Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1817 and explore the wind valley

This ancient battlefield where the fire industry is located, has a very unique space, completely isolated from the outside world.

Like the golden national army arrived, all the strong people in the Golden Guo die all in this battlefield, but they have no knowledge of the outside world, that is, because this battlefield is unable to communicate with the outside world.

Whether it is a message, it is still useless.

But now, the sword is unparalleled, but this battlefield can have communicated with the outside world.

He tailored to the Yuan Dynasty in the battlefield, the latter can be received, the main news of the Yuan Dynasty, he also informed.

"Change, this party's time and space is completely changed." The sword is unparalleled to look up in the sky.

He knows that time and space changes, it should be because the big array of time and space storms, and that big array is the mission of his teacher.

"It is completely isolated from the outside world, but now, at least the communication is not hindered, and I don't know if this is good." The sword was unparalleled.

After putting everything, the sword is unparalleled to go to the huge ancient battlefield around the surroundings.

After a long time, he should spend this ancient battlefield.

The ancient battlefield, the number of strange places, the opportunity, and the danger is everywhere, these are all needed to slowly explore.

And the sword is unparalleled to explore, that is, Yinfeng Valley! !


Yinhe Valley is the first found, and the place is named.

It is also a mysterious place in this battlefield.

Yin Fenggu is a huge no-hole, and from the pothole, there will be a lot of bloody winds and hare, as if the volcano is burst.

When the sword is unparalleled for the first time, it is almost in the bloody wind that suddenly spurted.

At that time, the sword was unparalleled and the king in his body was determined. This yin wind valley bottom, sure to hide the very cold, the treasure treasure, and the treasure hierarchy should be extremely high.

It is very likely to be chaotic god.

But unfortunately, the yin wind valley is too dangerous. When the sword is unparalleled, when the sword is unparalleled, it is deliberate to explore, but it has not really entered the bottom of the valley.

Until now ...

"I have to look at it, this is a wind canal, there is any kind of cat."

The sword is unparalleled to watch the huge painted pothole in front, with a smile with a smile.

He did not immediately enter the pit hole, but waiting for a while, not long, bombing! !

The sky is shaken, and the dramatic roar sounds, and then under the eyes of the sword, there is a lot of blood, and the bloody is ventilated out, and all the world is everything.

After ten breathing, the party gradually saved.

Seeing the bloody and yin wind dissipation, the sword is unparalleled is a waving, and a bronze guard appeared on his side. The sword was unparalleled to give his own awareness above this Tongjia.


Immediately, this Tongjia said that he didn't hesitate to directly plunder into the yin wind.

The speed of the Tongjia Dao Bing came out, and did not suffer any obstacles, all the way to the valley.

When the last sword was unparallled, they did everything in the valley, and they didn't dare to move in the valley. I didn't dare to advance. But this time, the Tongjia Dao soldiers will flip to 300,000 miles. .

Otherway, there is still no view of the valley.

"This yin wind is really deep enough." The sword was unparalleled.

Although he stayed outside the Yinfeng Valley, he can clearly see everything that the Tongjia said in the eyes of all the sorrows of Tongjia Dao Bing.

Tongjia Duty continued to flour, and it was more than a million miles away until at this moment, he saw the bottom of the bottom below.

The bottom of the valley did not imagine the darkness of the dark, but a white, the sword was unparalleled with the bronze trip, and the white, is a jade!

Yes, it is a piece of jade, and it is a volume of income large jade.

The entire jade surface is very smooth, the most important thing is the breath of the jade, the full cold, the full Yin's breath, the sword is only just aware of the awareness of the troops, can't feel thorough, but he I feel that, even if his book is here, it is affected by this extremely cold, a very cloudy, and it is estimated to be.

"The treasure in this can, is this jade is not enough?" The sword was unmarkarized, and the copper armor said that the troops slowed down to the white jade.

Soon, he truly appeared before this jade, he took the jade in his eyes.

"The material of this jade, I have never seen it, what is the jade?" The sword was unimaced.

Such extremely cold, the most yin jade, the sword has no doubles, I have never heard of it.

Suddenly ...

"Well?" The sword has no bumbles, "no, the other end of this jade ..."

The sword is unparalleled to see the white jade, he can see the inner layer of jade, or the other end, there is a white light.

The sword is unhappy and dead, and the white light is finally, he is clear.

"People, that is a person !!!" The sword is unparalleled.

But just in the flash of the white light, the figure covered in the white rays, and the blood is flashing.

This bloody light is like a bloody lightning, and it has been passed through the body of the jade bombardment in the body of the troops.

Tongjia Duty, by the ancient sperm, the flesh is extremely hard, but under this bloody lightning, it is the shreddence of the moment, and even the sinister consciousness of the sword is unparalleled in the Tong Bing. Also, I was already defeated.

In addition to the yin wind, the sword is unparalleled, but his face is a slice.

"Wrong, I am wrong!"

"Tibet in the windy wind, not a very good treasure, but an ancient times !!"

"And I broke into the windy wind, I woke up this ancient power !!"

"Escape, hurry!"

The sword is unparalleled, and it is hesitant and immediately turned to flee.

He is full of unprecedentedness of ancient times.

Especially the power of the other end of Jade, I feel too powerful to the sword.

Just just a look, the copper armor is shred at an instant.

You must know that it is difficult to destroy it in the hard level of Tongjia Dao Bing, even if the sword is unparalleled.

Obviously, the strength of the ancient power is far stronger than him!

The speed of the sword is directly soaring this moment, and it is escaping all the way.

But this escaping, just lasted only a moment, he suddenly paused.

Because in front of him, less than ten miles, I don't know when, there is a lonely photo.

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