Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1822 New Palace

The main voice of the Yuan Dynasty is magnificent, and the whole hall has echoed.

"My star has now fallen into the biggest crisis in history. It is not only those who have a powerful enemy who have a great hatred with my star. We have to protect those stars, and the white fruit trees. Forces, there are some people who don't want the sword to be unparalleled, want to kill him in advance! "

"Once the news of the palace owner is spread, they are all likely to be a wolf, and they will flutch it directly to my star !!"

When I heard the main words of the Yuan Dynasty, the sword was unparalleled, the Lord of Nie Yun Demo, the three people in the Demold Temple were all.

"The reason why the Gong Master is so do everything that I want to get the chance of the seven stars, that is, because I have seen some crises in my star, these crises have gradually begun to reveal, so the palace master wants to To pass the opportunity, I want to break through the emperor. Only the emperor personally took the town. The star will ensure worry-free. "

"But unfortunately, the palace owner is falling."

When it comes to this, the owner of the Yuan Dynasty is not compromised. It is slightly shaking.

The sword is unparalleled in the heart.

Especially the sword is unparalleled ...

The Lord of Xingchen Palace is so eager to become an emperor, a large extent, it is necessary to keep him this genius!

I took a deep breath, and the Yuan Dynasty will also follow the mood. I immediately seriously said: "The palace owner gave me four people, according to his orders, from today, the sword is unparalleled is my star. One new palace master, here, I am, Nie Yun, have you have opinions? "

"Nothing." The Lord of the Director and Nie Yun Demon did not hesitate.

The Sword Wushuang Talents Poster is that, ranked by the Heaven and Essay.

And these years are the contributions made by the Stars, they also know that single white fruit trees are the sword unparalleled one.

All aspects make them satisfied, and it is also a dead to appoint before the owner of the Star Palace, and they have no opinions.

"In this case." The main point of the Yuan Dynasty was called, and immediately moved directly to the sword. "Yuan, see the palace master!"

"I am alone, see the palace master!"

"Nie Yun, see the palace master!"

The three temples have got up to the sword.

"Trinity." The sword is unparalleled, and the three will get up immediately.

"In this now, I don't have the feelings. I started today, I am a new palace master, the star of the star, and there are any wind waves, I will resist the first to resist." Sword is unparalleled The sound is magnificent, with a firm firm, then he played with his hands, and the two streams appeared within this temple.

These two streams, it is two burly figures, a bronze tattoo, one is wearing silver tact.

"Palace owner, this is?"

The three people in the Yuan Dynasty reveals the color of the doubt.

"This is the troops, it is coming back, its nature is almost like the war, but they are very powerful, Nie Yun Dian, you may wish to take your strength, try their strength." The sword is unparalleled. "

"Well." Nie Yun Dynasty main.

Just in this hall, Nie Yun Dynasty held a hand with these two trips.

He is first in hand, nature is that ancient bronze troops.

Although Dao Bing is weak, but finally does not know how to kill the means, in the hands of the Lord of Nie Yun, it is easy to hit by Nie Yun Temple once again, but dozens of times, this is a bronze tact. There is no slight damage.

Half rang, Nie Yun Temple stopped.

"Haha, this soldier is quite anti-play, I hit him so many times, he actually endlessly." Nie Yun Temple laughed.

"Try another respect." The sword is unparalleled.

Soon, the Lord of Nie Yun Dynasty was held with the soldiers who worn on the silver armor.

This time, the Nie Yun Dynasty is not too light before.

You must know that the silver warfare, its strength is the level of God.

Even some of the simplest attacks, but a force dropped ten will continue to force the Nie Yun Temple.

Nie Yun Temple has taken all the strengths, and it is still a decision of the section under this Daoji.

"Stop stop!" Nie Yun Temple shouted.

The sword is unparalleled, so that the silver battle armored troops stopped.

"How?" The sword didn't smile and asked.

"Very strong, this battle, no, it is the troops, his attack is too strong, and it has reached the emperor level, such a troops, maybe compared to the true God of God, but absolutely Some top gods must be strong. "Nie Yun Temple said.

The main hall next to the palace is nodded.

Although they have never played with Dao Shou, but they can see the hands of the Die Yun Demoto and the Dao Bing.

"I have to tell three things, such a troops, I have a lot of hands," Sword is unparalleled. "

"What?" Yuan Temple, the Lord of the Temple, the main three people of Nie Yun Demo are all, and they are immediately in the sword.

"The palace master, you say a lot, how much is it?" Asked the Yuan Dynasty.

"First of all, the bronze armor's troops, I have a hundred respects in my hand, as for the silver warfare, the soldiers are less, only four respects." The sword has no double.

He was a hundred and thirty-two troops next to the five bodies, but in this six thousand years, he was in this six thousand years. Also left some troops in the fire industry, truly brought to the star, only one hundred and four.

"One hundred, one hundred and four respects?"

The three people in the Yuan Dynasty were all rumored.

Or is scared by this sudden surprise.

Although the bronze battle armor is not strong, but its strength is absolutely the level of God, as long as there is a four-five to join hands, it should easily resist a true god, and the sword is unhappy. One hundred trips?

Is this not to say that the sword has no more than 20 God's skills?

In addition, there are four silver warfare, and silver wars must have the power of God, and they can easily suppress Nie Yun Demon.

All these Taoists have added, what is a strong power?

I took a deep breath, and the main hall is strong, and I asked: "The palace master, these soldiers, how do you get?"

"How to get it, do not say, in short, these Taoings are now controlled, and they will absolutely listen to my orders. In addition, I also use special way to control a strong, he is now the sword of the sword I am. I was brought to the stars, now on my Sword, what is his strength ... I have to be stronger than now. "The sword has no double.

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