"I still deliberately indicate my realm and retroactory." The sword is unparalleled smile, as for his record ...

I didn't mention the record of the eighth chambers, and the record of the gods of the gods, only the many records on the mainland of the sea.

A palm kills the Red Star God.

Single, the four gods, the four gods jointly formed, and kill three of the gods.

Finally, with the positive battle of the Tianzhu God, it is not divided.

"This time, if it is just that it is just that the heavens and the earth are full, it can be ranked sixty-first, afraid that it is not enough." The sword didn't touch his nose.

He and the positive battle with the Gods of the God, although it is not divided, but it is not easy to determine this.

After all, those people who have no friends can see, who knows that there is a good power? Who knows that the sword is unparalleled in that battle?

In summary, this record, ranking six1, is indeed a bit bare.

"Take him, who dares to accept it in the future, it will be directly hit." The sword smiled.

As for those rankings behind, it is just some of the strength of the emperor, and the number of top gods who can fight with the emperor, have rushed to the 132nd place, this one hundred and thirty-two Heaven and Earth, there are fifteen emperors, eighty emperors, the rest is the top god.

This should be a large number of high-level power of the vast chaotic world.

Even if there are still a hidden power, it is estimated that there are not many.

Of course, the strong people who are affiliated to the blood, Huangquan Palace, is not in the heaven and earth.

After reading this list, the sword is unparalleled is a heavy spit.

"I didn't expect the strong in the world, the fifteen emperors, Eighty-one God." The sword is unmainted, "I am in the current battle, I am listed in the world. But the rankings are just the sixty-first, although standing in the top of the vast chaotic world pyramid, but it is not strong! "

"Only continue to break through, so far, it will be in the seventh step. I really become a big energy. I should compare with the big emperor, then I have a capital of the world. As for the present, it is still far away."

After that, the sword is unparalleled, and the eyes are looking at the end.

At the end of the line of sight, there is a huge mountain range, which has a rare holy Tiande vendin in this mountain, and this mine has been occupied by the Lingxiao Temple. Ling Xiao Bao Temple has more than 20 real Gods. Including the three chaotic real gods in the town.


The sword has no double shape, just a moment, he has appeared above the mountains.

When I appeared, the rumbling ~~~ huge might was spread directly, it is like the horizon of the world.

The Shenwei can be with Shen Li, the sword is unparalleled, which is comparable to the emperor. This Shen Wei is coming out, nature is also the emperor level.

The horror of the gods spread throughout the mountain, and many cultural people in the mountain range were shivering down in this Shenshi.

"In the sense of perception of my soul, there are twenty-three real gods, these true gods are from Lingxiao Temple!"

"The true God of Lingxiao Temple, you have to die!"

The sword has no double eyed murder, when it is, even if you open the kill.

On this day, the sword didn't kill this mountain range. I only used less than ten breathing time. I will guard the twenty-three true gods of the Lingxiao Temple. All kill, one will not stay.


After half a month, the sword was unparalleled in a branch of the Lingxiao Temple in the chain of the sea.

Under the eyes of countless cultivators, the swords have nothing to smash the big array of the branch, and will completely crush the temple into a powder.

Many strong people in the division, including the number of ten real gods, all of them, only some disciples with weak strengths, but fortunately escape.


Three months later, a small island that is almost isolated from the outside.

Into the blood robe, the carrier, the endless killing sword is unparalleled, stepped out, one appears to swim, pull the whole island directly half half, then the sword is light and horizontal, put all the true gods in this island, All killed.


After six months, three from the Ling Yibao Temple, the true God, just returned from the field, and did not return to the old nest of the Lingxiao Temple, but encountered a blood and righteous privacy.

This blood and robe swordsman only asked if he tried from the Lingxiao Temple.

These three people answered a 'Yes', and then the blood and robe swordsman pointed out, directly killing these three true gods.

one year later.



There is no marginal, bloody killings.

The sword is unparalleled for a death, first in the sea of ​​the sea, then ran to the Lingxiao Temple to operate the endless years of the end of the year, and the strong people who have harvested the slaughter of the Temple of the Temple, but the sword is unparalleled, the Lingxiao Temple is strong Almost no escape may be more than the gods.

As for those contexts, weak strength can be scared, but those strong top boundaries are also unparalleled by swords.

Ten years, short ten years.

Whether it is a seawatic continent, or a lot of Lingxiao, a lot of Lingxiao Temple, has been washed with swords.

According to incomplete statistics, in this ten years, the Lingxiao Temple was defeated by the sword without a double, which exceeded hundreds, of which more than 30, even the chaotic real god was also killed. More than ten times.

This is only ten years!

The horrible killing, shocked two mainland, shocked the entire Chinese company, and also made the countless cultivator of the ancient chaotic world.

"Killing God!"



One of the titles falls on the sword.

It was originally just a fear of swords and unparalleled strength, but now countless strong people are horrified in the sword unparalleled and killing.

Fortunately, the sword is unparalleled only for the Lingxiao Temple. This is not at risk of everyone.

In this decade, the Lingxiao Temple is not a passive beating, and I have thought of many ways. I even took my emperor personally, but I was unparalleled than the sky, and the sword was unparalleled. Killing, Tian Yu Shi also can't stop.

He also wants to use some bottom sign to kill the sword without double, but the base cards you can bring, can't kill the sword without killing, so it is stronger, but you must be in the old nest of the Lingxiao Temple. Internal exhibition, the sword is unparalleled and not stupid, will it be stupid to kill the old nest of the Lingxiao Temple?

This also leads that the sword is unparalleled in the sky, but the high-rise power of the Lingxiao Temple can only look, do it.

Such a kill, shocked everyone.

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