Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1781 Ancient Secrets

Under the eyes of all, the sword is unparalleled to leave the Glass Holy Land.

The news is passed to the Zernse Island, and countless power is unparalleled.

But for the choice of swords, no one will contempt, but also respect the praise, many people have seen a bit more high for swords.

After all, an emperor came out of person, who dared to violate?

The sword is unparalleled, there is a bit of strength, even listed in the heaven and earth, but he is absolutely not a bold green head.

"Can you endure it, in the future, there will be a chance to step on the powerful level." This is the wild dog god of the sword who has a little more than knowing the news. "

"Only this battle, whether it is talent, still in mind, the sword is unparalleled, and if he is not falling, the future will be a party!"

"As long as you can get the practice of refurbished seventh step, the Great Level should not be difficult to him, even in the future, I hope to be close to the white emperor."

"The sword is unparalleled, the first day of the world!"

Numerous strong people are amazed, and they have a very high evaluation of swords.

Just ten days after the sword is unbearded, only ten days after the road, the attention of the power of the people in the world is transferred from the sword.

Because, there is a bigger thing in the world.

"Ancient secret, coming is going to be born!"

This news is like a storm, instantly swept it.


The purple moon, the Star Mainland, there are dozens of shapes and don't stand there in the river.

These figures are some law enforcement elders in the Star Continent, including some chaotic real gods, and the three people headed, it is the main hall.

The main hall of Yuan Temple, the Lord of the Temple, and the main side of Nie Yun Temple is there, and the face has a smile.

Not long after, the distance is void, and there are two people, and it is a sword unparalleled and the star palace master.

"Haha, welcome our heroes to come back." The main hall of Yuan Dynasty laughed.

The rear of the law enforcement, which have exposed the enthusiasm and admiration.

They have long learned that the sword is unparalleled in the Ling Xiao mainland, and the news of the Dangli Temple of the Dangli Temple.

In this regard, these law enforcement elders are naturally excited.

You know, the Lingxiao Temple can be very overbearing, it has only only bullied someone else, when is it bullied by others, not to mention it directly to their base card, but also slaughter their strong, this also gives a star The pulse, including a lot of power, a strong force, who has eaten the Lingxiao Temple in the Shengba, has an emotion.

Especially when they know that the sword has no self-sufficiency to the Ling Xiaofu, when the Lingxiao Temple is full of four energy, everyone shook a very much.

Dachers, every one is super existence, even if it is the great power of the Lingxiao Temple, only one of the eleven energy, this suddenly killed four in the sword!

Although later, the sword is unparalleled, the sword is unparalleled, but the light is this record, it is already brilliant.

"The main hall of Yuan Temple, the Lord of the Temple, Nie Yun Demon, how are you all in this?" The sword is in front of everyone.

"We here, of course, for greeting you with the palace." The main hall smiled.

"There is no double temple, one person kills the four gods of the Lingxiao Temple. It is quite,,

"Unparalleled Hall, admire." The Lord of the Demonstaus also came over.

"Three don't joke me." The sword smiled.

"Okay, go to the Dongfu and then say it." The main opening of the Star Palace.

The main people of the Yuan Dynasty nodded, and the crowded people in the river.

Within exquisite and wide cave, the main end of Xingchen Palace is sitting at this highest, the four major temples below, including swords, unparalleled, and also sitting casually.

"The sword is unparalleled, this time you kill the four major energy people in the Lingxiao Temple, you can say that it is a hunt of the Lingxiao Temple. Although the Lingxiao Palace will not have you, you can only ask you to make you, but you But it is not a small look at the Temple of Lingxiao.

"I know." The sword nodded, said: "The most stronger in the Lingxiao Temple is now in the sky, this day, the emperor is nothing to do, the Lingxiao Temple really relies on, it should be that Ling Ling God. "

"You know." The main point of the star, "Tianling Shen Emperor, in the heaven and earth, the twenty-two, I have traded with him, his strength is indeed more than I have to be strong, and I got the news, this day, Ling God seems to have found some opportunity in the second nest in the year, and the strength may also make further. If he comes out from the second nest, it is very likely to find you. You have to be guarded. "

"Well." The sword nodded again.

He doesn't care, but Tianling God is indeed qualified to pay him.

"In addition, there is one thing I want to inform them." The main color of Xingchen Palace suddenly became downgry, "I just got the news of the Shengshi, ten years later, the ancient secrets should be opened."

"Ancient secrets?" Yuan Temple, the Lord of the Temple, and Nie Yun Temple is surprised.

Only swords are unparalleled, but unclear.

He didn't have heard of this ancient secret, but since he mentioned ancient times, it must be related to the ancient times.

"Ancient times, this is the most stronger, the most prosperous era of the world, the strong is like a cloud, in the era, even even the emperor is nothing, but later, unknown, the ancient times, the ancient times, the era, leading to the entire era Completely collapse, even many of the many territories in ancient times, it is also a battlefield! "

"These ancient battlefields contain many secrets and opportunities in the ancient times, and the attractiveness is too attractive to the practice of the second era."

"In the world, there are many ancient battlefields, there are many ancient battlefields, and the second nest to the eighth chambers, more or less are from the territory of the ancient battlefield, such as the Sixth Nest, the Vatican Hai is said. It has been collapsed from the ancient battlefield. "The voice of Star Palace is echoating in this cave.

As soon as I heard the Vatican Sea, the sword is unparalleled, but it can't help but think about the two surveyors hidden in the deepest in the Vatican Sea.

The two strong people, in the sword, there is no double look, even if it is the big power, it is almost in front of them.

The two big people in the two strong people have saved his life and gave him a chance.

Now I listen to the Lord of the Star Hero Palace, the sword is unparalleled, the two strong people in the Vatican, including a star, should be the strong in ancient times, but they have been in a sleep, just with the eighth nest The core area is dark, in the independent space of Dragon Seven, the super power from the seven-star Xuan Xuan, who has been falling in the independent space.

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