Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 179 Chapter Iron Blood Kill


It was originally disdainful to the green fire palace. When he saw the sword, his eyes were also slightly rising.

"Who are you?" The blood of the gods asked, his heart took a surprised.

You know, he is a true God, and it is still an eternal life standing at the top, and the result is that he does not see the rightness of the other party?

"My name, called the sword, unparalleled, you may have heard." The sword was indifferent.

"The sword is unparalleled," the blood magic god, "I was laughing," Who is it, it is the top genius of the golden country owner, you have left the green fire. The world to go to the ancient chaotic world, and it is still a bit energy to be able to live back. "

After the identity of the sword is unparalleled, the blood demon will no longer have any scruples.

Task, 50,000 years ago, the sword was not barely owned by the world, and now it is more than 50,000 years.

Top more general God?

"The sword is unparalleled, you shouldn't come back, this green world, it is no longer your green world." The blood of the god smiled.

"For me, it is still the same." The sword is unparalleled. "

"Yes?" The blood devil grinned, "I will not talk nonsense with you, or let you solve you, let you know that this green world is getting more."

"go to hell."

The voice falls, this bloody god is also stepping, the huge breath of the eternal spirit is now spread, and it is oppressed in the sword.

This bloody demon palm is shit, and a bloody claw seems to be tearned, and there is a unparalleled in the sword.

When the blood demon was shocked, the strong people in the battlefield were shocked.

The strength of this blood devil showed them desperate.

But at this moment, when the bloody claws of the blood, the bloody claws were about to touch the sword, but the sword was unparalleled.


The cold word is spit out, the sword is unparalleled, there is no action, just a single word, but this word is contained, but the terrorist Shenwei of the emperor!

Shenikh, is like a huge star suddenly oppression.


The body of this blood is directly burst, and it is used for the sky.

There is no pain, this blood demon is even aware that there is no reaction, and it is instantly composed.

In the battle fortress, the strong people in many green palace looked at the blood of the sky floating down, one was horrified.

"Dead, invincible blood devil, is killed?"

"He, did he have not shot?"

"It doesn't have no shot, just just on the breath, and the life will give a blood magistrate?"

Numerous taps of cold air sounded, but the next moment is a piece of cheering.

Many strong people have a rigid question on the Sword Musou, but now there is no!

"The old three, the old three !!!" Wang Yuan, Su Sucheng surprised.

"This is the son of my Jienan Tian." Jiannan is holding hands, and there is no dream next to Ji dreams, and the two are excited. "

"My brother ..." Bloody Tian is amazed.

Everyone has unable to cover up.

Just two in the autumn months, it is calm.

"This stupid, the district is eternal, and dares to shoot the teacher." Why don't smile.

At this time, the sword who killed the blood of the blood, has returned to the war fortress.

"Did Wang Yuan, the information of the Devil's Church is ready?" The sword was unparalleled.

"It's ready, all here." Wang Yuan handed a monk to the sword.

After the sword is unparalleled, simply browse, nodded, said: "Let's go to the fire world."

"What to do?" Asked Wang Yuan asked.


The sword is quiet and calm.


The fire community, still there is a void, round back two mainland.

The two major hegemonic temples have also been in the temple, and the Temple of the Temple is still still, but the status of power is far less than before.

Now that the fire is in the green world, it is the magic church.

A huge incomparable castle, in the garden of the castle, a blood burled man is lazy on the grass, his mouth with a mild smile, it looks very good to explain, but serve his dozens of maids around him. It is very clear that this burly man is a horror existence.

Devil's Church, thirteen blood, this blood is burly man, although the strength is only in the eleventh, but it is the most evil.

A bunch of cold winds, I was originally treated with the blood of the bullivian man, the force in the hands was slightly used ...

The blood burled man suddenly looked over this maid, and the gentle smile on his face was drunk, and his fingers were slowly lifted.

Seeing this scene, the woman was bleached.


A knife is directly from the carrier's arm, and she will be born with her whole arm. Subsequently, this blood is burly man grabs the maid's arm, as if the fate is finally biting, eat it directly, eat it, a solution I took this arm directly and eaten.

"Haha, taste is really good." After the blood burled man was finished, laughed, and then the finger was a plan, and another arm of the maid was given.

Then continue to eat.

The servants who served around the surrounding servants did not swear, but they didn't dare to say a saying. As for the carrier who was cut off, it was a desperate.

It is at this time ...


A strange force swept.

This bloodless man's face smiles and smiled, and the eyes showed a shock, and the awareness was directly dissipated.

A blood robes suddenly appeared behind this blood burled man, and the big hand stretched out directly grabbed the blood of this blood, and immediately disappeared again, and disappeared again.

And the surrounding servants, they completely stunned.

They looked at this no-headed body, shocking, but more, but ecstasy!

"Dead, this devil, finally died."

The maid that was smashed by two arms was a laughter.


Above the void, the sword has no double, and it also grabs a head in his hand.

Looking at this head, thousands of strong people coming, the hearts are vibration.

"This is the second."

The sword is not bilateral cold, and the head in the hand is in the hands of the Qiankun, then start again.

Killing, continuing!

The Devil's Church has a total of thirteen blood demon, some of which have been staying within the nest of the church, but there are some of the emperors of the nostalgia.

And now the sword is unparalleled first, it is the 'Emperor'.

Under the absolute strength of the sword, these blood demon gods scattered in all areas are ruthless.

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