Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 181 meets

"Assassinsence is saved?"

Danjiu is cold and cold, and it is too lazy to restreciate these purple killing, but turned to the sword.

"There is no double bodies, Yang Gongzi, Suofu, these killers of the bloody ripple naturally have people to stop, now you will go to the people you want to save together now." Danjiu smiled.

"Thank you." The sword has no double-sensitive.

"You don't have to be polite, we are just ordered to act or do it." Danjiu smiled, and then went to the hinterland of the Jiuhuangmen with the sword.

At the moment of the sword without a few people, the six purple killing killer stared by the vioo robes, the ghost tiger, headed by the ghost tiger, "Sword is unparalleled, you come here, I want to save your father. ? "

"Haha, unfortunately you are destined to be disappointed!"

"Your father, it is indeed in the nine emperor, but unfortunately, you can't help!"

"You can't help, you are destined to reach it, haha!"

This ghost's laughter echoed throughout the nine emperor, so that the sword of the you had just had no doubles, but did not care, and then started to search in the nine emperor.

The Yinxiang of the Jiuhuangmen is either being treated, or it has been killed, and the people who even the bloody rock are now being surrounded by the eight violet people. You can block the sword.

"The nine emphy of the door is one side, too big, too big, to go to a court attic, do not know when to find, and maybe it is more than 80% of the nine emperor to hide some secret room ..." The sword has no double eyeline.

"Mr. Danjiu, bother you come to catch a high-rise power of the nine emperor." The sword has no double.

"Little things." Danjiu smiled, but his eyes looked at one direction next to it, "Hyoghat, there is one there."

Danjiu looked at it, it was that it arrived at the battlefield and is trying to fight against a golden dragon.


Danjiu is physically shaped to a violet, directly appearing in front of the sea.


Ma Qinghai was shocked, and he had not been able to react. Danjiu is already in the past.

The terrible power is smashed on the body of Ma Qinghai. Like the flies, put the horse Qinghai directly shot on the ground, the ground is quiz, there is a small pothole.

Ma Qinghai struggled, just stood up from the pothole, it can be placed directly on his body.

The sword is unbentered in the sword, and the shocking Li Mang is shocked, and the horse is cold.

"I asked you, where is my father?" The sword didn't have a hyperwear.

"Your father?" Ma Qinghai was a bit wrong.

"My father is Jiannan." The sword is unparalleled. "He was detained in the nine emperor, and you are also a richness of the nine emperor. It is an absolute high-level, and it is sure to tell me, Maybe I can still stay in your life, otherwise ... "

Ma Qinghai spotted the killing of the sword and did not help to encourage the throat, even nodded. "I know where your father is, I will take you, I will take you in the past now."

"lead the way."

The sword is unparalleled, and the feet will take the feet to stand up, and then Ma Qinghai is leading the front.

Although Ma Qinghai is a yin deficiency, it can be taken away, but because there is a relationship between Danjiu, the sword is unparalleled, and this Ma Qinghai will escape directly.

Under the leadership of Ma Qinghai, there is no long-awaited and unparalleled people come to the garden close to the mountain.

In the courtyard, the Hummer Changfeng is also, in addition to this, a white-haired man is full of vicissitudes, and it is still drinking wine quietly.

The sword is unparalleled in the courtyard, and the eyes are swept away. At a glance, I saw a white-haired man sitting in the center of the stone bench.

The sword is unparalleled.

Despite the years, I have never met ...

Although the hair is already white ...

Although, the face is more vicissible than before ...

The sword is unparalleled, but it is still recognized. This white hair man is brought by him, teaching him to practice the sword, teach him to be a person, the sword is unparalleled from a small to the big worship, the most respectful father ... Jiannan Tian .

"Father." The sword is unparalleled, and the sound is slight.

And the white-haired man who had a drink alone, this moment, the sword is not double, that is the deep vast eyes, but the vibrant has a strange ray, but it quickly returned to the calm, restored a pangry water.

"You are here." Jiannan opened, but the voice is still flat, "" Come and sit. "

The sword was unparalleled, and then sat down on a stone bench in Jiannan Tianzheng, and he was very complicated to see the Jiannan days, and this look, his gods changed.

"Father, your breath ..." The sword is unparalleled to the Jiannan sky, and it is as if it is an ordinary person, this feeling, in general, only the talent that Dantian is destroyed. of.

"Haha, there is nothing, but Dantian is broken." Jian Nanny smiled, laughing very natural, and very sprinkled, obviously he had already seen it.

"Bastan!" The sword is unparalleled but not coming.

A war, Dantian is destroyed, the spirit is dissipated, that is a nightmare!

His father, Dantian was ruined?

"Relax your heart, Dantian is destroyed, lost spiritual power, but also changed a way to survive." Jian Nantian still laughed, then it was a pot of wine in his hand, "Come, take a cup with me. "

Jian Nan Tian handed the wine pot to the sword.

After the sword is unparalleled, it is not hesitant, and it is a big mouth.

"Yes, I haven't seen it in seven years." You grew up. "Jian Nan Tian also drank a wine, followed:" I heard that you are now the first Dragon List first? "

"Yes." The sword is not a hyper point.

"Your sword soul, completely awakened?" Jian Nan Tian asked.

"Yes." The sword is not a hyperbidden point.

"That ancestly, have you been there?" Jiannan is light.

"I stayed in the Jianzheng in the ancestral land for two years, but unfortunately, I was not enough, I was not qualified to accept the test in the ancestral." There is no pair of swords.

"Very normal, the test of the ancestral land, is generally qualified to achieve yin deficiency, I was also because of the strength of the strength, so I can take the test at the top of Jin Dan." Jiannan Heaven.

The sword has no double heart.

"For my father, I saw Xiao Yan." The sword is unparalleled.

"Insu Moon?" Jian Nan Tian looked over, "I have seen her three years ago. Is she still ok?"

"She is dead." The sword has no double.

Jian Nan Tian was calm, and the eyes of a death, but it was a smirk said: "In the end of the month ..."

"Double children, know the blood sea hatred on you?" Jian Nan suddenly said.

"Know." The sword is unparalleled.

"I know, you have to remember ..." Swordnan Tianzheng looked at the sword unparalleled, the cold words spit out from his mouth.

"Blood debt, you must repay it with blood!"

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