Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1789 Master Benefits!

"Finished, finished."

Many people in the Dagu field mourned.

At this time, before the army of the city, there was a body shape.

That is a middle-aged man wearing a black armor, with a few points of a middle-aged man, the middle-aged man is cold, and the commandments of the Dawei Domain have seen, and the corner is rising. A smile of a sniper.

Seeing this middle-aged man, the idea of ​​this party in Dagu City is completely desperate.

"Zhen God, there is a true god?" Daxie Palace owner laughed.

"The palace master, or we don't wear it?" The Tianshengfa was reluctantly.


I heard this, the gods present in the scene were all moved.

In front of such a huge strength gap, it will continue to resist it, definitely is undoubted.

"Users who are useless." The Daxie Palace is smirk, "If it is the beginning of my Dagu City, the city will accept us, but now, the city is in the city, even the strength They are all showing, they are now not to serve my Daxie domain, but to directly swept my Dagu field, shock other domains. "

"So, even if we are surrender, they will never accept it."

"What should I do?" The gods of the Dagu field panicked.

"What can I do?" Daxie Palace said in a high pass: "When the city will shoot, you can flee it, you can escape, how much is it, you can't do fearless resistance, useless."

Everyone is silent.

"Witch's brother, this time you can come, I am grateful, but I will have to fight together, you have also hurry to go." Dalong Palace.

"Daxie ... Hey." Witch Cang was sighing, "Sorry, I can't help you this battle."

The main speech of the Dagu Palace did not blame the meaning of Wu Cang, and then he didn't look at the sword again. "The sword is unparalleled, you shouldn't come back at this time."

"Dagu Palace, now the war has not started, don't be so pessimism, maybe there will be other changes?" The sword is unparalleled.

"I really admire you, I am still joking at this time." Daxie Palace is bitter.

It is at this time ...

"The palace master, you'll see!" A excitement suddenly sounded.

Dawei Palace owner, Wu Cang, and many of the people present, they immediately saw it, and this is a shrinkage of everyone's eyes.

I saw it from the distance in the distance. There are two figure to gallop, and people have not arrived, but the strong breath can be spread.

These two stocks, one is a three-day god, and the other is the breath of the real God.

"Is this?" Daxie Palace is confused, and everyone will not solve it.

But the two stones have already appeared in front of the Tianshuada army.

The back of the long sword, emitting the cold youth of the three heavens and gods, swept away from the Tiandao army, and the cold voice suddenly sounded during this day.

"Tiandu City, immediately retreat, otherwise ... death!"

This sound is like a thunderousness of the thunder.

I heard this voice, and the many of the people in the Dagu area were very unparalleled.

"Who are they?" The big palace is holding his eyes.

Look at each other's look, it is obvious to force the sky, but he has never seen these two people, it is more impossible to have anything, how can the other party help him?

And the many trends in the city, but they have an angry.

The leader of the sky, the middle-aged man wearing black tai armor is even anger, "Where did I don't know the dead idiot, I dare to arrive in front of me, come, kill him!"

The Tiandu City immediately killed three three-day gods.

"Since you don't retreat, then you die!"

The sound of the shock and killing is issued from the cold youth, the next moment of the sword is scabbard, which is directly killed by one person.

As for his beautiful woman, it has reached the hierarchy, but it did not move.

Wars, I have an instant outbreak.


I saw a bloody sword, like from the nine peace of Huangquan, with endless killing, swept.

The sword is shocked. In an instant, it passed directly from the other six three heavens and the body, and six bodies were dropped at the same time.

Subsequently, the cold youth is a sword, the same sword, and a few ice-cold bodies fall.

One photo, more than ten three heavens in the cold youth, immediately killed.

"How can it be?"

"Strengthen this !!"

This scene, shocked everyone.

The leader of Tiancheng is anger, "Looking for death!"


The breath of the real gods broke out, the leader of the Tianshi City personally shot, and killed the cold youth.

Zhen God is visible, in the big man's domain, this cold youth should step, then the same thing after the body is the beautiful woman, but it is actually, this cold youth has not retired, actually still It is a sword, and talking to the first leader of Tiancheng.

And the end result ... there are some people present in the scene.

The whole world is still quiet.

Dead is unparalleled.


"It's a true god, it was killed on the spot."

"This, how is this possible?"

If you see it, you will be almost no one will imagine this is a fact.

After killing the first leader of Tiancheng, the cold youth opened again, "roll!"

A single word, but contains endless majesty, the many of the people of the city has already been frightened, and immediately escape.

Just instantly, the original mighty sky is the army, and it has escapped.

This crisis in the Dawei Domain is like this.

"This, what is going on?"

Many of the gods in the Dagu City are not completely reacted.

"I don't know." The Dagu Palace also shook his head, he didn't know who the two strong people now, why do you want to help him a domain? He only knows that these two strong people only have one person. And it is just a world, it will make the Daxie domain forces to be desperate, and kill a seventeen eight.

"It is the real super genius ... This is the top of the world, the whole country, the world is definitely the top genius, such a super genius, there is actually to our Is the Dawei field? "

The Dawei Palace was murmured, and he responded to him next moment.

"Witch's brother, sword is unparalleled, there is also the same place, fast, go with me to meet these two adults." Dagu Palace mainly said.

Everyone is going to meet, but the sword is unparalleled but laugh: "No, they will come over."

Sure enough, the two strong people who defeated the Tiandao army, they have been brushing towards their direction, and they have come to them in front of them.

"Daxie, join the gods of the world, see two adults, thank the two adults to solve this crisis for the Dagu field domain, I am grateful to the Dagu City area." The main opening of the Dagu Palace He is also in love with the people around him.

Everyone is greeted, but only sword is unparalleled, but it is still standing there, and there is no meaning to be greeted with your hands.

"The sword is unparalleled, fast, fast gift." The main pressure of the Daxie Palace was shouting.

"The sword is unparalleled." Wu Cang, the hematitis is also urged.

"Wait?" The sword didn't touch his nose, full of weird.

At this moment, the two strong people who fell directly to the Tiandao Madao, so that the Daguai Palace, Witch and others, were actually low at the same time.

"The disciple meets the teacher!"

"Slave met the son!"

The voice of the two did not cover up, and the void was quietly sounded.

Originally, the Dagao Palace, who had to rush to the sword, and Witch and others, all in the whole.


PS: Today is five more.

It is recommended that the old book "Wuji Cang" "The reborn, I will be the beast", the brothers of the book can go see.

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