Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1819 falls!

Ice world!

The Green Piece is a special place found in the ancient battlefield. This is a territory that filled the scope of full billion.

The entire territory is covered by Ice, and the cold is unparalleled.

The cultivator of the green fire palace, found this ice, and some people entered the inside, but the strongest one can only go to 10,000 miles, and they can't stand the horror chilly swept, forced to withdraw. come out.

Long years to now, no one knows what is in the ice.

But today, the sword is unparalleled to fall within the ice.

He is in the ice, only for three days.

After three days later, he left, and the endless streak in the ice is beginning to dissipate, just ten days, the whole will disappear.

So, that is because of the treasure of the ice, a slide that has reached the chaotic Shenbao level, and it is unparalleled by the sword.

After the ice, the sword has come to another strange place ...

The sword has no double alone, and in the whole ancient battlefield, there are many special land, they will sway, search for treasures and opportunities during the period.

And since it is a special place, there must be a special place, every time a special place, swords will often have a lot of gains.

In just a hundred years, the harvest of swords is very huge.

This is the unique advantage of the sword!

It is also enough to make the advantages of countless strong people in the world.

One person, accounting for a big ancient battlefield, no one will compete with him.

All the opportunity, as long as he can find, that is his.

What is the strong people in the ancient chaotic world? They are eager to go to the ancient battlefield, but they can only wait, wait for 5 million years, wait until the ancient secrets are born, but all the strong people swarmed, for the blood flow into the river.

And the ancient secrets have been searched by those topped, do not know how many times, it is estimated that they have turned over the same day.

However, this ancient battlefield, which is located, the treasure is imposed, can be said to be intact.

In this case, the sword has nothing to do.

The time is slowly passed ...

One blink, six thousand years.

A palace group hidden in the bottom of the ground, or it can be called an underground cave.

Here, it is within the ancient secret, in some place in the ancient secret, and this cave, named seven-star!

The palace group of dense Ma Ma, one of which is the palace, and a silver-white hair old disc is sitting there, and his palm is holding a bungner, holding a big array, this big array covered in the palace Above it.

Obviously, he is in the array, and so many years have passed, the ban around the palace has been broken by him.

"Fast, you can completely break the ban." The silver-white hair old man is flashing.

This silver-white hair old man, He is the founder of the star, the Lord of the Star Palace.

He carefully prepared for 5 million years, it was the charm of this palace.

He has intuitive, the charm of this palace, once he grasped, he will have the opportunity to pay the emperor!

Because of this, he will prepare for this for this year and spend so much time.

And now, I will see the results soon.


The slight sound came to the front of the palace, the ban around the palace, obviously had many cracks.

"It is going to break." Star Herong is the main dramatic, and the fareworks in the hand will once again.


The whole seven-star seems to be slightly trembled, the ban on the palace is finally broken.

The temple of this palace is also open at this moment.

"Haha, become!"

Xingchen Palace is big, when the big array he carefully prepared, then he stood up and slowly walked toward the main hall.

In the big temple, there is a virtual, and it is a vast dark void.

In the front of this dark void, there is a star!

An airtight, and complete star.

In the moment of seeing this star, the Lord of the Star Palace suddenly turned away, so he quickly heaven.

At this moment, this beautiful star has also begun slowly.

With the rotation, endless XIOOOS will come to the star Chen Hai, and there are countless sentiments in the main brain of Xingchen Palace.

These sentiments, too many, too vast, Star Palace master immediately absorbed and diges.

However, he absorbed digestion is too slow, slowly surprising.

You know, he has more mystery in his mind, and it is all that he is far from touching.

This is equal to him at all.

At the beginning, these power is not too much. The star of the Star Palace can still barely, but when the power is increased in the speed of several times and ten times, the Star Palace is finally unbearable.

"No, stop, stop !!"

The star of the Star Palace is crazy, and his eyes have become a scarlet.

At this moment, he only felt that his head must be completely burst.

The mysteries in his mind are indeed helping him to achieve the great emperor. But he needs only very little, and a few part of it is enough, but at this moment, it is far more than his imagination.

The object is extremely reversed!

This is equivalent to a cup that can only be loaded with a bowl of water, but the result is biased down the entire lake?

How is the result?

"It's over!"

When the Xuan Olympics in his mind reached an extreme, the star of the Star Palace could not help but laugh, and the heart was also bitter.


A road bombarded from his body, the body of Star Palace has begun to crash rapidly.

He knows that he has fallen.

He is a star of the stars, and if you pay for it, you should get this opportunity, try breaking through the emperor.

He carefully prepared for 5 million years, laying a big array, taking the array, and finally put the ban on the palace to crack.

He also got this chamber.

However, one thing is that he didn't think of it, that is, this is the body ... It is not he qualified.

Don't say him, the second era of now, there is no one in the world, no one has this qualification.

Although it is the same as the strong, the same is true.

Before the fall, the main party of Xingchen Palace will understand this, but it is late.

His body crazy crashed, and consciousness has also begun to dissipate, the Star Palace does not stop, he can do it, it has taken out several entries.

A message is transmitted.

"I have encountered a crisis in seven stars, I am dead!"

"After I die, the sword is unparalleled as a new palace master, after this, the star will be honored!"

"The sword is unparalleled, my star is in the thrill, I will rely on you, Yuan, I am I am I, Nie Yun, you are three, help him."

After the message is transmitted, the sound is completely dissipated.

Star Palace Lord, fallen!

Star's Optimus, collapsed! ! !


PS: Today is five more.

The first true God in the history of the fifteenth volume!

The 16th volume of the war will be launched tomorrow

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