Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1800 Taoine!

Looking at the evil spirits in front of the robe, the sword is unparalleled, the murder skyrocket has reached the extreme.

Dao Yuan ... This name sword is unparalleled, it will not forget it for a lifetime.

That is still in a long time, the conference of the frost, the emergence of the battle.

At that time, the cold emperor of East Tang Dynasty was controlled. The biggest base card is a national teacher, which is the trip!

At the beginning, the battle was very big. Even the king of the ancient Tan is coming, and until the end, the Daozi exhibition has exposed the teeth, but it is intended to refine the east tang Dynasty Tang Billion billion. Self-strength, ordering Eastern Tang Dynasty to fall into a desperate situation.

In the end, still the sword is unparalleled, don't hesitate to absorb the blood of Luo Zhen Wang, and burst out the throne in a short time, and use the mountain river social map, and it will reverse the Qiankun.

At that battle, the Dao Yuan should be killed by the sword.

But now, this road is active in front of him, and the strength has already reached a new point.

Like a thirteen blood, the weakest is eternal, and even a few chaotic real gods, but these are the tops to help the thirteen booths to help the thirteen.

Create thirteen true gods, this is the strength of the Daozi now ... Even if it is a sword, it is not daring.

"Hey, swords are unparalleled, the time is so many years, we met again." The evil spirits of the robe whispered to the sword.

"You should have been completely killed by me." The sword has no double eyes.

"It's completely killed? Hey, you kill, just just a bloody god that I condensed out." Dao Yuan smiled.

"Blood God is bordered?" The sword was unbrick.

"Hey, talk about the blood gods ..." The Dao Yuanzi suddenly turned cold. "I have been trapped in the battlefield around the surrounding, the strength has been in the most weak stage, I will not be able to recover myself, so I spent a long Years of hard work, it is hard to condense the blood gods that can be free to act, although this blood god is weak, but as long as she can arrange the law, absorb a lot of life, then my own strength You can get fast recovery. "

"Originally, all according to my plan, even even the blood of the blood is completely arranged, who once I want to meet you ..."

"You have destroyed my blood gods, making my hard work and accumulation, the sword is unparalleled, I really hate you, how much I want to slaughter you !!!"

Speaking of this, this Yuanzi also burst into endless murder, but it quickly disappeared.

"Fortunately, fortunately, God is not thin!"

"After my blood gods were killed, it didn't take long. The heaven and earth in the battlefield became gradually began to improve, and it became more and more abundant, so many heaven and earth aura, my recovery ability is natural Large improvement, and not long, my book can leave the battlefield. "

"Haha ~~~ As long as the book is no longer limited, the strength is restored, isn't it easy?"

"As for the next thing, you should know." The Daozi grinned.

The sword is unparalleled.

Next, it is naturally that this Daozi has come to the fire world, and it controls the thirteen blood of the gods, plundering a large number of resources for him, relying on these resources and the gathering of the gathering, this Yuan is still trying to recover Strength, until it is now killed by yourself.

"I have been restricted to the battlefield around the surrounding, the endless years, the strength has never recovered ... This is coming, you should be the ancient power left around the battlefield around the fire industry?" Sword unparalleled Eyes.

"Yuan ancient powerful? , you can think so." Dao Yuanzi directly admitted.

Wen Yan, the sword is unparalleled and nodded.

In this way, it is said.

The fire industry is isolated from the world, and the average person wants to come through the normal means, but not found by the green palace strong, almost impossible.

However, in the sword unparalleled, there are two people who don't belong to the fire world, but they don't know the green palace.

First, it is the ancient king.

Second, it is the road.

The ancient king is the battlefield that is coming through the gap of ancient secrets, and there is already known to this sword.

But the way to the road, the sword is full of doubts, until now, he finally knows, it turns out ... The Daozi itself is an ancient power!

He is not from the world of vain, but from the surrounding mysterious ancient battlefield.

Of course, in addition to the Daozi, there are other secrets, such as the existence of his master.

In addition, there is a arrival of the stars! ! !

The starry sea is created by the Lord of Star, and it is in the green industry?

There is also a king ...

The sword did not ask how to come to the green world at the beginning, but the answer to King said that he is coming with the starry sea.

There will be some special relationships in this side.

"The sword is unparalleled."

The Daozi once again looked at the sword. "I didn't expect it. In just 50,000 years, your strength has already improved to this point, even the thirteen blood of the thirteen, I also finished Destroy, but it is a pity that you are too late. "

"Too late?" The sword didn't have a double look.

"Hey, if you come back early, come back for a thousand years, then I see you, maybe I will be afraid, but now ..." The Daozi smiled, and after his voice fell , Rumbling ~~~ Since him, the stock has been strong to the extreme breath, and instantly climb again.

This speed is very horrible, and it is far more than the category of the thirteen blood, reaching a new point.

And still continue to increase.

The sword has no double eyelid, in which the aesthetic's breath has slowly rises from the top of Chaos Zhenzhen, which constantly climbed to the chaotic real God, and finally broke through this barrier, achieving energy Hierarchy.

In this step, the breath on the body is slowly fixed.

"God?" The sword was still indifferent.

The atmosphere at this moment has been in the high-profile column, reaching the gods level, but just the words of God, but it is not enough to pay him.

"Unfortunately, although the heaven and earth in this green circle has reached a certain level, after all, the genius of the genius has not changed, there is no more high genius, and my strength is only returned. This step, but killing you, it should be more than enough. "

The Daozi smiled and had absolute confidence to himself.

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