Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1779 helpless

With the sword where there is no double, this big city is completely quiet.

Everyone lifted his head and looked at the top of the above, there were only two people left in their sight.

These two people are naturally sword unparalleled and the emperor!

The two major names of the heavens and the world are super strong, and the two major shocks of the existence of the vast chaotic world.

In addition to his two, several gods like Lingxiao Temple, are not qualified to be based on the high platform.

On the high platform, the sword is unparalleled with the sky, and the eyes are opposed to the distance.

The space has long been completely solidified.

For a long time, the first open, "Sword is unparalleled, even if it is this seat, I have to admire you, I really dare to come to the app, you are not afraid of this seat to set the trap, hi ..."

"If you have any traps, if you come out, even if you come out, no matter what is, my sword is unparalleled!" The sword has no double cold channel.

"Is it?" Tian Yan Shenmi killed, at this moment, he didn't want to shoot directly, and some means prepared before it could be prepared. The sword was killed on the spot.

"If I start, I have a chance to have three points!" Tian Yan Shen also hesitated, and he suddenly became a fierce.

"Star old monster?" Tian Yan Shen's eyesometric.

He has already perceived the star of the starry palace in the nearby void, but the latter never appeared.

"It seems that you are not ready to be a little?" Tian Yan God smiled coldly, he knew that since the Star Palace is in the vicinity, then he wants to shoot directly to kill the sword is impossible, first of all, he will make It is only 30% of the chance, and the chance is not big.

And even if the luck can kill the sword, the sword is unparalleled. When it arrives at life and death, the star of the star is afraid to look at it.

But as long as the sword is unparalleled, this Star Palace owner is estimated that it will not shoot.

"The emperor of the sky, let's talk about it, you will come today, what do you want to say?" The sword laughed.

"It is very simple, that is, you want you to leave the Lingxia Continental and the Sea Continent." Tian Yan Shen Dao.

"Haha, my killing is just starting, now I want to leave? What?" The sword is unparalleled.

For many times, I want to take him in the Ling Xiaobao Temple, the sword is unparalleled.

Now he kills many strong people in Lingxiao, and it is also forced that the Temple of Lingxiao has been turtle in the old nest, but with these, it is not enough, it is not enough!

His anger is not killing a few gods, killing some real gods can completely calmness.

He wants to kill the temple in Lingxiao, and kill, if there is strength, he even will even rank the Lingxiao Temple!

Now, this day, I want him to stop one sentence, maybe?

"The sword is unparalleled, you have a very good way, even if I want to kill you, I am very difficult, but this doesn't mean that I will be afraid of you, I am the heritage of my Lingxiao. It's not you can imagine. "The emperor of the sky is cold, but his palm is a turning, and it has taken out anorge.

"Well?" The sword was unblorated.

"Sword is unparalleled, don't you ask? What? This is telling you, you will be in the hands of this." The emperor is cold and cold, and the palm of the palm is directly smashed. .

Let the symbol, did not imagine that the horror power broke out, it is clear that this will not contain a means of destroying the sword.

After the can be broken, there is a breath to slow down.

This breath, with God, the emperor is completely different.

This is a breath that is supreme, and in the top of the ancient top.

This breath, there is a name called the emperor! ! !

"The breath of the big power?" The sword was not double-faced.

And under his gaze, a tall and proud figure slowly condensed.

She is more than five meters, bumps, and a beautiful face, there is a unclear cool and noble, one appears above the void, overlooking all the seriously injured eyes swept, but all by her scorpion Sweaked, including the Lord of the Star Palace, the emperor, one of them can't help but go.

Even if the sword is unparalleled, even though it is extremely reluctant, it has only low it at this moment.

"Heavens, see the glazed emperor!" Tian Yan God's first gift of this glamorous woman.

"I will wait for the Glass Emperor." The many strong people in Lingxiao also respectfully.

Swords are unbolded in swords, but it is still in respect of people.

No way, the big level of the emperor, the strength is in that, don't say that the sword is unparalleled, even if the God of the God is here, you have to respect the ceremony.

"You, is the sword is unparalleled?" The emperor of the glass did not have a soft feeling, like overlooking the antity overlooking the sword.

"Yes." The sword is not a hyper point.

"Ling Xiao Bao Hall has forced you into the truth, and you have killed the four gods of the Lingxiao Temple, many real gods, grievances!"

"From today, unless the Lingxiao Temple once again provokes you, you must not kill a strong man in the Glass of the Hall!"

"If you violate ... Dinning!"

The cold voice moved in the world, and each word contained the endless pound of the might, and the crowded people did not breathe.

After the voice is completely dropped, the body shape of the glazed emperor slowly dissipated, and finally completely turned into a virtual.

Until the emperor of the glazed emperor disgraced, the many cultivators present were long vomiting.

The sword is unpaid, watching the direction of the glazed emperor far away, but the face is getting gloomy.

"Haha, sword is unparalleled, you can listen to the emperor's words?"

The Tianshi Shenmi has a bit of laughter, and his eyes also looked at the sword. "This is said, I am not a simple, don't think that you think it is like. Don't say, single, my Lingxiao Temple dominates for so many years in this glazed, and directly occupying the two mainland, can do this, how can I have a little relationship with the Great Emperor? "

The sword is unbolded.

He didn't expect that the Lingxiao Temple has this trick.

The Emperor personally came out, even if he was him, he had to worry.

"Sword is unparalleled!"

The voice of the emperor once again sounded again. "The command of the emperor of the emperor has been very clear. If you dare to continue to kill me in the glazed holy place, then I don't have to use my Lingxiao Temple, the emperor will will I personally take a kill you, your sword is unparalleled, but an emperor wants to kill you, should it be easy? "

"Now, you make a decision!"

"It's war, or retreat !!"


PS: Today is 5 more!

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