Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1799 behind the scenes

Eighteen Monkey Hell, this is a kind of soul attack secret surgery that specializes in torture people.

If the attacker, the consciousness is not strong enough, it is impossible to resist or can't compete from this secret surgery, that is the endless torture.

This secret, sword is unparalleled in the stage, it is often used, but since it breaks through the ultimate truth, it is extremely rare.

Although it is very small, it has long been able to achieve the ultimate movement of this secret.

Now, waiting for this bald man, it is the torture of the foot of the foot.

"Ah !!!!"

The roaring roaring in the hysteria was issued from the mouth of the bald man. The head man's eyes were already a scarlet, and the whole person was already crazy.

"no no!"

"Forgive, forgive !!"


This bald man is crazy to spare.

With the improvement of the sword, the secret surgery, the effect of the torture is more and more terrible, and now there is no power to show since the sword. I am afraid that it is a strong person in the top of the throne. It can't bear the hell in this secret. Torture, let alone this bald man.

Crazy, hysterical.

Everyone can look at the expression of this bald man in the eyes.

In this regard, everyone of the Qinglu Palace did not have a strong mercy, but there was an unprecedented and excited.

In these years, the Green Palace is too observed by the demon church.

They hate the demonic church, will never be weak than the original golden country.

And this bald man is the boss of the demon god church thirteen blood, he is suffering from endless pain, as for his twelve brothers, it has been all killed.

For a long time, the bald man experienced all the 18th hell tortured all, and its consciousness has slowly recovered.

But at this moment, he is exhausted, and the face has long been distorted to the ultimate, and the eyes are still scarlet.

"Kill me, ask you, kill me!"

The subtle voice is issued from the mouth of the bald man, he has been completely desperate.

He just wants to die soon, so it can be relieved.

"I want to die, which is so easy?" The sword is unparalleled, but the blood peak sword behind him is awkward.


Blood peaks and swings are inserted into a huge giant mountain, put this bald man, the first blood devil, directly suppressed.

As this first blood demon is suppressed, the whole world is falling in a short silence.

But the next moment, it is a drama.

This is, naturally, from the Qinglu Palace, the many strong people of the green palace, the roaring in hysteria at this moment, there are many very joyful.


A lot of figure is also unparalleled towards the sword.



Wang Yuan took the sword with tears and Suiguo.

Others are also excited.

"Dead, thirteen blood demon, die!"

"This thirteen devils are finally dead."

"Haha, great, great, this thirteen blood devil is dead, the demonic church can be destroyed in an instant, and my green circles can restore it."

A large number of strong people have opened their mouths, and they will take endless worship and fanaticism.

You can hear these words, but the sword is unparalleled, "things have not been completely ended."


Jian Nan Tian and others were surprised to see the sword.

Thirteen blood demon gods are dead, the next magic god church has nothing to struggle at all?

Why didn't you end?

The sword is unparalleled, but it is slow to turn around and continue to walk toward the magic city.

Soon, he appeared in the top of the magic city, and its cold eyes overlooks.

"I watched my hand and was killed by me, but I still didn't work. You are really energy." The sword is unparalleled, the sound of the sky sounds throughout the world.

The sound is swept in all directions, but also all corners of the magic city.

If you hear the sword is unparalleled, everyone of the green palace has a lot of eyes.

The most stronger of the Devil's Church is not only the thirteen blood of the gods?

"Is it ..." Wang Yuan's heartbeat.

After the sword has no double sound echoed, the magic city below is still calm, there is no change.

"Oh, still deceived, but also, since you don't want it, I will come out." The sword is unparalleled and smiled, and a faint power of the hand is coming together, but suddenly takes a palm.

Booming ~~~ This palm is quickly enlarged in the void, and in an instant, it is a big hand to cover the sky, covering the entire magic city.

The giant is coming, the big magic city countless buildings, including the cultivators of some of the magic god churches in the magic city, and they are found in this palm.

The horrible power is crazy, swept around, instantly kung fu, this magic city has disappeared.

Instead, it is a huge no-hole, this pit hole is lacquered, and it will be deep.

However, at the same time, people appeared in this pothole, the most of the pit, and a strong breath, like the dragon slowly awakened.

The horrible breath is flooded, and the sky is discolored, and the entire void is covered with a heavy blood cloud.

Subsequently, a evil spirits wearing a broken robe raised slowly, and eventually appeared in front of the sword.

Seeing people, swords are unbentered.

And the strong people in the Qinglu Palace, they were shocked.


During the church of the Devil, there is still a stronger!

"This is very high, and you should have to pass your soul, how do you find this seat?" The villain asked.

"It's very simple, first is the thirteen blood demon, he has reached the real god, but the breath is too much weaker than the same level, and the foundation is fragile, if I have not guess, they should It is been raised to the real gods with a moral means. As for their own original strength, it should be weak! "

"In addition, the most important thing is the big array of Magic City. The big array seems to be in the defending of the defense, but I can see it, the big array is a big gathering. In the array, there will be no more than the heaven and earth spiritual force, and the final location of the gather is not inside and outside the Magic City, but at the bottom of the magic city. "

"Integrated the above two points, I can conclude the deepest place in the foundation of the magic city, there must be a real power, and the thirteen blood devil, but it is awkward, now it seems to be so real!"

"However, the only thing I didn't think of is that this power that controls thirteen blood demon will be you!"

"Tao Yuan !!!"

The sword has no bisector.


PS: Today is 5 more!

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