Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1791 Horror Time and Space Storm

"Adult, this enormature is the country mainly gave you."

Burning the moon respectfully handed a strike to the sword. With this, you can transfer the tenth army to do anything. "

"Of course, adults, you are strong, the tenth army is in the hands of the adult, but you can't turn your hand, but you can't do anything. Do you have anything else. In this snow god, there is a tenth army. You will come, also Can save some troubles, and the inquiry can be transferred to your loved ones or friends, can be mobilized, even if the adults have left, there is a tenth army in hand, and no one dares to your loved ones. Disrespect. "

"It is impossible to happen like a big army in the Tianshi Town,"

"Well, thank you for your kindness of the Flying Snowland, said that I will accept it." The sword is not a double head.

Seeing the sword and no double, the moon is happy.

And the sword is unparalleled, it is one next to it, "hematology island."

"Big, adults." Head of Heart Island shouted.

The sword is unparalleled: "I am from the bloody island, or the people of the bloody, you don't have to be awe."

"Yes." Heart is nodd by the top of the island, but the look is still very respectful.

There is no longer barely to this sword, "I just came out from my hometown. When I went in this big domain, I lost much of hematology island, this trick is now given you now."

The sword is unparalleled to throw this to the hematology.

This scene, making the surrounding my eyes are red.

You know, this is the tenth army control.

In hand, you can transfer the entire tenth army, which can be a 10,000th world, and it is elite, and it is proficient in attack, the array of law, and the power is strong.

With the power of the city, the tenth army can easily sweep.

And so powerful power is controlled in hand, the strength of hematitis island, and instantly beyond the peak period.

I am afraid that it is the strongest Dague Palace owner in the Dagu City, I have to bow my head.

"Right, this time is the big brother, can you go back from the bloody island?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Have a back, but it is 20,000 years ago, and he only stayed for a while, giving me some resources, and continued to go out," said hematitis island.

"Oh?" The sword has no double brow, and you will look around everyone. "All, I am rushing back to my hometown to see, there are not many people."

"Gong Gong people." Burning the moon.

The Dagu Palace, Witch, Hezhi Island, etc., the same, the same, the sword, no two or three people left.

When the sword is unparalleled, the many of the people present are relaxed.

These ideas face each other, just feel that they are still living in the dream.

"Burning the moon." Witch was carefully wing, with a fearful opening.

"Mr. Wuxong does not need this kind of polite, just call my name, or call my army." Burning the moon and laughed.

He knows that Witch Cang also has a lot of people in the scene, and there is a certain amount of confidence, although this time is not too deep, it is far less than life and death, but as long as there is a certain amount, It is worthwhile to treat the Flying Red State, let alone him.

"Military master." Wu Cang smoothed and asked: "The sword is unparalleled with him, what is the identity of the Sword now, why do you make the army, you respect? Very emphasis. "

"Pay attention?" Burning the moon smile, "Mr. Wu Cang, this you can see, the country is unparalleled with the sword, but not just pay attention, but ... awe!"

"Awe?" Wu Cangyi.

The majority of the majority of the majority of the big palace are also horrified.

How is the existence of the Snowland, why will it exist?

"To tell you, just the adult, has reached the level of energy!" Burning the moon.

"Dagists ??" is a doubt.

The Wuxiao is stunned with the big palace owner.

He has some knowledge and knows what the energy represents.

That is the highest existence of the vast chaotic world!

Such super existence, real God see, generally need to be qi.

Even if it is the chaotic true God of the Flying Snowland, it is just a refreshment for energy.

"No wonder, it is no wonder that the land of the snow will be so awesome, so the battle is very good, the original sword is unparalleled, it has become a big energy?"

"For short tens of thousands of years, the little guy was that it has grown to this situation?"

Wu Cang is incredible with the big face of the Dagu Palace.


After leaving the Daxie Palace, the sword is unparalleled to take the boundary spaceship towards your hometown.

In the endless dark void, an ancient air boat rapidly flooded.


"It's almost, go home soon!"

The sword is unparalleled with hands, and the look is obviously excited.

This makes it next to the future, and the autumn months are both surprised.

They can still see the sword without having double so excited. In the weekday, even if there is a major breakthrough in the sword, or what the body has not been excited.

They can't experience the mood of the sword.

The fire community is his hometown!

Is his root! !

That is the most central place in his life.

No matter where he has reached that step, I went to the place, I will never really compare with the green fire.

Moreover, he left his hometown, too long.

Estimated, it should have been more than 50,000 years.

For so many years, the sword is unparalleled, and the hometown is now.

His parents, his brothers, his many relatives, how do you have it?

"Immediately, I can go back to see you."

The sword is unmainted, and the memory of his mind is not long, the sword is unparalleled to visit the huge spacious time and space in his hometown.

That has been completely distorted time and space, the horrible storm is crazy.

When the sword was unparalleled from the green fire, I saw this time and space storm scared, he couldn't see the edge of this spatiotemte.

Can now ...

"I can't see the edge?"

"Too big, this time and space storm is too big."

"How far is it? And the power is there, how much is it?"

The sword is unbold is shocking, and the heart is constantly twitching.

He is now the top existence of the ancient chaotic world, ranking the heaven and earth.

But when he saw this time and space, it still couldn't help but a heartbeat.

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