Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1780 Choose

Is it a battle, or retreat! !

The voice of the God of the God is coming to the whole city of Tiancheng, and also echoing in the heart of the sword.

In the city of Tiancheng, countless cultivars watched the scorpion.

Everyone is waiting for the sword unparalleled choice.

Under the eyes of everyone, the sword is unbolded, and there is no water, and there is an endless cold man, and the killing is also rushing.

"Kill!" "Kill!" "Kill!"

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled. If you want to continue to kill, you will kill the temples in the Taoism, and no one killed again.

But his reason is clear, and it tells him that since the emperor of the glass is coming from personally, he will continue to kill, then he will face with the glazed emperor.

With his current strength, it is facing the last big emperor, which is tantamount to ovary, there is no room for struggling, and no one can save him.

Even if the Lord of the Star Palace, he did not grasp the life of an emperor, let alone the sword is unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, endure, must bear!" The voice of the king sounded in the sword.

"The sword is unparalleled." Hidden in the dark star palace master also came, "The great majesty is not provocative, the glazed emperor personally come up with the order, if you violate, the emperor will definitely hesitate to kill you."

The sword has no double eyes, under the comment, his hands holding the hands slowly.

A shocking, instant smoke, causing clouds, his face is also indifferent, as if the wind is light.

This scene, making many practitioners present in the scene.

"This sword is unparalleled, a strong mood!"

"I just killed the sky, and all theirs in an instant became gentle and clouded. His emotional control is almost perfect."

"This sword is unparalleled, it seems that there is no jealous and hateful."

Many practitioners are secretly embarrassed.

They all see that the sword is unparalleled has converges the killing, naturally, is not intended to continue to kill.

And this practice, in their view, is the most correct.

The smile on the face of the Tianzhu Dizhen is solidified, and there is a lot of regrets in the heart.

He originally wants to stimulate the sword and unparalleled, so that the sword will continue to shot, so that the emperor will kill it, replace this big enemy for them.

But the sword is unparalleled, there is no call.

"Hey, swords are unparalleled, this is still thinking that your top genius will never bow, but now it seems, but so." The God of the God smiled.

"What are you proud?" The sword is unparalleled, and the sound is indifferent.

"Well?" Tian Yan Shenmine was watching.

"The big Lingxiao Temple, the top great power of the chaos world, was forced by me to this level today, and even killed four gods, many real gods, the world, but they didn't dare to say a sentence. In the end, I can only pray that the emperor will come out for you, so, you are still a good idea? "The sword is unparalleled," If I have, I have to find a drill, I dare to come out, I'm looking for it. "

"Mix!" Tian Yan Shenyi couldn't help but anger.

"Why, isn't it? If you are not your Lingxiao Temple pray for the emperor, you think that you will have the opportunity to stand in front of me? These strong people in the Lingxiao Temple are still living back?" Sword is unparalleled? " Mock up.

It is the sky, but this anger is suppressed by him.

He knows that the sword is not only to him. If he can't help but take the initiative, the sword is unparalleled, the sword is unparalleled.

"Hey, this is too lazy to follow you, in short, after today, if you have a courage to kill me, then you will wait for the anger of the Glass of the Emperor." Tian Yu Shi Lou.

"Oh, there is a little bit of emperor, there is a little bit, the glazed emperor said that if you don't take the initiative to provoke my Lingxiao, you must not kill your Lingxiao Temple in the glazed. In other words, if I have a glass holy place, my sword is unparalleled to kill who, the glazed emperor will not be able to manage. "The sword is unparalleled.

It is a lot of emperor.

Yes, the emperor just said this.

The Emperor of the Glass is just a banned sword. There is no double in the glass, which will continue to kill on her site. If it is in place, the glazed emperor can not control.

"As long as the glazed is stable, as for the future, you will meet with the Lingxiao Temple in the future. When you say anyone who kills." Tian Yan Shendao.

Tianshu God also has confidence. To know, his big brother is now in a critical period. Just give Tianling God for a while, the latter can reach the level of the god, when the Tian Ling God returns , To kill the sword is unparalleled, isn't it a light?

"In this case, then I will wait and see." The sword is unparalleled and ice ice glance, and then turn it out, step by step.

Many cultivators in Haotiancheng, seeing the sword is unparalleled to leave, and they are also silent.

They all know that the sword is unparalleled, what they can accept.

However, they don't know, but the swords that have been turned over at this moment are unparalleled, but the completion is once again gloomy.

"Ling Xiao Bao Temple, there is a glass emperor!" The sword didn't be born.

"Strength, the final is not enough."

"The power of the emperor personally came out, I couldn't resist it, I can only follow the order, but if I have a strength, I don't need to become the emperor. I only need to achieve the level of the god, I can fight with the emperor. Even in the hands of the big emperor, then I can be afraid of this glazed emperor, even if this glazed emperor wants to block, I can also use her. "

The sword is unparalleled.

He now, with God of God, on the heaven and earth, it is ranked sixty-one, and it has been standing at the top of the world.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is still absolutely insufficient.

He can't face the emperor.

When the glimpse of the glimpse order, he even had a big hatred, and more wrote, and only strongly pressed the heart, including hate.

"Ling Xiao Bao Temple, I will put you a horse today, but this doesn't mean that you are grievances, wait, how long, I will use it again, I will go back, I will return Ling Xiao. The Temple turned over, and the many strong people in the Lingxiao Temple! "

"There is also a glazed emperor, you are stronger than me today, you have to open, I have to retreat, but one day, I will step on your feet!"

"And this day, it will never be too far !!!"


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