I will be returned now, this is never a sword.

What's more, just in front of these six purple kills, although the lineup is very strong, but it is not eligible to let him retreat.

"The secret of the spirit ..." The sword is unblocked, and at this moment, it is already prepared to show the secret surgery to fight with these six purple killing.

Can be disrespectful ...


Digital figure is almost simultaneously in front of the sword.

"Well?" The sword is unparalleled.

"What?" The six purple kilms have also seen it.

This suddenly appeared, a total of nine people, nine people wearing a purple robe, standing in the void, Jiu Dao's thick breath at this moment is even more unscrupulous to spread, and the world has lost color.

The entire nine emperor is completely quiet at this moment, and everyone looks at this sudden appearance.

The vast breath of the nine is, and there are eight roads that have reached the level of yin deficiency, and one person is even more yin!

The terrible lineup, the six-piece Ziki killer in the bloody pompon, there is a stronger a bit.

"Purple Robe?" The sword was unparalleled and suddenly moved.

The same robe, he seems to have seen before.

At this time, there was a big middle-aged man in the nine body, and the middle-aged man smiled and walked. "Unparallert, I named Danjiu, my family's small owners intend to tell me to come to help you A arm force. "

"Danjiu? Less Master?" The sword was unparalleled and smiled.

"Wang Yuan is big."

The sword is unparalleled with hands, and the face is full of wishes.

When he just returned to the dragon palace, Wang Yuan sent him a big gift, which is that Lin Yun.

Lin Yun is a purple killing killer in the Bloody Pad, but has been quietly lost by Wang Yuan. This can be resistant. It is really horrific, and it is in the middle of the secret room. The door is the strong sense of yin deficiency.

This makes the sword are unparalleled to the truly identity of Wang Yuan. It is determined that Wang Yuan has a big background.

And this time, the departure rescued his father. He also asked Wang Yuan. Wang Yuan said that he is weak, not planning to participate, but now Wang Yuan himself does not participate in this, but it is true but also to help.

"No matter what to say, Wang Yuan is old, this love, I remember." The sword was unparalleled.

At the same time, in the nine emperor, it is not far from the nine emperor, and a huge purple cloud carvings flutter, stay here, sitting on the back of the purple clouds, then sitting One big fat man who is eating fruit.

This big fat man, natural is a good brother, Wang Yuan!

"Hey, I thought it was the lineup of the old three, the nine emperor was killed. I didn't think that the bloody ripper was arranged here." Wang Yuan Eat fruit and murmured.

He is always waiting outside the nine emperor, just because the sword is unparalleled to occupy an absolute upper, but there is no need to shoot, but when the power of the bloody piercing is, he immediately let the strong struggle.

"Less master, the door owner can tell you, let you don't deal with the bloody ripple?" On the side of Wang Yuan, he stood an old man. This brunette old people face the vicissitudes, and there is a freckle on the forehead. It seems that the end of the fever.

"I didn't deal with the bloody ripple. I just let Danjiu who stops the bloody rural strength, and didn't call them to kill, but not to violate the orders of the father, and then, do not regain a bloody feather in the district. Is it? Even if it is really destroyed, how can it? Can it still do it? "Wang Yuan disdain.

Wen said, the brown old man next to him is shrugging, and no more.

Nine emperor.

"It's you!"

The six purple kilms of the bloody tower were the ghost tiger headed by the eyes, and the eyes were shocking, staring at Sudden Danjiu and others.

For this group of violetors, the bloody rock is unfamiliar.

Just two years ago, after the sword was unparalleled, he was immediately retalled immediately.

That retaliation, it is definitely the most embarrassment of the history of the bloody piercing, and the bloody ripple at the time has reached the edge of the collapse.

And that all this, it is not because of the Dragon Palace!

Although the Dragon Palace is strong, it cannot represent the entire Jinlong Temple. Absolutely cope with it.

The reason why the revenue will be as miserable, mainly because of the two power of the two, the two power is the most embarrassing, and the bloody rock is completely unscrupulous. It is this group of violet people.

This group of violets is too embarrassed, too well, strength and deep, in just less than two months, will give the bloody feet unprecedented, if this group of violet people finally suddenly stopped, bloody I am afraid it is completely buried.

Now two years, I have repeatedly encountered this group of violet people, these purple killing killers, how do you not be horrible?

After all, two years ago, they are still vivid.

"Oh, the bloody ripple, has not been a hand in two years." Danjiu smiled and tone.

"You can rest assured that this time we have not intended to fight with you, I received the order, just stop you, so you are six, it is best to stay here."

"Otherwise, these people in my hand don't mind playing with you, of course, once I have been getting up, I don't dare to guarantee that they will be in hand."

When I heard this, the six purple kilms had an anger in the burning, and they were anger. They didn't dare to attack.

After all, this group of violets in front of me, the lineup is much stronger than them, as for strength ... two years ago, they have traveled with the other party, knowing how the other's strength is in the same stage.

Hard hard, they killed these six purple kinesmare, in front of this group of violets, they are not enough.

"Fast, ask for help to the gray clothes." Ghost tiger glanced over a purple killer.

That purple kills nodded, and then turned back, but there was a baby finger size milky white bug.

This insect, named companion, non-toxic, no attack power, but it has a unique ability, it is a companion.

Born in a born, two, two life, one of which is dead, another will immediately follow the dead, because this unique ability, some great forces will use the companion to use consecuts as the help.

Like now, this purple killing hand palm is shocked, and this accompaniment in the hand is directly shocked.

This companion is dead, and another companion in the old nest of the bloody puff is also immediately dead, and the strong people in the old nest of the bloody ridge will know that there is a change here, and will send a large number of strongly Hurry to support.

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