Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1788 Tianshi City

Dawei domain, big palace.

The sword is unparalleled to the Dagu Palace.

Standing on the void, the sword is unparalleled to induce many breaths in the sky, there are many breath, and he is quite familiar.

"It's a lot of old friends." The sword is unparalleled, and the figure is floating toward the temple.

Within the main hall, dense linear gathers a lot of boundaries.

These horizons, with the Lord of the Dagu Palace, the two people of Wuxiao, followed by the many strong people of hematitis, Jin Yangzong, and Tian Shengfu.

Dawei domain, one emperor, three domineering, representing four strongest power, all have arrived at this moment.

"The palace master, the news came in front, the talented city army has already started, and the top three times will arrive." The white kingdom dedicated.

"Three hours?" The main color of the Daxie Palace is slightly.

The colors of many people present are extremely ugly.

"I didn't expect that the speed of the city will be so fast." Heart island.

"The dead sky is the city, which is completely not to give us the opportunity." Jinyangzong main road.

"The city is just rising, you have to kill the chicken monkeys, and this chicken is our big border area." The Tianshengfu one of the houses.

"Hey, the city wants that the parties in the Dagu City are completely convinced, not so easy." A two heaven from the Dagu Palace.

The whole of the Dagu field, all the highest levels of the world are all enemies.

at this time……

"What is it so angry?" The sound of the wind sounded, and the body shadow was slowly condensed in the center of this hall.

Seeing this bloody robes, many of the venues are all.

They are in this procedure, and the surroundings around this hall are all overwhelming. If the other party actually silently, is it?

"You are ..." The first standing on the top of the island, and he looked at the people. "The sword is unparalleled, you!"

"The sword is unparalleled?" The Dawei Palace at the top of the palace also saw it.

"Haha, the top of the island, the Dagu Palace, there is also Witch's brother, not seen for many years, nothing is innocent." The sword was unparalleled.

"Sure enough is you." The Daxie Palace is from Witch Cang.

"The sword is unparalleled, I have been very surprising for a long time.

After all, the sword is unparalleled from hematitis Island, and is still a secret surgery of hematitis, is a person who is bloody.

As for Jin Yangzhong, there is also the owner of the Shengfu, but the completion is a bit unheatched.

The sword is unparalleled with Jin Yangzong, and Tian Shengfu can be some grievances.

Especially Jin Yangzong, the sword is unparalleled, it is killed by Jin Yang Zong's brother. At the beginning, this Jinyang Zong Lord also wanted to kill swords, but in the end, because there was no way, the big Yellow palace master I personally come, I have a grievances, I have been seeing again, and I am very complicated in my mood.

Once the simple cold, the sword is unparalleled and sits at the next position.

"Listen to you just talking, the Dagu area seems to have trouble?" The sword asked without a pair.

"I have encountered some troubles." The Lord of the Dagui nodded, but it was straightforward, but the sword was unparalleled. The breath on your body is very unique. I actually look at it, I want to come these years your strength. Do you have a lot of improvement? "

"Well, I have improved some." The sword is not a hyperbidden. "

"What levels have you reached? Can you spend the third heavy robbery?" Dagu Palace continued to ask.

"Due to the past." The sword has no double.

"Too good." The Lord of the Dagu, the monk of many people in the hall also exposed the highlights, even the golden main owner with the Shengyang Gongli, who was unparalleled with the sword. is also like this.

"The sword is unparalleled, you are also the cultivator of my Daxie domain, I will talk to you, about a thousand years ago, just around my Dagu City, there is a strong power rise, this is called Tianshi ...... "Dagu Palace owner began to tell.

In other words, the sword is unparalleled immediately.

This crisis in the Dawei Domain is from that day.

Not long ago, the whole day of the city released the way, and the large-scale domain of the Daguity area and the surrounding areas of ten sects, the many domains naturally did not agree.

So, the sky is out of the city, and the first deal is that the Dagu domain.

Now it is already in the city, after three hours, the big army of Tiancheng will arrive, so the Dagu Palace will call the three major hegens in the Dagu City to fight against the sky.

"Tiandu City, the strength is very strong, it is said that the three days of the gods are not in ten, and the lower world is even more than a thousand, so strong, the power of my Dawei domain. I can't default at all, but now the sword is unparalleled, you are different. "There is a different place in the main visit of the Dagu.

"The sword is unparalleled, you are reversible, the strength in the same stage should be very strong, since there is only the third retrieversion, it is afraid that no one is your opponent, this time, this time If you shoot, if you shoot, my Daxian domain may be a battle with the sky. "


The Switch, the heritage island is also nodded.

See this, the sword is not a laugh, "I also came out from this big border area, since the Daxian area is difficult, naturally, it will not be a bundle."

I heard the sword was unparalleled, and everyone in the scene immediately emerged.

After three hours, the army of the city is really coming.

The void outside the Daxie Palace, the gathering of the black pressure of the Tiancheng army is there, and I look at it. At least there are more than 4,000 people.

And in these four thousand people, the weakest situation is a heavy heaven!

Four thousands of contest!

There are more than two hundred days of the two heavens, and the three days of God have more than 30.

Seeing this scene, I have just raised a lot of hopes, and the faces immediately stood immediately.

As a brood, there is no blood.

"How is it possible? How can it be?" The Dagu Palace was murmured.

"The intelligence is above, isn't it said?" Other people are also stunned.

The information they got about about the city of Tianzhi, knowing that there are thousands of trends in the city, the three heavens are not in ten, can you result?

The real strength of the sky is even more than what they know! !

Several times.

If it is the combat force on the information, because there is a sword, there is still a hint of hope.

but now……

"No hope, there is no hope."

"The sword is unparalleled, but he is too powerful. He has a person to fight against the ten three heavens gods.

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