On the empty, the sword is unparalleled as a sculpture, and it is rare to show a fear, and die is staring at the figure in front of him.

The man, a white robe is like snow, and he has never contracted a dust. He has long figured, and his hands are standing on the void. No atmosphere is spreading from him, it seems to be air.

However, such a person, there is a pair of eyes, enough to overlook hundreds of millions of sentient beings, and even the world can cover deep eyes.

He stood there, there is no action, no words, but let the world lose the light.

The emergence of this person, the scalp of the sword is unparalleled to completely fell.

He knows that this white robe is proud of the shadow, it is the bottom of the yin style, the person in the other end of the jade, but this person is obviously in the yin wind, and the sword is unparalleled, and it is not right, and then choose to escape immediately. I just fled how far, this person is already waiting for him in front of him.

What is this means?

"The sword is unparalleled, you are very strong, it is really strong!" The sound of the shock and horrified voice also sounded in the sword.

"Still, this is also said?" The sword was unparalleled.

Of course, he knows this person, strong terrible.

Among the many strong people he have ever seen, including the many ancient strong people who have seen, even if it is a star, Dragon Seven gives the sword unparalleled feeling, it can't compare with the lonely photo of this white robe, the only one. If you can compare with it, I am afraid there is only the master of Dragon Seven, the handsome brunette man who has been sleeping in the spirit.

If the beautiful brunette man is awakened, maybe it can be resistant to this person.

I took a deep breath, and the sword was unparalleled toward the direction of the lonely photo of the white robe.

While talking, the sword is also quite licking.

You know, this time, he is indeed a man with a lonely man.

This white robe is proud of the man, obviously staying in the windy valley, or in the treatment, the sword is unparalleled, but suddenly, he wakes him from sleep, and wakes him through ... Wow your heart, the sword is unparalleled, if someone is healing Or forcible when it is closed, you will definitely be anger.

In addition, this white robe is strong and desperate, if you really want to kill swords, swords are unparalleled without any remaining rooms.

Therefore, the sword is unparalleled can only expect the former to be angry.

"Sword is not double?"

With both hands, quietly suspended in the void, the lonely man, the deep look like the vast star, the sword is unparalleled, and the mouth is also slightly shameful, then his right hand is slowly reached, moving towards The direction of the sword is unparalleled, distinguished.

"Not good!" The sword did not change the double-faced.

The first time has a reaction, I saw a road of strengthening from him, and it was the honor of Tongjia, and there were four silver armored.

All the swords that have not been brought together, even though he knows that these Taoists can't stop the opponent, but the life and death, how long is it to block?

His body is madly burning, and there is already a secret of dragon blood, ready to escape.

But at this moment, a horrible force suddenly came, instantly blocking everything around him.

The sword is unparalleled, and the power that has been burned. It is still stagnant, even stopped running, don't talk, I can't do it.

"Can't move, my body can't be completely moved?" The sword was unparalleled.

At this moment, he also clearly induced the strength gap that the other party was completely unsuitable.

The white robe is just a pointer, but he does not have any power of the resistance. He means that it is easy to say next to many soldiers, and finally fell on the sword. There is no pair of swords. The eyebrows.

The sword is unparalleled, and there is no harm, but he finds that his body is a special mark.

This imprint seems to be that the sword is unparalleled, and it is deeply printed.

The sword is still in a stunned, but it finds that the white robe is proud of the man, but the body has slowed down.

Not long after, this white robe is proud of the man disappeared.

Heaven and earth, calm down.

The sword is unparalleled to stand in the void, but it has found his hand, and the back has been soaked by sweat.

"Just that person, didn't you want to kill me?" The sword didn't have a double heart.

The man did not want to kill him, just just left a special mark in his body, and then left.

"Obviously, I am charging him, but he has no half a sentence, no more nonsense, just left a mark in my body, have you left?" The sword is unparalleled, "What did he want to do?" "

The sword is already carefully explored that the imprint is one turned. The print is really a pure imprint. It is only a special way. Whether it is a sword, a unparalleled or a king actually there is no way to completely remove this printing.

This except this, this print does not have any effect.

What do you have a mark in the white robe?

"This person, the quirky!" The sword was unmainted.

Blame, it is really blame.

After the appearance, no anger is revealed, nor, I have never asked anything in the sword, and even a sentence is too lazy.

But he did not kill the sword, but he left a mark in his sword.

Do so, the sword is unparalleled.

"No matter what his purpose is, I have this time, it is a life." The sword is unhappy.

He just worried that the white robe is proud of the man will kill him directly. If the latter really does it, he is afraid that it is possible to show the possibility of the uniqueness.

"This ancient battlefield, hidden secrets too much, hidden strong people also countless, and these ancient strong, even if most strength is underwell, I want to kill me, but it is still easy, like just that is So, look, I am more cautious when I am in this ancient battlefield in the future. "The sword is unwound.

After reading this white robe, the sword is unparalleled to the Yin Wind Valley, and it can't afford to be interested.

Next, he is naturally going to other special situations.

This ancient battlefield, singlely was discovered by the green palace, but because the strength is too weak, there is dozens of special places, there are dozens of, and these places are swords and unparalleled to find out.

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