Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1804 Legend

Seeing the sword is unparalleled, the road is in the heart, and the mind is rapidly thoughtful.

Soon, he opened again. "The sword is unparalleled, I know that you are in the blood of the ancient gods, and the ancient gods actually have some thin blood of the ancient people. I have a true ancient strong, and in addition, I also know that there is an ancient strong body in the battlefield around, and I can take you to find you. "

"Ancient? Blood inheritance?" The sword is unparalleled, "Hey, what the ancient, listened, I have never heard of it, I am afraid that you are free to make it out, the purpose is nothing more than I want me to send death," When I am so stupid, will you listen to you? "

The sword is unparalleled, and the sword in his hand is taller.

"no no!"

"I am really true."

The Daozi has been desperately screaming, but the sword is unparalleled, but the long sword has already begun.

Life and death, suddenly a big drink, "Sword is unparalleled, you don't want your brother to live !!"


The long sword of the original fall is awkward in half empty.

And the sword blade is the head of the Yuanzi, only less than half rice distance.

The sword is not double-finished, and the dead is staring at the Yuanzi. "You just, what?"

"Live, resurrection!" The Daozi is connected: "You will be so angry, it is not your brother, there is two relationships that are extremely close to death, yes, they are indeed dead, but They may be able to resurrect, the legend is standing on the top of the heavens and the earth, and some are almost the super existence of the heavens, they can reverse the time and space, resurrect already dead cultivator. "

"Legend?" The sword is not a double eye, "Are you playing me?"

"No, not playing you, in the time of my, there is indeed such a legend, since there is legend, it must have this super existence, and this super existence is that it is easy to die, So those super existence is likely to stay in this battlefield, just fall into sleep, or in a special state, such as Qixing Xuanzong, is a super Zongmen, this one of the top power, said There is an order to achieve this level. "

"And this, etc., is too old, you will be in the future, I am afraid I will not know, but I am different, I am just a small role, but I am special responsible for information collection. Many super strong people in the battle, I know, I can recognize you so that you can save a lot of trouble during this battlefield in the future. "

"And there are many information about that battle, I also know." Dao Yuanzi looked.

If you hear the Dao Yuan, the sword is unbeded.

"Kings, what do you think?" The sword is unparalleled and asked the king.

"Reversible time and space? Resurrection of death? Oh, this means, listening to it has not heard of it, ten eight nine is fake, even if it is true, the opportunity is also ignored." Zhen Wang Zheng Zhejiang: " However, this Yuanzi is a little right. He is an ancient strongman, and it is not a few secrets of the ancient times. "

"As for the strong people of the ancient times, he did not say anything wrong. This ancient battlefield is a huge treasure. Such big treasures, you can't always be placed here, you must go to the future, there is this Yuanzi is, you can save some unnecessary troubles and crises. "

"Of course, all this is you can absolutely control him. If you can't control it, it is a disaster, but also a disaster for you, and even the entire fire world."

The sword is unlucky.

Only a moment, the sword has a decision.

"Dao Yuan, don't resist it." The Sword is unparalleled with the soul of the soul.

See this, the Daozi is not angry, naturally there is no resistance.

Soon, the sword is unparalleled in the soul of the soul, leaving a soul brand.

With this soul, the sword is unparalleled to control the life and death of the Yuanzi.

"Tao Yuanzi, see the owner." Dao Yuanzi fought in the sword.

"Master?" The sword was unparalleled and smiled. The blood peak sword in his hand was directly in order to be a mountain.

"Master, what is your meaning?" The Dao Yuan was very shocked, but it was not able to suppress it directly in the mountains.

After suppression, the place was again designed for the long sword.

And the sword is unparalleled, "" This is really a stupid? He is a strong man in ancient times, and it is now at most enough to match the emperor, or even more than a strong, How is the means, now there is no way, will be convinced to me, but once the strength is gradually recovering, maybe it is necessary to contact the soul brand, when do not say to control him, even if my own life, I am afraid It is difficult to protect. "

The sword is unparalleled. Don't know if the Yuanzi has the ability to touch his soul in the future, but he will never dare to take this insurance.

Therefore, even if the Yuan Son is completely yielding, he will still put it, unless there is a day, he can erase the consciousness of the louder, control it.

Just like the original thunder.

Lei Dynasty, it was controlled by the soul, in fact, it is equivalent to being dead, fully listening to the command of the controller.

Only by that step, the sword is unparalleled to be peaceful, and it is also the Tang Xuan, Tanghuang, Xiao Emily revenge.

However, this Yuanzi is finally ancient strong, and its soul is extremely strong, and the sword is unparalleled to control its soul, and it is impossible for a short time.

"Before you can't control your soul, you still stay in the blood peak sword, as for your strength, hey, don't think." The sword was unpaired.

He will never give any opportunities to restore strength, and even if he encounters his life and death crisis, he will directly drive the soul brand, and then let the Daozi to kill.

Call ~~~ cold wind whistling.

It has been completely calm throughout the world.

After the sword was unparalleled, the Yuanzi was suppressed, and he turned to the green palace.

At this moment, everyone is excited.

Their excitement is not only because the Devil's Church is completely covered, but it is because of the strength of the sword.

Too strong, in the eyes of the green palace, the strength of the sword is unparalleled!

And the sword is unparalleled, that is, the people of their green fire palace, the real Optimus Pillar of the fire.

There is such a super strong, which is a blessing for the fire world?


PS: Today is 5 more!

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