Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1803 gives me a reason

Last Van Wan Wan, the sword is unparalleled, and the six-star collapsed.

This time, although it is just to collapse two stars, but overall strength, it has immediately improved a big cut.

The two ancient stars have collapsed, and the sword has no big force to skyrocket, and the mainland of the rumble is coming, and the power is greatly improved.

Seeing this changing continent, even if it is a Daozi, there is some subtle change.

"It is ready to be desperate, but only one is like this, but it is not enough." The Daozi smiled.

"Not enough? What is this?" The sword has no double sound, and there is a miserable force in his body.

This power, it is the power of the stars!

Star secret, sword is unparalleled, the killer, suddenly showed this moment.


One of the heavens and the earth, that is, it has been strong, and after the joining of the power of the stars, its power is instantly skyrocketing!

The third style of Jiuzhou India, 100 times power!

The sword is unparalleled, this hitting the sword is unparalleled and even has the topmost of the top of the top!

And that I have been in the past, when I peat that the mainland power of the upper side has skyrocketed, the face has finally changed.

"Seven stars" !! "

"This is the seven-star secret of Qixing Xuan !!"

"How can it be??"

The Daozi is a face.

He has absolute confidence in his strength. Even if the sword is unparalleled than him, he is not in the eyes.

Even if the sword has no double to take out the mountain river society, and the strengthening of the tricks, he can do not care, you can easily resist.

As a second style of Jiuzhou, he relieved it easily.

As for this third style, it is also in his scope, so you can hit it. If it is one hundred times more powerful, it is completely different.

He is the ancient strong, but the strength is still not recovered, the power is too much, and the attack in the sword is totally the strength of power.

And this power, the sun felt a shock.

"This hit, I can't stop!!!" The Daozi has risen a year.

"The sword is unparalleled, if you live, you and I will so, from now on, the well is not committed to the river, I will not kill you one person!"

The Daozi is obviously with a few tense sounds around this world.

"Run!" The sword was unparalleled.

"If you really have airs, wait for my strength to recover, set all the spirituality of all the lives in your green fire !!" Dao Yuan continued to drink.

"Hey, can you live again from my trick?" The sword is unparalleled but dismissed.


The Dao Yuan is in a big change. As the continent is getting closer, his inner stunment is more and more strong, and even a deep death crisis is accompanied.

" ."

The huge arm extends from the Daozi, this arm contains the moisture, lightning, wants to crush the descendant continent.


A loud noise, the two finally contacted.

A contact, surrounding the footsteps of millions, and immediately walked in the endless power storm.

Another huge space black hole, which emerged, and these space black holes are ruthlessly stranded everything.

The ground below is more completely sinking.

On the end, this is a end!

The voids in the battlefield, many strong people from the Qinglu Palace take an unprecedented shock and look at the scenes in front of them.

This scene in front of me is too horrible.

Million miles, endless people crazy jumping, the many strong people in the Qinglu Palace have a feeling, if they are in the range of millions, they will be pulverized by endless power storm.

This surprises have completely exceed the level that the fire world can have.

"Is the Yuanzi, die?"

Countless people murmured, all waiting for the final result.

After a long time, that millions of miles of Shenli storm finally saved, everything dissipated.

And on the battlefield, the two people were still there.

It is only a different thing that there is still a way to stand in the void, and the other, it is completely caught in the bottom of the ground, where the bottom is very deep, barely standing.

"damn it!"

The Dao Yuan is pale, and his body is even more exciting, the wolf is extremely, but at this moment he is tight, and the body is also crazy.


The portals above the void slowly floated, and the sword was unparalleled.

"Under such an attack, you can still die, it is worthy of ancient times." The sword is unparalleled.

"Billing, if I am serious, I am seriously injured, just restore the early days of the chaotic boy, I want to defeat me again?" Tao Yuanzi angry.

"Indeed, if you are the peak state, or the strength restore to the middle stage of the chaotic border you said, I will not have you, but I can't make you, but unfortunately, you don't have the opportunity." The eyes are indifferent, but the pace is cross-out and slowly walks toward the Yuanzi.

A shocking killing, also slowly swept in the sword.

See this, the Daozi is a sharp turn, and the heart also suddenly rose a fear.

In the collision, he has been unparalleled by the sword, injurches, and it has not been able to play a combination of war, and the sword is unparalleled, but the power is still abundant, now this The sword has no double to kill him, it is too easy.

"The sword is unparalleled, we can talk about it." Dao Yuanzi looked.

The sword is not passionate, but the cold voice has been passed, "I want to give money? Oh, give me a reason not to kill you."

"Reason?" Dao Yuan, rapid thinking in his mind, arrogant: "I am willing to serve you, listen to your drive in the future, no matter what you want me, I have no two words, if you don't worry, You can leave ban in my body, or the soul is branded, I will never dare to violate it in the future. "

The sword is unbolded and indifferent, and the pace is still not stopped.

"The sword is unparalleled, you have to know, I am in the peak period, that is, it is extremely resumed, I can give you a huge help, and even help you from this era, it can even help you. Strong. "Tao Yuanzi urgently.

"Oh, you have accumulated so many years in the battlefield around, and play so much energy in the green industry, it is only restored to the beginning of the chaotic boy, and I don't know how long it takes to return to the peak state. If you really have a restore, then if you don't have you, I can stand in this era. "

The sword is unparalleled, and the killing is not reduced.

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