Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1777 Recall

"This sword is unparalleled, not only the talents are high, and the killing is decisive, not all of our lives than us."

"The road to strong people, it is rough, and any strong people are cast in the endless killing, now the Lingxiao Temple has become a sword unparalleled stepping stone, I estimate that this sword is unparalleled to pass the Ling Xiao. The Temple tells the world, let the world know that he is in the end! "

"The Lingxiao Temple will enhance a com star this time, it is really miserable!"

"Hey, the Lingxiao Temple has always actually acts that if it is too strong, it is too strong, and this time is finally mentioned."

"The sword is unparalleled for ten years. The Tiandao of the Lingxiao Temple also shot several times, but he didn't have any way. "

"I don't know how to do the Lingxiao Temple next to it? Does the Tiandun God who has always been in the second nest?"

"In addition, there seems to be no other way."

The entire SAR, countless strong, is in Zupin.

What they talk about is that the sword is unparalleled, and there is a hierarchical collision between the swords in this ten years.

During the decade, the world has made the world all know what kind of person is a sword. There are countless strong people.

At the same time, at the same time, everyone is also guessing, the next movement of the Lingxiao Temple.


Ling Xiao Bao Temple, there is a palace.

The Tianshi God is sitting on the highest three-meter throne, and below is the many high-rise power of the Lingxiao Temple, including those gods.

"I have a lot of real Gods in the Temple of Lingxiao, is it?" Tian Yan God overlook one person.

This person is the Qing ax.

"The temple of the temple, I am in the Lingxiao mainland, the gods of the sea, the nine-year nine have come back, and there are still few real gods, and they are also on the way." Qingxing gods respectfully, but The eyebrows are not greege, "the palace, just because of a sword in this area, we really have to recall the lot of the people back to the old nest?"

"Hey, what are you doing today?" Tian Yan God is a cold, "Don't forget, this sword has no doubles in the world, the world is already the world of the world. First, even if this is personally shot, I can't help him, and he is now in the Ling Xiao mainland, there is a crazy slaughter of the sea, this seat does not recall the true God, is it waiting for them to be slaughtered by the sword? ? "

When I was in the emperor, the whole hall was quietly quiet.

At first, the Lingxiao Temple did not put a sword where there was no double in the eyes, and considered the strength of the Lingxiao Temple.

The sword is unparalleled with the provocation of the Lingxiao Temple, but only the egg touch the stone.

Whoever wants to have such a short time, the strength of the sword has increased to this extent, and even the God of the God is, I can't help him.

In the present, the sword is not a double, which is included in the heaven and earth, and has been standing at the top of the chaotic world.

Such a super power, no one dares to ignore.

"This is the case, but the temple, we will call the many real Gods, but only the standard of the standard, after all, the many strong people in the Lingxiao Temple, I can't always hide in the old nest, I can't go out?" Qing ax God low Tao, "I must find a way to kill the sword without double, so that I can really suffer from the wrong!"

Everyone around him nodded.

However, they also know that they want to kill swords and are not easy.

"The palace, or we invite Tianling adults to shoot ..." Qing ax God just said this.

"The big brother is temporarily can't be shot." Tian Yan Shen is already waving, "Not long ago, the big brother was sent to me, he found a chamber in the second nest, this opportunity is not average, he can get it, the strength will be big The amplitude is improved, although it is impossible to become the emperor, but it is possible to achieve the level of the god! "

"Meditation?" The few gods underneath were shocked.

God ... The first person in the chaotic world is recognized.

This is a super existence that can easily kill the tips. Its position in the emperor is equivalent to the status of Bernard in the emperor.

And Tianling God, if it is possible to achieve the level of God, this is a huge surprise for the Lingxiao Temple.

"Big Brother has been thinking about the way, now is in a critical opportunity, and can therefore be delayed in this sword." Tian Yan God said.

"Tianling adults can't shoot, the top of the Shengling" What about the top of the Holy League? My Lingxiao Temple is also a member of the Holy League, if they come out ... "Qing ax God again.

"Don't think about the Holy League." Tian Yan God shook again, "This sword is unparalleled in other people."

"He itself is reversed, the talent is high, the potential is unlimited, if it is growing up in the future, even hope to reach the next level of the white emperor, it will be a new emperor. This is also very powerful. Visiting, if it is not necessary, the old guys in the Shengle is will never be paired with the sword. "

"Like him now, although he is a true god, he is only true God, it is true God, and only slaughter me, the true God of the Temple of the Temple, and the justiest reasons, even if there is more, the highest level of the Shengshi Strong people will not pay attention to it. "

"And there is still a little, this sword is unparalleled, and it has always been a person who is alone, and his stars behind him, never come forward until eventually."

The earth is gloomy.

If you are unparalleled with swords, you will be unpaired. If you add the stars, then the pressure of his Lingxiao Temple will be more right, but it is not the case.

After all, the stars are also a great power, and there are many disciples of many people in the world.

If the Star is inserted, they can also treat their people with their people. As the Tianzhu Mi also broke into the Star Continental, the true God of the Tacrose, the stars, the stars may not be able to stop. This can form a balance, constraints, and the sword is unparalleled, and it is absolutely afraid to slaughter.

But now ... The sword has always been a single self, the star has never come out, then this collision is just the secret of the sword, and has nothing to do with the star.

In this case, if the Lingxiao Temple is in the same vein, it is directly set off the battle, and this battle is still the highest level of the Holy League, it is estimated that there will be no one stands in the Lingxiao Temple. This party.

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