Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 179 Six Big Zip Killer

The nine emperor's too old old old old is stopped by the night, and it can't come out at all, and the form is still in the nine emperor.


The sword is unparalleled, and the three kids swords into a streamed, a lotus, a strong, a strong, a strong, a strong, a strong, a strong, a strong puncture.

This yin is sneak over, it is seriously injured, and now the strength can only play more than 70%.

It can be seen that the sword is unparalleled to him, this yin is a cold, and there is a cold.

"The district is a first day Jin Dan, and dare to fight with me, give me death."

In the burst, a dark spear held in this yin deficiency, and he has also swayed a vast earth mood at this moment. Directly in front of the sword in front.

Space seems to be directly pierced.


That sword is also a burst of flow.


Two terrible power crazy collides with stranded, but it is obvious that the sword is a absolute upper wind, or even rolling.

"What?" This yin is shocked, but the figure is incompletely retreat.

"Be careful, the little son you face, should be a big sword in this selection battle, in the landlord list, you can rank first." Beide next to two Jinlong's Charon couldn't help but drink.

This time I selection war, because the genius disciple in the Jiuhuangmen is not in the list of dragons, so I have never participated.

This Quantong did not recognize the sword without double, but he heard that now I saw the strength of the sword unparalleled, and I naturally be aware of it.

"The first?"

The yin, the yin, who was unparalpled by the sword, was cold, killing the rain, "The first of the landlong list, the district is a golden Dan, I don't believe it, I can't kill him."

Cold snort, this yin is a strong strong, once again, there is no double rush to sword.

And the sword is not a mouth of the mouth, three swords on the three swords, suddenly broke out.

"Nothing to sword, second style!"

"Only my style!"


The sword is unparalleled, and the strongest trick is exhibited.

A fierce sword is angry, and there is only the weather of my alone.

And the lacquer black spear in the hands of the yin, and once again wear the void, ice-cold thorn out.

This time, the gap is even greater.

The sword is on the dark spear, and the terrible power will leave the paint black spear. Subsequently, this sword is not reduced, from this yin deficiency, the body is ruthless.

This yin deficiency is not struggling, and it is directly killed.

"Yin deficiency is big?" The sword was unparalleled and cold.

Under normal circumstances, the genius of the top 20 in the landlong list can be comparable to the yin deficiency, and the top ten in the landlord has the war of yin deficiency, like the sword has no double destruction. Ouyang Haotian, his combat power is really comparable to the yin deficiency.

But the result is that Ouyang Haotian is killed by swords without double one sword.

And this is yin deficiency, although it is better than Ouyang Haotian, but the sword is unparalleled.

"This stupid ..."

As next to Quan saw this scene, but I couldn't help but secretly.

He has reminded that the name is yin, let him treat it carefully, but the result is still swords with swords.

You must know that the nine emperor's yin is not much, and now it is killed, which makes this situation, and becomes more ruined.

The top of the top, the nine emperor is too old, that is, the black old man will also look at the scenes below the eyes, and the eyes are now sinking, low and drink: "Ghost Tiger, if you don't shoot no longer I am really finished in nine emperors. "

"Ghost Tiger?" The sword was not double-finished, and he also noticed that in one direction of the nine emperor, there is a thick breath that has a sharp breath.

"Hey, swords are unparalleled, heaven has a road, you don't go, hell is not a door, today, don't want to live back." The cold smile echoed in this world, followed by the void in the distance There was a six black spots.

These six black spots rapidly, so soon they appeared in front of everyone.

Six teams are black robes, and they are with purple masks.

These six people are all the purple kilms of the bloody feather.

Seeing this suddenly appeared six purple kilms, swords are unparalleled, Yang Zi Xuan, Suiro also has the golden dragon to make it difficult to look into a moment.

"Six purple killing killers, five people have reached the yin deficiency, and one is even more yin!" The sword is unparalleled. "

The sword is unparalleled, I know that the bloody piercing is emphasized to his father, and there will definitely send a lot of strong people to be responsible, so six people who have suddenly taken out will not feel unexpected.

It's just that he didn't expect that the strength of these six people would be so horrible!

Six people, there is a peak of yin, the remaining five are all over the same!

Such a lineup, plus the remaining in the nine emperors, and the overall strength, it has been able to completely crush them.

Six purple kilms stand in the void, murderous, and the name of the yin yin peak ghost tiger, the cold eyes overlook, and finally solidified in the sword.

"The sword is unparalleled ... There are these golden dragons, , today, you can't walk!" Ghost tiger sounds cold, "kill!"

Under the order, the six purple kills were killed even if they fell.

At this time, a giant hand that condensed the vast energy was suddenly taking the six purple killing.

"Well? I still hide a strong man?" The ghost tiger is moving, and I still laugh, "but it is just a yin yin peak."

After finishing, a cold blood scattered and pulverized this directly.

"Go, go!"

The water suddenly appeared in the upper empty, just that the giant hand was exhibited, the purpose is just to hinder these six purple kilms.

"The sword is unparalleled, the enemy's strength exceeds our imagination, we should immediately retreat immediately." Water is shouting.

Those golden dragons around, they also have to look back.

When they saw this group of strong people, they had already born.

As for Yang Changxuan, he also looked at the sword with Su.

It is a battle to retreat, and you will be a double by the sword.

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled, and it is a cold.

"Six purple kills, a yin deficiency peak, five yin is full ..."

"With the spiritual force of Jin Dan's top peak," If it is a secret, it should be sufficient to make spiritual cultivation to the general yin deficiency, cooperation with no golden Dan, power out is comparable to Yin The virtual is satisfactory, plus my feelings of swords ... You should not even sweep the peak, you should not be a problem. "

The sword is unparalleled, just instantly have a decision.

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