"If this is the case, then I am not a way to take this sword."

The colors of the Lingxiao Temple are extremely unheatched.

"I want to kill him, I am not very might, but if it is only a double retarding, it is not difficult." The Tianshi God is slight, "the command, the next time, my Lingxiao Temple is old Dressed in the old nest, there is no allowance to be allowed. "

"Yes." The people under the bottom of the people immediately.


On the continental, the sword is still in the same way.

Just as the Lingxiao Temple recalls many strong people, the sword is unparalleled is hard to find the goal.

However, this move of the Lingxiao Temple has made the Shengshi.

"The Ling Xiaobao Temple has recalling the many strong people in the Lingxiao mainland."

"It's hard, Ling Xiaobao Temple intends to shoot the turtle, let the strong people have been hiding in the old nest?"

"It's impossible, the Ling Xiao Bao Hall has always been overbearing. The heel is unusual, and the sword is unparalleled. It must never forced the Lingxiao Hall. If I have not guess, the Lingxiao Temple must already have already Coping with a sword, a mason. "

"Waiting for it."

All parties are strong, they are quietly looking quietly.

Time passed, one month, two months, half a year ... Ling Xiaobao Temple is still calm, and no longer has the strength of the gods to leave the old nest.

This makes the strong persons in the Shengling Alliance.

Is the Lingxiao Temple really taking the sword without a double way, is it going to take the turtle?

At that time, when most strong people think, the Lingxiao Temple finally moved.

On this day, the Ling Xiaobao Temple came out, after a month, the Tianyi God will play a big banquet in the Tiancheng in the Lingxiao mainland, and personally see the sword.

The news came out, the parties were shaken.

Some people say that the Lingxiao Temple will be held, it has already set the trap to kill the sword, only the sword is unparalleled.

It is also said that the Lingxiao Temple is a unparalleled mutual unparalleled, helplessly wants to find the sword. There is no one to talk about, that is, the Lingxiao Temple is from the low head.

And the protagonist of this event is unparalleled, and it is naturally receiving the message in the first time.

"See me?"

The sword has no double touching the nose, with a smile with a taste.

"The sword is unparalleled, the Lingxiao Temple has always been overbearing, since the Tiandi, the emperor created the Lingxiao Temple, and only in the face of the Emperor, in the face of the gods, the head, now you Although it is hurting the Lingxiao Temple, they are both strongest, especially the Tianshan God is still alive, then they are absolutely impossible to bow down, so this appointment is very likely It is for your trap. "The main road of Yuan Temple.

"Trap?" The sword didn't have a double sink, and immediately asked: "Yuan Temple, Tianling God, can you have a message?"

"No, I have always stared at the second nest, I'm sure that Ling God is still in the second nest **." Yuan Dynasty replied.

"What is the power on the other world to respect?" The sword is unparalleled.

"It is very strange, the strong people on the heaven and earth, in addition to a gods, the gods, who have been staying in the Lingxiao mainland, and there is no other strong to go to Lingxiao mainland." .

When the sword is unparalleled with the Lingxiao Temple, the Yuan Dynasty is used to use the stars, including the many intelligence resources in the Shengfa, and keep staring at the strong people who can threaten the sword. But No news from which a strong person ran to the Lingxia Continent.

"Tianling God did not come back, and there was no strong person on the Supreme Plan of Heaven and Earth. What is this Lingxiao Temple to kill me? Is it some other base card?" The sword is unparalleled, "is wrong, if the Lingxiao Temple is really I can take out the base card that threatens me, I have already taken it out, I will never wait until now, what will be? "

Even if the sword is unparalleled, there is a bit of intention of the non-transients of the treasure.

"No matter what the Lingxiao Temple, this appointment, you are best not to go." The main road of Yuan Dynasty.

"No, this Ling Xiaobao Temple is sincerely invited. Can I still go? No matter what kind of calculation, even if there is a trap, my sword is unparalleled, and then the sword is unparalleled."

It is to know that in the Vatican Sea, he was designed by Huangquan Palace, nine dead life, but finally still lived, and the strength was great.

This is true of Huangquan Palace, and the sword is unparalleled.

Furthermore, the sword is unparalleled to their own strength, and there is absolute confidence.

"Since you insist on going, you can, but in case, I will inform the Palace of the Palace. Please ask the palace master to go to the Ling Xiao mainland. If you really encounter anything, there is a palace master The Lingxiao Temple has no rooms. "The main road of Yuan Dynasty.

"Good." The sword nodded and then decided.


After January, the autumn is high.

Ling Xiao mainland, Haotian City, countless cultivator gathered here.

These cultivators naturally ambassador to meet the sword and the Lingxiao Temple.

On the sky, a high stage is quietly suspended. On the high stage, there are two batches, one of the new stoods, sitting on the eyes.

This golden robe man, it is the emperor of the emperor!

Gathering a lot of cultivators in Haotiancheng, they saw this natural emperor, and one was awe.

"The emperor of the sky, this is one of the founders of the Lingxiao Temple!"

"This legendary figure, the old man is finally seen today, even if it is dead, there is no regret."

"The emperor is very powerful, but I admire the sword and unparalleled, that is, I am shaking the whole Lingxiao Temple. It is said that I can only fight with him."

Countless cultivars are secretly communicating.

at this time……

"Haha, the emperor, sorry, let you wait." A cool laughter, suddenly swayed in the world.

Then, a bloody body is moving from the distance, step by step.

His pace is slow, but every step, but it has no inendime mystery, and the scorpion is unbearable, and the pace is coming to spread.

Numerous cultivars looked up together, looked at people, and these eyes were not worshiping and fanatics.

For a long time, this blood robes fell on the high platform, and they fell in front of the Tiandi.

It has also been open to the eye, and the emperor who has been sitting in the case has finally opened his eyes.


The sword is unfair, sitting next to the air in front of it.

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