One day, the sword is unparalleled, and the seven blood demon will be killed.

This also makes the strong people in the green house more shocking.

You know, one day ... for them, the light is far from the road, let alone the hand to deal with the blood of the gods.

"Next, it is the old nest to the Devil's Church." The sword has no double eyed.

According to the information collected by the green fire palace, the remaining six blood demon gods in the demon god church is stayed within its nest.

Immediately, under the leader of the sword, the many strong people of the Qinglu palace, the mighty margin church old nest.

The old nest of the Devil's Church is in the original Eastern Tang Dynasty, and the Emperor Tang Dynasty.

"The old three, that is, the nest of the Devil's Church."

Wang Yuan pointed to the huge city of the bloody mist, "It was originally the Emperor Tang Huang Huang City, but now it has been renamed for the magic city. According to the truth, this magic city has the blood of the gods, and the whole green circle is no longer dare. Inside, the thirteen blood of the Devil's Church did not know what the reason was in this city, which was very good. "

"Is it?" The sword was unbeded, glanced at the magic city, and immediately looked up, and the magic city is far away.

One pointed out ...


The large array of magic city is covered in an instant burst, and there is no room for struggling.

When the array is broken, the strong people of the Devil's Church in the Magic City were immediately alarmed, and there were countless people.

And head, it is the remaining six major blood demon.


"Green Palace, good courage!"

This sixth blood devil is angry, and the roaring sound is sent.

It can be quickly attracted to one person standing in the front of the green palace.

"This person ..."

The sixth blood of the gods looked at each other, and the heart took a surprise.

Six of the six in the blood of the gods were ranked before, and three of them have reached the chaotic real god, but they will see the unparalleled breath at this moment?

They can feel that the sword is not good, but it is not known that the sword is unparalleled.

"Kid, who you are?" The six big blood demon is asked.

This bald man is the first boss in the thirteen blood of the demon.

"Green Palace, sword is unparalleled." The sword is unparalleled.

"Is you?" This six blood magic gods are all move, obviously heard that the sword is unparalleled.

"Hey, I didn't expect you to come back from the vast chaotic world." The bald man smiled coldly, "The sword is unparalleled, I respect you is a genius, but you go to Wancha Chaos World, what?"

"I came back, I was to revenge." The sword was unparalleled, and immediately fell, and immediately had a head to throw out. "Thirteen blood of the gods, has been killed by me, only leave you six "

Seeing this piece of head floating in the void, the six blood demon gods were still very calm, but it was .

"Betting, you dare to kill our brothers? Good gall!" The bald man was angry.

"Not only they, you have to die." The sword is unparalleled, but the simple sentence is as if it has proclaimed the death penalty of these six people in front of him.

"Hey, don't think that you break the elimination of this seven brothers one by one, it is invincible. Today, I want to wash the green palace, revenge for me this seven brothers!" The head man sent a cold, "together," Killing him! "

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

The six strong breath eruption broke out.

These six breaths, anything is enough to make the green palace countless strong.

It is too weak to the sword.


It is still a word spit out. This time, it is not the oppression, but there is five fine swords in front of him.

The five fine swords are directly swept directly, the speed is fast, and the true gods in front of them are difficult to capture.

laugh! laugh! laugh! laugh! laugh!

Five swords and light, from the eyebrows of the five blood demon, in an instant, the five bodies have fallen.

Originally carried with the sixth blood demon gods that were unparalleled with the swords, they were dead, and only the bald man was left there.

"How can it be?"

The bald man is wide, and it is horrified to see the sword. It is like a ghost.

His heart has also set off a huge waves.

There is no pair of swords. He also heard that the brilliant and record of swords have been unparalleled.

However, even the sword has twisted the Qiankun in the Golden War, but it is nothing to do in his eyes. Killing the world, just as simple as kneading an ant.

So starting, he didn't place the sword at all.

Even if the sword is coming back in the future, it is estimated that it is just a big antity for him. He still doesn't care.

Who once thought that swords were so fierce!

Is the strength that will be strong?

They thirteen blood demon, in front of the sword, as if it is a baby.

"Don't know why I don't kill you directly?" The sword didn't walk out, and there were ten meters in front of the bald man. The cold scorpion was solidified in the head man. It seems like a antity, no, even The ant antity is not as good.

"For, why?" The bald man told Bababa.

"Because I don't want you to die so easily." The sword was unparalleled: "When your thirteen blood devil wandered Dongtud Tang, it was a high-rise, it was you, or you personally Moved hand. "

"I, I ..." The head man is expected to say that it is not possible.

"You know, among the people you kill, have my benefactor, my wife's father, there is ... My brother!" The sword is unparalleled, and the endless angry and hatred.

Old Er Yang Zi Xuan, Tanghuang, Xiao Emily, which one is not with him, but because this so-called thirteen blood devil, the antic antity is dead.

"For them, I will not let you die so fast, I will get to you, one thousand years, 10,000 years, I have to let you live in the endless pain!"

"Try me this trick first."

The sword is unparalleled, but it suddenly has a blood light.

Blood light is like a bloody sun, and when you see this bloody, the bald man is stunned.

Rotary ... rumble ~~~

The boundless prison is coming.

Soul attack secret, 18th complimentary high prison, come!

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