strong."

"A true god, even on the front of the emperor, but not falling in the wind? Hehe ~~~"

"This sword is unparalleled, it is too big, even if it is the same as the true God of the true God, the peak state is just just barely with the top of the king, and it is too far more than this sword. The whole dramatic chaotic world, the only thing that may be compared with him, perhaps only one person! "

"White Emperor !!!"

Many strong people, they have never taken the sword and have repeatedly compared with the no sadness. It is more than the white emperor.

After all, Bai Di is also reversible, and it is also a strong to force that is recognized from the St. League.

Perhaps, only this white emperor was at the moment of the real stage, the war can be more stronger than the sword.

And at the same time among all the battle for Lingxiao ...

Thunder Island, the top of the holy mountains living in the top of the Shengshi, the top of the top of the holy mountain.

On the wooden bridge across the stream, the old man in a simple gray dress is sitting on the bamboo raft, and the body relies on a wooden pile next to it.

It seems that it is fishing, but the old gray elder have already closed his eyes, and there is a touch of snoring.

This gray clothes are obviously asleep.

Moreover, he stayed in this orchid in this posture, there is already a 1533 years.

Suddenly, the ban around the courtyard has a faint, although quickly dissipated, but this gray clothes still have some observed, although it is still never blink, but the brow is a pick.

"Emperor, how to get to me today." The voice of the gray clothes was faint in this hospital.

A middle-aged man in a white white, suddenly appeared on the wooden bridge, sitting directly from the gray clothes, this middle-aged man is like a hundred millions of stars, faint: "The whole of the Chinese, you are you two The great level, I am looking for you is not very normal? "

"Hey, those old things have been comfortable, and they are completely handed over to us in the stalls of the Shengshi." The gray clothes smashed.

"Don't complain, who makes you gambling this year, according to the gambling, Ä I have to sit in the town of the Shengmin, now I have never passed." The middle-aged man laughed.

"Okay, say your goal." The old people still did not blink.

"This is the information I just got, you'll see." Middle-aged man handed anant.

The gray clothes have passed, simple browsing, the eyes that have been closed, but suddenly open, revealing a pair of dark gray eyes.

"Sword is not double?"

"Take the real god, continue to kill the four gods of the Lingxiao Temple, and fight against the God of the God, do not fall in the wind?" The gray clothes exposed a surprised color.

This information, even if he is a bit amazed.

"I have confirmed this news, true, and that the sky is also full of efforts, even in the last, the god of the gods used it. As a result, the slaughter arrow, but it still does not give the sword. Injury, now the Lingxiao Temple is a headache for the sword. "Middle-aged man smiled.

"Hey, the Ling Yibao Temple has been inbearing, but it should be a bitter, but this is called the sword unparalleled little guy, it is really good, with the true gods, hard to resist the God, this strength, this strength, Even if the white emperor is in the stage of the real stage, it should be not bad. "The gray clothes muttered.

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