Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1824 is a very common method!

"Yuan Temple, the Lord of the Temple, Nie Yun Demon,"

The sword has no double eyed ring. "The news in the Saffron owner is not completely spread, I have become the new palace, and if you are in some elder faces, you still call me that there is no palace. Just as before, what is the case, how long is the news how long? "

"Yes." The three people of the Yuan Dynasty were respectful.

"In addition, I have an idea now, I don't know if it is feasible." The sword is unparalleled.

"Thoughts?" Three people have seen it.

"Yuan Temple, according to what you said, I am a large enemy of my star, once the news of the palace master is spread, there will be a lot of enemies, that is, the same, that is waiting for them to kill the door, why not Before the report is not spread in the news, my star is all made to give these enemies. "The sword was unblocked.

"You said, first starting to be strong?" Yuan Dynasty mainly.

"Yes." The sword is not a hyper point. "After the news spread out, they will definitely kill the door, and now everyone thinks that the Lord of Xingchen Palace is still alive, there is also a big wick, I want to go to the people. It is, even if it is unable to completely, it can be destroyed, and it can be reduced to one point in the future. "

"Moreover, these people are the enemies of my star, my star is just killing them, and it is reasonable."

"Say it." Yuan Temple is bright, "if it is usually, we will go to kill them, it is difficult to keep these people to mourn, and hug into the group to fight my star, but now, anyway they have morning and evening. Will kill, then you will start, how much it can be destroyed. "

"It's very popular very much." The sword was unless.

"Yuan Temple, this matter is given to you, those large strength, temporary do not consider, we have to deal with, is those who are excitement, first think of the way to have a big enemy with my star If you can't find it, if you can't find it, you can't find it, bring enough remuneration, let Vientiane Tower go to find, and we will not be, we will take all the boundaries of our star. Out, speed is necessary! "

"After finding out, the energy of the energy is handed over to me to kill. As for the real god, I will give it to the Lord of the Temple, and the Nie Yun Temple is two."

"no problem."


The main hall of the Yuan Temple, the Lord of the Temple, and the main three people of Nie Yun Temple will look back.

"Triple, I finally took a sentence, my star has this time indeed reached the edge of life and death, so three acting, be careful, be careful." The sword didn't look at the three temples in front of the top three temples, and immediately waved.


The three temples immediately went down now.

In the big temple, the sword is sitting there, but the eyes are extremely cold.

"I didn't expect my star, there were so many potential crisis, and the Lord of Xingchen Palace was alone, and there were so many pressures, it is really not worth it!"

"But now, the main star of Xingchen Palace, since I became a new palace master, these pressures were pressed on me, only have I am on one day, no one can move the stars!"


This is indeed a wonderful thing this time this time.

Give a lot of rewards in Vientiane, and under heavy gold, Vientiane Tower's huge intelligence machine launched, so soon, they will find one by one with a monetary strong in the stars.

Not long after, a list of excitement is handed in front of the sword unparalleled.

"The Palace Lord, this is this long-lasted year, with my star has a very big hatred, and once the Lord of the Star Palace is released, there will be a lot of strong people who come up in the first time, a total of 16 people "Yuan Dynasty mainly said.

"Sixteen? So many?" The sword was unparalleled.

"More than this." Yuan Demotor shook his head: "This ten six books are strong, just that Vientiane is now found, and some people have already sold hood, they don't know whether they are dead, they are very troublesome. "

The sword is unparalleled, and the enemy of the star is really enough.

Of course, it is not stopped at the stars, and any party is very powerful. It has been in the vast chaotic world. It is almost all the existence of many enemies, while the Star has the relationship of the stars, Xingchen Palace owner has sailed once Therefore, the enemy will be relatively.

"Sixteen strong people, there are 14 gods, there are two, it is God emperor." The sword has no double eyes, "I will start it now, go to kill these strong people."

"The owner must be careful." Yuan Temple is connected, and now the sword has no double has replaced the Star Palace Lord and become a new day of the star.

And this Optimus is definitely no longer collapsed, otherwise the Star will be destroyed, there is no room for struggling.

"I will pay attention."

The sword nodded and didn't have a double.

Of course, he also took the sword when starting.

With his strength, in addition to the existence of the sword, I found someone on the list. If there is no big change, almost no one can escape.

"The first goal, the star odds!"

"He recently from the star of Star, just in the Temanan of the Top Ten Shengdi!"

Booming ~~~

The organic silver ancient spacecraft, in the amazing speed, from the starry star of the stars, all the way.


The Red Dragon Land, under the wrapping of the huge far-age forest, with a black castle.

This black castle is huge, and there is a long last one million miles.

Such a huge castle, the light is a maid, and the servant has more than 100,000 people.

At this moment, a banquet is held in this black castle, and there is a banquet, and hundreds of Mei Ji is dancing, serving.

The protagonist of the banquet is a man wearing a black arm. A series of men must take a few points of domineering men. This person is a star , a topped a famous power in many years ago, although I can't be included in the Supreme Supreme The list, but it is also very close.

In addition to this star odd, there is another two gods in the banquet. The two gods will be weak, but they are not weaker than the appearance.

Booming ~~~ A huge silver spacecraft appeared in front of the castle, a young man carrying the long sword, slowly spanning from the spaceship.

When the power of his soul is swept, everything in the bottom of the castle is in the eyes.

"Well, Cang Yu Shen Jun is also in the seven ?" The sword didn't have a sidebrow wrinkle, but it was awkward.

"No matter what they, dare to block, kill one and kill!"


PS: Today is five more.

The new volume begins, seeking recommendations, monthly tickets, etc.

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