Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1801 Terrorism

"Kill me? If you have a god of your district?" The sword did not double cold.

"God Jun? Oh, in my era, there is no god, only pure sunny, the chaotic border, and the realm of my present is the chaotic border." Dao Yuan smiled: "Perhaps the bumper I am quite right, but the same realm, I will tell you that there is how big the chaotic border and the gang gap. "

The voice falls, this is a slight shock, then its body shape is directly disappearing in the void.

"Well?" The sword was unparalleled, and the power of the soul was spread, but it could not find a slight trace of the Daozi.

This Yuanzi seems to be completely disappeared in this world.

On the occasion of the sword, there is no double frowning search, and the voids behind him were broken, then the evil charm came out, a vulgar palm took the endless power to directly arrest, the hand was arguing The broken wind is unparalleled in the heart.

"After you!"

The sword is unparalleled immediately, and it is said that there is an unrecipheral tense that has a dense numbness to extend from him, and the sky is attacked.

It can be touched to the palm of the Daozi, this dense numbness of countless tentacles are all smashed, just like it is ruined and pulled, and then suddenly grilled.

This grip, the direct space is completely smashed, and the spatial crack of more than 100,000 miles is like a spider web.

"Scorpio !!"

"Retreat !!"

"so horrible."

Many strong people in the Qinglu Palace are immediately detonated, and they have a panic and shocking in one.

The power of the Yuanzi, in their opinion, it is enough to kill all of them.

But the sorry, the sword has no double shape, which has already been retired. This big hand has not touched in the sword.

It's sudden to hold the big hand, and it is a fierce loose.

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out!

Five screams, from the five finger pointers of the big hand burst out, in an instant hole wearing the void, appearing in front of the sword.

The sword is unbolded, and the blood peak sword behind him is instantaneous.

"Renovation of swordsmanship, first style!"


The sword is whistling, driving the power of all times, smashing the void, and also breaking the flow of the flow of the five explosions in an instant.

"Oh?" Tao Yuanzi's brow is a pick, and it is strange to read the sword. "Yes, there is a pure sun in the district, which can be simply compared with the medium term of the mix, this power, Even I am not better now, but unfortunately, useless. "

The Dao Yuan smiled faintly. He stood in the same place, but his palm was a sword.

Time, sword is unparalleled only feeling that the space around him is completely imprisoned, and his body has been greatly hindered and impacted.

This feeling is as if he has a strongest secret of the ancient goddess. It is the same as the month. It can be different. Now it is a means to show such a means to attack him.

Booming ~~~ The void was crushed by crazy, and a huge palm appeared in the air, and a huge strength was caught, and the huge power broke out. Want to pincography the sword without bodicultural body.


The sword is unparalleled, and the power of the ancient gods in the body will suddenly rise at this moment.

At the madness of the power, then he only held the sword unparalleled big hand, and also began to tremble.


A flawster, the sword is finally broken, and at this moment, he has completely turned into a high dark golden god, and the eyebrows are rushing, and the blood is rushing.

"Ancient god? Oh, but some thin blood of the ancient people." The Daozi didn't smile.

More than 50,000 years ago, the Eastern Tang Dynasty was shocked.

His blood gods fell, and they were in the same way as the same serious injury, and the king of the trough.

At that time, he saw that the means of the ancient gods didn't be so, just before I didn't want to expose my own book and my own origin, I will install a look of the seven-star ancient gods very fear, but I actually, the district seven-star ancient gods, He is not placed in the eyes.


Dravings echo in this horizon, I saw a giant referring to ancient derived from ancient times.

This point, contains the power of endless ancient gods, and it is the sixth finger of the ancient god of swords, and the Qing Dynasty!


The Dao Yuan is just a word to spit out, the big hand is free, and the sword is unparalleled, the sixth finger collapse.

"How is it possible?" The sword is unhappy is full of horror.

You must know that he has reached the third stage of the ultimate God, discussing the gods of the gods, that is, the interim of the chaotic bideways in the Daozikou.

And the road is now, and the realm is now clearly the level of God (the beginning of the chaotic border), and the strength of each other will be a level, and the sword is unparalleled. This is a gentle way to break. Instead, some means of this Yuanzi, but the sword is unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, I said, you are too late." Dao Yuanzi smiled. "If I have never recovered to the strength of the chaotic border, it is only in the pure sunny level, and you can really kill me. But now, you are still dead. "

"Hey!" The sword was unparalleled, just a cold, and the golden light of the twins around him broke out.

These two golden speeds are very fast, and one left and right has appeared in front of the Daozi.

"This is ... Hong Yu Jinjian?" Dao Yuanzi exposed a surprised color, but he asked his head, "just just imitation of Hong Yin Jian, and can only manipulate two handles, what is it?"

The Daozi did not smile, and the fingertip directly burst two Li Mang, and immediately hit thousands of miles away.

"Don't play with you."

The Dao Yuan did not be patient, but immediately saw a strong experience in his hand, then condensed, then the finger fencing the sword unparalleled.

One pointed out, the sky is destroyed.

The sword is unparalleled to see, and a dark beam is detached from his chest.

The power of this paint black beam contains the sword to felt a heart palpitations.

"The ancient gods, the eight pole hills!"


The eight-seat golden gods suddenly came, formed an eight barrier, and the sword was unparalleled.

But the dark beam is like a devastating and pulling, and it is easy to wear these eight golden horses, and then continue to bombard over the sword unparalleled body.

The sword is unbolded, and it is immediately detached, and the half-rang refers to the stove, and at the moment, there is a clear white point.

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