Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1795 13 Blood Devils

Tang Huang, Xiao Emperor, Yang Zi Xuan, before the sword is unparalleled, it is already the road, the life is long, and it is impossible to die normally in just tens of thousands.

In this case, there is only one possibility, it is killed by people.

"Who is it !!" The sword is unparalleled, looking at Wang Yuan.

Wang Yuan face is also very iron green, and it has said: "Killing the old two, Tang Huang predecessors with Xiao Emperor, is the thirteen blood of the god!"

"Thirteen Blood Devils?" The sword didn't have a slightly, he was still in the green world, and he never heard of the thirteen blood of the god.

"Old three, don't worry first, I will say slowly with you." Wang Yuan said.

The sword is unparalleled and killing the heart, forcing you to calm down and listen to Wang Yuan Ni.

"I just told you that after you go, the fire community has undergone tremendous changes, and the source of the strong is beginning to birth. The second day is very high, only in our four brothers, only at you, and Tang The Emperor's Dynasty and Xiao Emperor were the earliest strong, and the strength has also been maximized, and because the fire circles have just encountered the Golden Wars, many strong people are united, so they just started everything. Good direction development. "

"It can be thousands of years ago, there is a big change in the fire industry, and the thirteen blood of the gods appear ..."

"This thirteen blood devil, a total of thirteen people, I haven't heard it. Suddenly, I have taken it out, and after they appear, I will directly kill the Eastern Tang Dynasty. Eastern Tang Dynasty is already a green fire. The first country of the world, the strength is extremely strong, and the old two, Tanghuang, Xiao Emily and other strong people are sitting in the town. According to the truth is a solid gold soup, but the result is easy to slaughter by the thirteen blood. "

"In the end, Tang Huang Subsidi, Xiao Emily, and the old two were killed by thirteen blood, and they were completely occupied by this thirteen blood of the gods."

"The movement of this thirteen blood is too fast, and even my green palace has not responded. Later, this thirteen blood of the god has created a magic god church, and he was in the green fire. The strength is growing. "

"Green Palace, is there anything from this Devil's Church to grow?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Of course, there is a big change in Eastern Tang Dynasty, I have come here, but it is useless, the thirteen blood demon is too strong." Wang Yuan bitter.

There are many people next to them can't help but go down.

"Too strong?" The sword is unparalleled.

"It's too strong, anyone in the thirteen blood, is far from the yourself, like the strongest of my green palace is what your father's sword is, it is in him. Go to the thirteen blood of the gods, there is no resistance to the resistance. "Wang Yuan said.

The sword is unparalleled.

Jiannan days, lonelies, can't be terminated, but heard Wang Yuan's words, but also nodded.

Obviously he also admits this.

"In front of the absolute strength gap, I have a heart to the old two. For the Tanghuang senior, the Xiao Emperor is revenge, but what is it used?" Wang Yuan sighed.

"Is the strength?" The sword is unhappy, but it is a murder. "The old two, Tang Emperor, and Xiao Emperor, he is the hatred, I will go!"

"Where is Wang Yuan, where is the old nest of this devil?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Old three, don't have to be impulsive." Wang Yuan pulled the sword.

"Double." Jian Nan Tian also frowned.

"It is useless, the strength of the thirteen blood is too strong, according to the judgment of Danxin, this thirteen blood of the gods has reached the real god, and it is not a general real God, even in the vast ancient chaotic world. Any one of them belongs to a strong force, what is more than the thirteen blood demon? "

Wang Yuan sighs, "I'm old, I know that you are saddened, I really want to revenge for the old two, we all think, you can even want to revenge, you can't send it!"

"Send dead? If you have such goods, I want to let me send it?" The sword didn't smile.

"The old three, that is really God." Wang Yuan rushed.

The people next to them are also in the sword.

They have received some information from the surrounding ancient battlefield, knowing the world, is a pure sunny, which is the true God level.

And for the true god, they also know, it is super powerful.

Like the two heavens in the south of the sword, a weakest life, you can kill hundreds of thousands.

In the current blue fire world, I really invincible existence.

After he heard Wang Yuan, the sword is unparalleled but a pole laugh, "Haha ~~~ Zhen God, shit !!!"

"Don't say that the zone is really god, even if it has already across the gods and even the emperor level, I killed my brother, I also want him to die !!!"

If the sword is unparalleled, everyone is surprising.

They also heard from the sword unparalleled, the sword was unparalleled to true God, it seems that some dismisions?

"Old three, you, can you kill the true god?" Wang Yuan asked with his eyes.

Jiannan Tian, ​​Suiro and others have also seen the swords.

"Hey, true god ... I didn't know how much in the year of the chaotic world, the real god of killing didn't know how much it was, even if it was on the real god, the light was killed by me, more than five Bit, this thirteen blood devil, even if it is the top chaotic true God, I have to kill them too easy. "The sword did not have a double.

When I heard this, everyone first stagnation, followed by instant surprises.

Wang Yuan is even very jealous. "Too good, I am so good, I have to revenge, you must revenge for the old two !!!"

"The old three, the old two must not die in white!" Su Guozhen Zheng emphasized.

"Kill them, give this thirteen blood of the demon !!"

"Thirteen blood devil, do evil, so many years, I have been stepped on by them under the feet, I dare to worry, if we control the surrounding time and space, the thirteen blood demon is scruple They have already killed all of us, and now ... kill! Kill! Kill! "

"They must die!"

Everyone around them came out to kill.

Within the fire industry, countless cultivators, the thirteen blood of the gods hate, just suffering from no strength.

But now, the sword is unparalleled ... At the beginning of the Golden War, in the end, he took the power to reverse the Savior of the Qiankun, come back!

Also let them see hope.

at this time……

"Well?" The look of Jiannan Tian suddenly moved.

"What's wrong?" The sword watched the past.

"The people of the Devil's Church have been looking for home." Jiannan Tiandao.

"Oh?" The sword is unblocking.

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