Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1821 Stars of the Crisis

Stars a pulse.

Three swords and unparalleled people appeared within the endless star.

"Qiu Yue, you will take a sword with a sword." The sword is unparalleled.

"Yes." Qiuyue respectfully headed his head, and then he took the sword to the sword.

The sword is unparalleled is the passage of the Dong House, the head of the main hall.

On the way, the sword has encountered some stars and the old disciples.

"That is ... unparalleled house?"

"Unparalleled Temple is not to say back to his hometown, come back so fast?"

"Don't just have a double temple, the front of the temple, the Lord Nie Yun Temple rushed back, is it?"

"Hey, no matter what, as long as our palace owner and a few palaces are still there, then there is no big deal."

"That's true."

There is no tension in the star in the star, obviously the Lord of the Star Palace, did not spread.

An ambient hall, the hall is a vast void.

The four-respecting throne is suspended on this void, the four people on the throne, including the swords and unparalleled, all with an angry and grief.

"The palace master, strength, and stars secret skills, really want to break out the power of the emperor in a short time, how can I fall?" Nie Yun Demon is unbelievable.

"The palace master, how is it falling?" The Lord of the Demonsta is also low.

"The palace owner is falling, I am waiting for the grief, but now it is time, even the cause of the palace owner, it is not what we should pay attention to, we should pay attention to it, it is lost, the palace master is sitting, What should I do in my star? "The voice of the Yuan Dynasty was spread.

His words, although there are some cruel, but it is a fact!

The Star Palace owner has fallen, this is a fact.

But the star is now not able to share the reason for the mainstay of the starry palace.

"My star is in the world's enemies in the world, and when the star of the Star Herong has created a star, and even a lot of killing, there is a lot of great power, there are many excitement, before, because of the palace The Lord is pressed, these forces are unique, and they don't dare to use the wind, but now, if they let them know the news of the palace, they will definitely jump out, and even a bee will kill my star. "Yuan Temple Low deposit.

"And, this is not the main opponent that I am in my star."

I heard this, the sword around the sword was immediately in view of the main hall.

"Before the palace master went to the ancient secret before going to the distant memorial, he told me that my star now is very bad, not only because of the enemy, mainly because of some things in my star, there are many things. People are red. "

"These things, first is the stars secret." The vision of the Yuan Dynasty is solemn, "the stars secret surgery, the palace master is obtained from the ancient secrets, from the ancient times extremely terrible Zongmen seven-star Xi Zong, and this The power of the secret surgery, you should experience it, this is definitely one of the killers of my star. "

"And such a strong and terrible secret, of course, will cause many people's eyes, the palace master said, this secret surgery does not stand a lot of power, and even even the Shenglion, including some The highest level, and I have also been looking for the palace master, but I was rejected by the palace. "

I heard this, the sword is unbolded.

The top of the Holy League?

The highest level of the Holy League is not the super existence of the emperor level?

Even the emperor, the stars secret surgery, all have a greedy.

"Betting, this secret, is the master of the palace, the hardships of the ancient times, that is the principle of the palace master, they also dare to be eye-catching? They can also go to the ancient secret to get a such thing. Secrets? "Nie Yun Demon was low.

Of course, he is here, but it is just a confrontation.

"In addition to the stars secret, I also got a white fruit tree in these years. This white fruit tree value is extraordinary, although it is nothing to do, but it is enough to make a lot of money. The great power is the eye and even crazy, others don't say, single, have three energy, in order to make a big cost in order to make a big cost, and give me a star, get it Many benefits! "

"But this is only tens of thousands of years."

If you hear the main meaning of the Yuan Dynasty, the sword is unparalleled.

White fruit trees, it is indeed heavy treasure.

One hundred thousand years, I brought a lot of benefits to the stars, which is a million years in the stars, and the benefits of giving the stars will be more huge.

Many great power in the world of the vital chaotic world, of course, is still eager to get such a white fruit tree.

"The husband is innocent, and he is sin."

"Because the stars secretly followed Bai Yan fruit trees, I have been stared at the powerful power of the throne, now the owner of the palace, some great power, or some excitement, even if there is no one with my star. Contradictory grievances, once I have a major change in my star, they are afraid that they will not fall into the stone. "

"In addition, my star has a huge potential crisis."

"Is there anything?" The sword is unparalleled.

"This potential crisis is that the sword is unparalleled." Yuan Dynasty mainly in the sword.

"I?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Yes." Yuan Temple nodded, said: "You may not notice yourself, your growth is too fast, your potential is too big, and you are reversible, now just true God, it is already enough With God to resist, the first true God in history is not too, and in this case, if you can get the practice of refurbished seventh step, then make a breakthrough, then Breakthrough, your war should be enough to match the emperor. "

"Once the strength is stable in the middle of the power, the strength will then improve some, maybe it will become the second white emperor!"

"But you have to know that the Chinese Union is not that unity, and the many powerful people will often fight, and the Shengle is not asking for this. Although there are many people full of expectations, but the same, There are also some people who are more selfish, they don't want to see you grow up. "

"After all, a single white emperor has been pressed, and many people have been angry. Who hopes that the Holy League has a second white emperor?"

When I heard the word of the Yuan Dynasty, the sword was unparalleled.

One of the white emperors that can easily kill the emperor, which makes many great great emperors in the Shengshi, and the war is very dirty. No one dares.

Another white emperor?

I am afraid a few people are willing to see it?

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