Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 179, disciple, maid

"Master? Mon?"

Many of the gods in the Dagu field are doubtful, I don't know who these two adults are calling.

And when they see the direction of the two people, they just saw that proudly launched the sword where the sword was unparalleled. Every time everyone was a horror.

"These two adults are salving, don't ... swords are unparalleled?"


Everyone is incredible.

Until the sword is unparalleled, "get up."

The two 'adults' immediately got up, and respectful stood in the sword.

Seeing this scene, even if you are stupid, you can see it, the two 'adults' respects the subject, it is the sword.

"Unparalleled little friends, this, what is going on?" The Daxie Palace was in charge of his eyes, as for the title immediately changed.

I used to call the sword without a double name, and I was talking to the sword. However, this moment his voice was obviously honored and awesome.

Others have also seen in the sword.

They also had endless doubts in the end, I hope that the sword is unparalleled.

"I will give you a introduction." The sword is unparalleled, and the first he is the cold youth behind the long sword.

It is this cold youth, just with a strong city of the three heavens, with the world, directly killing the city leader, the real God.

"He called Hebao, it is my disciple." The sword is unparalleled.

He is a smile on his face, and it is also a head of everyone.

He saw that his teacher should have some kind of person with these people, and there is no shelf when he is talking to these contests. He nature does not dare to have any shelves.

"Is it a disciple?" Daxie Palace was driving his throat.

"Unparalleled little friends, your luck is really envious, you can accept a disciple of such a enchanting." Witch Cang is envious.

You can hear this, but the break is immediately opened, "I misunderstood, I am just a secret disciple of Master, as for the pro-disciples, with my current strength, there is no qualification."

This, the many of the gods in the Dagu field blinks.

Such an incredible genius, even if it is in the top ten holy land of the Outdoor Chaos World, it is estimated that it is also a super genius in the corner of the phoenix. It is just just a midden disciple of swords? Even the pro-disciples are not qualified?

Have you joked?

"Unparalleled little friends, this is it?" Daxie palace owner saw the autumn month next to him.

"Her name is Qiu Yue, is my maid." The sword has no double.

"Waiting woman?" The idea of ​​the scenes only felt the scorpion.

It is absolutely a super genius in the world. It is just a name disciple.

Now this seems to be a big god of the gods than that of the sky, just a pair of swords.

So, as a teacher, the son of the Qiuyue, the current sword is unparalleled, how much is it?

Everyone's eyes can't help but look at the sword, and it is completely different compared to the previous.

Just then, !!!

There have been five figure in the distance come. In these five people, there are four people who are the three heavens, as for a red woman headed, it is a true god.

The five people stopped in the void in front of the sword, and then worsened: "Flying Snowland is burn the moon, see adults."

"Is there something?" The sword didn't have a woman in a glance.

He can put low posture for the Lord of the Dagu Palace, Switch, and Hezhuoguo, after all, there is a matter of sex before, and it is completely different.

The red woman is burn the moon, and I am respectful: "Adults, I am waiting for the main order of the country, with the fastest speed to arrive at the nearby territory, the country knows that the Dagu field and the adults are shallow, and I heard that the Tiantong army came to commit, and worried that the adults did not return to the Daxie field in time, so let me wait for the sky, but I didn't expect adults. "

"Is this?" The sword is unparalleled.

It is very versatile to see him.

"Adults, the talents of the city, but they made adults, sin, not forgiveness, the main owner has sent three real gods to the tenth, the eleventh major army, and the Tiandi City can be used in ten days. Thoroughly destroy, all high-level strong people will also kill all. "Burning the moonway.

"This is what you look at it." The sword waved his hand.

"Yes." Burning the moon.

And this scene is seen in the eyes by the many of the great gods in the Dagu City. They are all stunned.

"Burning the moon is true God? Flying snow, the second army of the world?" Witch looked at the moon, and his face was shocked.

The Flying Snowland is a great domain, countless domain, and the flying snow country mainly controls such a big goddess, naturally also requires a huge army, it is said that the Flying Snowland has a total of twenty legion, each The Legion has 10,000 people, and the sergeants of these legions are made up of the boundaries.

These twenty legions controlled by the four major army, and each of these four major army is in the superior existence of a million people.

On the status, even if the Lone Lord of the Flying Snow, there must be some differentiation.

This burning moon is really one of the four major army.

This is a true big person, but the big figure is now, now, the biki is standing in front of the sword.

At this time, the god of burning moon was also looked at Wu Cang. It is actually a gentle smile, "whose should be Wuxong?"

"Witch, first, gentleman?" Wu Cang was stunned.

In his district, a three-day god of heaven, even when he serves a golden clothes in the Flying Snow, it is absolutely unable to enter the eyes of this burning moon.

But now, this burn moon is not only known to his name, but also called him?

Mr? That is called no respect.

Generally only faces some talents than themselves, at least in equal levels.

But now ...

"I am." Wu Cang nodded again.

"The order of the country, from today, Mr. Wu Cang, you are the Guest ,, You, now this straight child has been caught, and it is punishable in the jail of the flying snow, how to punish, even born is dead, all of whom said Mr. Wu Cang. "Burning the moon smile.

When you hear this, Witch Cang is completely unpredictable.

He was originally because of his crime, this is the border that is coming out of the snow, never step down again.

But now, this shift is too big.

Of course, he is also clear, just relying on him, even if it is ten tied together, there is no such energy, there is this energy in the scene, only one person.

Witch couldn't help but look at this person.

This person, refers to, naturally the sword is unparalleled!

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