Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1805 Reform

Devil's church, destroy!

In the thirteen blood of the gods, the sword was unparalleled. The first blood devil comes with the Daozi, which was suppressed in the blood peaks, only a few days after the sword, the Devil's church was completely destroyed.

There is no room for struggling.

And I learned about this news, all parties of the fire industry, suddenly jubilant.

At the same time, a name that has already become a legend, once again circulating in the green fire industry.

This name is called the sword!

After 50,000 years ago, it became a myth, and then the sword who disappeared was unparalleled. Now he returns again, and he returns to the demon church with the Thunder's means.

The green fire palace, within the majestic palace, many high-rise high-rise high-level places, and in the forefront is also the most center position, it is the sword is unparalleled. Even his throne is more than others. .

In this regard, no one has any opinions.

On the throne, the sword was unparalleled to take out a Qiankun ring.

"This Qiankun is all some things I have sorted out. There are many guidelines that I have started from Taoism, to Tianzun, Territory, and God and even the God, these guidelines are very detailed. As long as the conditions are sufficient, according to this guidelines breakthrough God, true God is no problem. In addition, there are still many cultivation resources, including many consecutive methods, secrets, cheats, and some pairs, the treasures that can have a huge help for the feelings. "

"Father, this Qiankun is given to you. In the future, slowly guided in the green fire industry, and it is passed down."

The sword is unparalleled, and the Qiankun ring is sent to Jiannan.

Jiannan has taken it, and it flashes a variety of light, and everyone around the surroundings reveals the color of the ecstasy.

You must know that now the green world, single in the cultivation environment, there are all the top ten holy land of the ancient chaotic world, there is no way, in such a good environment, the fire industry can continue to be born in the talent In addition, the surroundings around the green fire industry are a great ancient battlefield, which contains endless opportunity, or you can go to the adventure.

The environment, the body has already have, but the green fire industry wants to be really growing, only the last last, then the guide! !

In addition to the sword, the green fire industry has not been born, but the strongest now is only the Jiannan Tian, ​​the district is two heaven, and it is extremely difficult to achieve this step. After all, it is to blindly explore. If there is a complete guide, it is completely different.

Under this excellent illusion and the machine fit, the next growth rate of the fire world will inevitably be very amazing.

"Unfortunately, I didn't know the change in the fire community before, there is no sufficient preparation, otherwise I will come back, I can find a more comprehensive guidance, and not only from the world, I really want to go to God. There is from the true God of the god to Eternal God, and then to the chaotic real god, even the guidance of the energy can get, and many auxiliary cultivation resources can also be found. "The sword is unparalleled."

With his current strength, if it is willing, forcibly open a big forces are light and easy to get some complete cultivation guidance and some auxiliary cultivation resources, or the place where some genius has a huge help, it is not going down. However, he was not prepared before he was.

"But don't have to be too happiness, after all, the green circle is just how long, I have left these guidelines, it is already enough to break through the strong breakthrough, as for the real god, the guidelines follow the resources ... Waiting for my green fire. When is the world really born out of a true god, I will return to the stars, and I am looking for the main hall. "The sword smiled.

"Now that the magic god church has been destroyed, and there is no threat to the intensity of the power. I will enter a stage of high-speed growth, but since it is necessary to grow, it must be competitive, so the green fire palace ... should also be appropriately changed. "The sword didn't double tapping the plaque, looking over the eyes.

Many strong people present each other, most of them understand the meaning of swords.

Today's green circles, it is completely two yards before it.

The sword is unparalleled to see the great potential to the fire world. If the sword is unparalleled, if the fire community is completely growing, even if there is a chance to become a new cultivation of the holy place, we will be the top ten holy land of the vital chaotic world. Of course Before this, there are still many ways to go.

And any party, or one party wants to grow up, there is competition, this competition is not just a competition, and there is a competition within itself.

The same is true for the fire community.

The sword is unparalleled, that is, to differentiate the strength of the Qinglu Palace, form a large number of factions or forces, and constantly fighting each other, only so, the fire community can grow faster.

Of course, regardless of how the resource struggle is very powerful, there is a premise, which is an absolute authority of the green palace.

Just like the Sorrowfow ... The Shengshi is almost unable to pay off the battle of all parties, and even the one-party big forces can't take the other part of the big forces. If you can take a critical moment, the top of the Shengshi is a happen The parties of the Shengling can unite instantly and fight for the Shengfa!

This is the case.

The green palace will be transformed into a huge substance as the Sorrowfow.

To make the green world, get the maximum level of improvement and development in the next long years.

And use two words summarized, then it is to ... reform!

"Father, Wang Yuan is big, this matter is given to you." The sword is unparalleled.

"No problem." Wang Yuan smiled.

Jian Nan Tian also nodded.

Before the sword is unparalleled, Wang Yuan and Jiannan have the most noble two of the bloody palace, one is the first alchemy master, the strength of many strong people in the Qinglu Palace, all have Wang Yuan's medicinal medicine And the other is the only two heaven.

He two people, the green palace, and even the whole green world, no one dare to afford.

Soon, the green palace and even the entire fire industry, the biggest reform, started.

The sword is no longer asking for this reform, and he believes that his father and Wang Yuan can handle good.

On the same day, the sword was unparalleled, and under the leader of the cloud owner, it came to a special space.

Dark ridiculous voids, only swords are unparalleled with the main two people, and they can be grayful in front of this ridiculous void, and there is also a light beads.

These beads, each of which is extremely important because these light beads are connected to each other, and they are arranged in a special way, and they construct a huge big big array of the surrounding time and space!

This big array is also the biggest reliance on the fire world!

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