Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1796 Devil Church

The green palace, outside the huge war fortress, more than ten blood gathering shadows, the three people who are headed, the three people are the boundaries, and the rest is the boundaries.


A gray clothes floated from the war fortress, and this gray clothes were an boundaries of the Green Palace.

"The Devil's Church, what are you doing this?" The old man looked at more than ten people in front of him, and the completion is a bit ugly.

"The order of the blood of the blood is given to you, and my family is told. If you want you to have a list of these treasures in the list, if you are not uniform, use your green fire. The life of the palace is coming. "A purple fever, a dislike, a dislike, a dish.

"Mix!" The treasure of the gray clothes saw the treasure on the list, but he couldn't help but anger.

"Why, your green palace is do you dare to violate the order of my goddess?" The purple circle swept the old man, and the past flashed.

I heard the three words of the blood of the gods, the gray clothes trembled, and they were strong and angry, but they did not dare to be angry.

At this moment, in the battle fortress, many figure gathered together, and looked at the scene outside of the war.

"Those who are the demon church?" The sword was unblocked.

"Yes." Wang Yuan point, "these years, the demonic church is growing, except for the strongest thirteen blood demon, there are many strong people who listen to them, most of these strong people are those who have the evil spirits. This kind of contest is a big magic of talking now. It has killed it in the green industry. It eventually introduced the void temple to show him to kill him, once become a mouse, but Later, after joining the Devil's Church, there was a thirteen blood of the thirteen, but it was even more unscrupulous. "

"As for the list of him ... The Devil's Church will give us a list every other week. If you want my Green Palace to collected the treasure resources on the list in the specified time, the treasure of the resources you just started Nu much, I will send them to the gods, but now I have a treasure for the demorial church, but there are more and more, completely, I will use the Green Palace as a treasure house! "

The sword has no double eyes, "" The world of the Qinghuo Palace is coming back. "

"Well." Wang Yuan nodded and sent it to the gray clothes.

Soon the gray clothes returned to the War Fort, as for the strong people of the Devil's Church, waiting for the reply of the Green.

But at this time ...


The two people appeared in front of the strong people of these devil churches.


A low drinking, only one of the cold youths of the sword.

The simple sword waves, shines in the sky, more than ten strong people in the Devil's Church, the strongest district is a heavy heaven, in the hands of the arms, it will not be reacted, and it is directly killed by this sword. .

A sword out, the strong people of more than ten magic gods were all killed, and then he walked in the War Fortress and the autumn moon.

Directly penetrate the ban, and there is no passionate between the sword and the autumn months, and give the sword unparalleled.

"Old three, these two are?" Wang Yuan is a horror that looks at this two people.

"They are my disciple, one is my maid." The sword is quiet.

The people around the disciple are surprised.

Single disciples is so strong, which is the master of the teacher to be?

"Wang Yuan is old, you go to the detailed information of the Devil's Church, including the demonic church thirteen blood, and their relatives, friends, the strong, and sorted it to me." The sword has no double.

"Yes." Wang Yuan nodded, : "Old three, just those people are all sent by the thirteen blood, now they die, thirteen blood demon will definitely know, no accident, how long There will be thirteen blood demon kills to the door. "

"Yes?" The sword was unparalleled and cold, "Let them come."

The green fire palace is deeply rooted in the green fire. It has been the impact of the Devil's Church in the year, but the bottom is still comparable to the Devil's church.

In the intelligence, it is also a super super demon church.

As the sword is unparalleled, the huge intelligence system of the Qinglu Palace immediately started.

At the same time, the thirteen blood of the fire industry has also known the news they sent by those they sent.

This thirteen blood of the gods immediately became anger.

"Hey, this green palace, great courage!"

"They thought it was controlled the big array, I didn't dare to move them. It's really ridiculous!"

"It seems that we have never been shot for many years. This green palace is very strong before the fear of our fear. In this case, then kill it again."

"Old nine, give you."

Immediately, the thirteen blood demon is in the ninth, a blood demon, personally, and come to the green palace.

Although only one is sent, these blood demon is not worried.

After all, the thirteen blood of the gods, any one in the green circles is a high inconvenience, one person is enough to sweep the entire green palace!

Not long after, this ninth blood devil has appeared outside the war fortress.

"Jiannan Tian, ​​Wang Yuan, two of you, hurry up and die!"

The rough and disdainful sounds were issued from the blood of the gods. They also entered the battle fortress throughout the world.

Today's green palace is based on Jiannan Tian and Wang Yuan.

Jiannan has the strongest strength, and Wang Yuan is a unparalleled.

Among the war fortress, the heavy banned cover, a large number of brilliant gods standing there.

These are the strong people of the Qinglu Palace, add thousands of people, these strong people can be banned at this moment, see the existence of the blood of the outside world.

Feel the horribleity of the blood of the gods, all of the green palace is pale.

"Too too strong!"

"Thirteen Blood Devils, any one, is invincible!"

"It is said that when the thirteen blood of the gods went to the Eastern Tang Dynasty, it was only a blood of the goddess, and there were many high-rise high-level high-rise in Eastern Tang Dynasty."

"Light of this green palace, can you block this blood god?"

Most people in the fire industry do not know that the sword is unparalleled.

And even if you know, there is not much a bottom gas.

After all, they have never seen the sword without double shots.

I am afraid that I am afraid in the fire industry, they have already experienced it.

Just on the circumstances of the people, the real fortress, a body shape slowly floated, floating to the front of the blood.

He has a bloody and stove, returns a long sword, and it is cold, as if the cloth has a cold frost.

When he appeared, he immediately became the focus of the heavens and the earth. Everyone's eyes were not coming over to him.

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