Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 178 attacked


The terrible sword light is like a screaming dragon, and it is directly in front of the yin, which is in front of it.

This yin deficiency is small, and the Huang is resistant.

However, the sword is unparalleled, but the third Ouyang, the third of the dragon list can kill, the truly war, can even be comparable to the yin deficiency, but also sneak attack, dealing with an ordinary yin deficiency .

The results will naturally do not have a slight exception.

Sword is easily swim from this yin and small body hole, killing it directly.

And next to it!!!!

The successful roaring in the successful roar, then saw that Quantu and several other nine emperors were bombarded at this moment.

Like that Quant is even more embarrassed on the wall, the wall is smashed, and his mouth also spurts a blood.

In addition to the yin deficiency of the nine emphy of the nine emperors, it has killed one by the sword. Yang Zi Xuan teamed up with Su. It also killed a yin deficiency, and the two yin deficiency, although Did you die, you can be seriously injured.

At this time, I will directly let the five yin virtual power of the nine emperors die. Three seriously injured.

"It's still amazing." Then the golden dragon came to see the sword.

The sword is only a smile. He knows that these Jinlong make the hand to kill the other party directly, but this does not mean that they are useless.

After all, the stronger strength, the more difficult it is to kill.

Like a general yin deficiency, it is not difficult to kill, but after the yin deficiency, it is difficult to kill.

"Continue to kill." The sword didn't drink low, and then the nine emphsence struck who came directly towards it.

Most of the Jiuhuangmen strong in this group, mostly congenital Jin Dan, although the strength is general, but the quantity is very much.

In order to save his father, the strong who is in the nine emperors, the sword is unparalleled, and there will be no more humble.


Yang Zai Xuan, Suiro also has the Jinlong to kill directly.

"You ..." Strun with Changuang standing to stand, see a scene in front of him, noodles.

"Haha, I am sorry that there is a thing of the song, and the people of the people are loyal." One of the bluffled Jinlong made a laughter directly toward the music.

Quantu also welcomed it immediately.

However, because of the sneak attack, he is seriously injured, so in the face of this Jinlong, he can only strive to resist it, but it is in an absolute lower air.

And the other Jinlong made a unparalleled three people with swords, just like a tiger.

For a time, blood fluttered, reddish horizon.

A fierce battle has emerged.

Close to the courtyard of the mountain wall.

When the moment of the fierce battle in the nine emperor, a strong horizontal and terrible breath also rushed to the sky, these atmospheres were spread to the spirit of the battle, and naturally passed to this courtyard.

"What's going on?" Ma Qinghai has changed, and he looked in the past, and he saw the fierce battle in front of him.

"Do you have a large number of strong people to kill my nine emperor?" Ma Qinghai was shocked, and he said: "If there is a change in the door, the long wind, you will stay here, you don't want to go."

After finishing, this Ma Qinghai rushed over the fierce battle with the fastest speed.

In the courtyard, Na Ma's long-standing is also aware of a terrible spiritual fluctuation that is not far away, and the face has changed.

"Yin deficiency, a group of yin deficient strong actually killed my nine emperor?"

"My nine emperor is the first-class sect of the Tianzong Dynasty. In the entire Tianzong Dynasty, who has the courage to follow the power, directly kill me in the nine emperor?" Ma Changfeng crumped frowned.

As a first-class sect, the bottom is deep, and it has always been very strong.

In the entire Tianzong Dynasty, there is only the seven top clan with the three major hegens that are only the seven top clan.

Whether it is a seven topic, or the three major hegens, their nine emperors have always been very humble, never dare to provoke, the other party will not find the trouble of nine emperors without any reason.

"I didn't provoke anything from the time. I should not be hit by other forces. Unless ..." Ma Changye thought of a possibility, when it is the white hair man next to it. Jienan saw the past.

"Old things, the group of strong, is it for you?"

The Jiannan Heavenly glanced at the horse, still drinking wine, did not answer.

"Hey, it must be for you." Ma Changfeng snorted, "but unfortunately, they can't save you, let me say that I am in the nine emperor," is this courtyard ... "

"This courtyard is a huge and indestructible prisoner, from you to this court, it is destined to save you."

When I heard this, the sword was slightly condensed, but it still did not speak.

In the nine emperor, the fierce battle has reached the stage of white heat.

A icy body is lying on the ground, and some are lying on the eaves, these bodies are the golden Dan Wu of the nine emperor.

On lineup, swords are unparalleled to be stronger than nine emperors.

Not to mention, just a round of sneak attack, the nine emperors lost two yin and deficiency, and there were two yin deficiency and that there were also serious injuries.

The war of yin deficiency is already a situation in the situation. As for the ordinary golden Danwu, there are more quantities, and it is nothing wrong with it. It can slightly drag the time.

And this time ...


I caught cold, I am awkward in the empty, followed by a face-tornless black dress appeared on the void, the strong breath swept.

"I dare to kill my nine emperor, so big courage."

This black old black hunting, there is no wind, and it has been used in the eye.

This person, the nine emperor has been closed, the older is always old.

"Too old!"

"Too long and old."

"There is too late to come and personally come, this group of invaders have a lot, kill them!"

When I saw the appearance of the people, the strong people of the nine emperors immediately exposed the color of surprises.

But the old black old man just appeared, a grand laughter was surprised, "Haha, Mo, you are still dead?"

A Junyi middle-aged appeared in front of this black old man, the same yin yin's peak is spread, but it is not weak than that of this black dress. This person is naturally hidden in the dark night.

"Night is like wind?" The old man is slightly in the face, "I haven't had a guilty temple."

"It is not guilty, but we are a trust this time." The night laughed.

"You want to block me?" The old man is cold.

"What do you say?" Night is like a whisper, "Maybe it's a positive killing, I am not necessarily your opponent, but I am, you are going out."

"Try it." This black dress is no longer nonsense, and it is straightforward.

And the night is like a wind and greeted.

The two fear of the two yin are all in the top of this nine emperor.

Atmospheric, terrible strength crazy.

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